Manifest That Shift

Building a business from nothing to 50k in less than a year

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 10

Text me your questions so they can be featured in an upcoming episode!

Kelly Noble reflects on her journey to reaching 50K in her business in less than a year. She shares the challenges she faced, such as social media fears, abandonment issues, and money wounds.  Kelly also discusses the entrepreneurial wobble and the need to trust in the decision-making process. In this conversation, She emphasizes the importance of following intuition, making aligned decisions, and investing in oneself. Kelly also explores the balance between feminine and masculine energy in business and the significance of building wealth to create more time. She highlights the value of having a support system and the power of hiring quickly to delegate tasks and focus on one's zone of genius.


  • Building a successful business requires reflection on both the challenges and successes along the way.
  • Embodying success and celebrating small wins is crucial for sustainable growth.
  • Challenges such as social media fears, abandonment issues, and money wounds can be overcome through self-reflection and healing.
  • The entrepreneurial journey often involves moments of doubt and the need to trust in the decision-making process.
  • Trusting oneself and the journey is key to building a successful and fulfilling business. Manifestation gives you what you need to be able to hold and receive what you want or something better.
  • Making aligned decisions and investing in oneself are key to building a successful business.
  • Finding the balance between feminine and masculine energy is crucial for sustainable growth.
  • Building wealth is about creating assets that pay for your lifestyle and give you more time.
  • Having a support system and hiring quickly can help delegate tasks and focus on your zone of genius.


Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast

Embodying Success and Celebrating Small Wins

The Power of Intuition

Treating Your Business as a Successful Venture

Building a Supportive Community and Expanding Offerings

business, journey, scaling, feminine energy, alignment, community, social media, money wounds, celebration, decision-making, manifestation, intuition, aligned decisions, investing, feminine energy, masculine energy, wealth, support system, hiring, delegation, zone of genius

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Kellynoble.coaching she/her (00:02.326)
Welcome to the Manifest That Shift podcast with your girl, Kelly Noble, the Quantum Coach. And today we are talking about how I have already reached 50K in my business and it hasn't even been a year yet. I think it's been nine months going on 10. So a part of the purpose of this podcast was to bring you along with me on the journey

building your business alongside of me. And I think you'll be able to take things whether you're already at seven figures and you're feeling a little disconnected or you're brand new on the journey and you were like, I need some sort of guidance. I need some sort of roadmap to figure out how to get from point A to point B. And so we're gonna dive into all of the things that as I reflect back on, prevented me from being able to scale faster.

and also all of the things that really help support me to get where I am now, and also where I see myself growing and scaling so I can get to my seven figure goals quicker. And even though I have not gotten to my goal for the year yet, I'm actually really okay and happy because I did it in a way that was fully in alignment with me and I didn't force it.

and I didn't use my wounded masculine energy to push my way into my goals because that's not what I'm here for. I literally teach women how to embody and harness the power of their feminine energy while utilizing masculine structure to help support them in business. So let's dive into it, but before we do, let's talk about a couple of

things that are happening in my world. We have one spot left for the Follow Your Magic retreat at the discounted pre-sale investment. One spot left and that is going to expire on April 30th, I think is the last day of the month. That is going to expire and then we are going to go to full price so

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (02:24.13)
it doesn't feel in alignment right now, that's okay. We still have spots available, but if you want to manifest 500 bucks, take the spot now. I was reflecting on all of the testimonials from the women that they sent us not too long ago, and I'm just like, pinch me, how did these women literally completely turn their lives upside down, but in the most necessary and beautiful and impactful way possible?

Just seeing the trajectory of where their life has gone from when we initially met in Sedona last October is just so wild. I mean, it's, I'm like, how do I get to be this lucky? Like the women that come into these spaces that are just so open and vulnerable, that accept and love each other and welcome everyone into the space, even though they don't know each other. And the way that they allowed themselves to be seen fully for the first time.

and just unveiling themselves and truly stepping into their power and their desires and claiming it. Like their relationships have gotten better with their partners, their businesses are blowing up. They're on these deep transformative journeys of self where they're shedding old skin and stepping more into who they are. Like it's just so good. So get your spot. If you have questions, let me know. We can talk about it. And then I also have the free.

affirmations bundle, sorry, the free affirmations guidebook connected to the show notes. So go download that. It is the most incredible tool where it's gonna help you identify what are your true desires? What is holding you back from really receiving what you're wanting to call into your life right now and creating affirmations that actually support what you are wanting to call in using all of the different energy centers in your body.

and allowing you to create affirmations that are not doing harm because affirmations can activate your nervous system into fight or flight. So how do we actually like create something that supports us? So go to the show notes and get that. And then I haven't announced it yet on Instagram. It's funny because I was going to announce it. And then I had a client literally dropping my lap wanting to work one on one. So I signed her on, but I'm going to open one more spot since I didn't actually announce it to anybody. So.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (04:49.33)
If you have questions about that and you're ready to like really catapult your business and do it in a way that is sustainable, that has more ease, where you're using your feminine energy, slide into the DMs at kellynoble.coaching and send me a message. But let's hop into it. Some of the things that I want to talk about in my business because 50k for some people might be

For other people, they're like, well, I did more. Wherever that is for you, I want to preface, I created this business from nothing. I had no social media. Literally the beginning of January, 2023, I have receipts. One of the biggest blocks that I felt in my business was social media. I was scared to even show up.

on social media. Before that, I was posting literally, I don't know, twice a year, maybe four times a year, and that was just like personal stuff. I had no community. I didn't have anyone in the entrepreneurial space that I knew. None of my family comes from an entrepreneurial background. Honestly, I was in the process of really releasing a lot of friendships that

we're no longer in alignment with who I am today. Like, I was alone, okay? No community, no social media, no business experience, nothing. So I am pretty effing proud of what I have been able to accomplish. And so if that is you, or you're like, I don't know if I can do this because I have nothing, I'm starting from ground zero, literally.

It is possible. You can do it, I promise. And if you've already created a super sustainable business, but you're afraid to pivot into something that is actually lighting your soul on fire, I want this to be a remembrance that at one point you built your business from nothing, and you can do it again. And the beauty of you being able to pivot into something new that really lights you up is, you're not starting from ground zero.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (07:07.382)
you're just pivoting and switching, you have so much experience that you now get to translate over into this new business. Because I work with a lot of entrepreneurs now that they've already created a lot of success, but they've kind of hit a wall and they're like, I'm no longer fulfilled in this, this doesn't light me up anymore, I'm not that same person. Like I wanna do something different and new, but I'm working in my zone of excellence, which we'll talk about here in a second. I'm working in my zone of excellence because I know how to make a sustainable, successful business.

by doing this and doing it in this way. And usually entails lots of wounded masculine energy, needing to prove yourself, needing to do more, needing to achieve, needing to feel like you have to do something because you made a commitment to somebody else. So many of these things that are making you abandon yourself. So this is gonna be a reminder for you to like, no, you don't have to worry about quote unquote starting over.

your business is going to be so good when you pivot because you're gonna do it from a place of alignment, a new embodiment, a new power, a new sense of self. It's gonna be so good. So, to be fair, the first six months of me being in my business, all in, I should say, it was really me needing to prove to myself that I could even do it. Like the first six months, I...

was fully invested in just like learning my craft, getting all of my certifications, coaching as many people for free as possible, getting testimonials, getting proof of concept, seeing results happen. Everything was totally dedicated to making sure that I was operating from excellence and I had the competence to be able to really create a coaching business. And then when I went all in after that six months, even though I knew 100,

100% in my heart and my soul, even if my ego was loud, sometimes, I knew that my business was going to be successful. But even though I knew, there was still a lot of unconscious programming from years of conditioning, of needing to play small, of abandonment things, of so many other things that were holding me back from fully being able to trust myself. So like I said, one of the first ones was social media.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (09:32.874)
And during the six months of my coaching certification program, we did work a lot on social media. We had a business coach in the program. We were working on social media. So I was dabbling and playing with it a little bit in the first six months, but I would even say now like social media still isn't resonating as much as I would love for it to with me. Like I read some people's Instagrams and I'm like, man, she literally feels like she's speaking to my soul.

How can I create content that just feels so authentically me? So I'm still playing in that, but at least I'm not afraid anymore to like show up on stories, post on Instagram. Like now I'm just in the refinement and like the crafting, the messaging in a way that feels really good. And I've invested also in working with coaches that I love their content so they can help me with mine. So social media is definitely getting better.

but I don't get a lot of my clients from social media. So if you feel like social media is the only way to create business, that is not where I get it. It's definitely supportive. It's definitely helped. I've definitely seen links. And recently, now that I am more aligned with my content, I am locking in clients, but in the beginning, that's not where I got my clients from at all. It was definitely through direct community.

building, like going out and networking, going to events, meeting people, getting into other spaces where people are in memberships and like building genuine relationships. So that has been the key to my success this far. And like I said, I had to start from no community. Like I didn't even really have friends. So like I had no community. I had to build everything from scratch. Most of the people that I have in my world right now.

Like, I haven't even known for a year, but it's wild to say that out loud, as I'm saying it right now, because a lot of those people that I haven't even been friends with for a year, I'm closer to than a lot of the friends that I've had for like 15 years. So everything is possible, and time literally does not exist. Time is created in your mind. You can literally have as much success as you want, as quickly as you want it. I also had to work through a lot of wounds around my voice and having a voice.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (11:53.406)
Social media was kind of a mirror into a bigger issue of like, for so long, my voice has been silenced. For so long, I've had a blockage in my throat chakra. I'm still working through it. If you listened to my last episode, I got this download of I need to speak louder. I need to project more because I need my voice to be heard. Like that came through for me when I did some of my inner team healing a couple of coaching sessions ago with my soul coach.

it's still slightly prominent. Like I can be in social situations and I can hear myself kind of just like start to talk a little softer. Like I don't project and like say my opinions or say the things. And I think that's also where the disconnect is slightly with social media is how do I craft my messaging with tact, but also making it feel authentic because trauma has kept me from voicing

my truest opinions and thoughts, abusive relationships have dimmed my voice, working in toxic corporate settings where I was told that I've been too aggressive, that I need to have more tact, that I need to soften my approach more. Like I've always been told I'm not supposed to have a voice. And even when I do share my voice with some of the people that I love the most in my life, they have like...

totally ignored and neglected and acted like what I said wasn't truthful or relevant or mattered. That is something that I'm working through more, but it's definitely a big hurdle that I've gotten over. Abandonment issues. I shouldn't say issues. That's probably not the right word, but feelings of abandonment were super prevalent, especially in the first six months when I was creating community.

creating workshops and master classes and going to networking events, conferences, abandonment was major. When I went to start the Quantum CEO launch process, I had this conversation with my coach of like, what is actually happening? And I'm like, I'm scared that I've put it out there. No one will come. Like, and it's not like, oh, no one will come. It's, it's, it's like a direct

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (14:18.678)
piece of me that feels broken, like my ego, my soul feels crushed at the thought that I'm going to pour my heart and my soul into something that I love. And I know without a shout of a doubt that this program is going to help change the lives of the women that come in here. And because my business is such an extension of who I am.

If people don't sign up for it, I'm going to be crushed. It's gonna give me so many reminders from my past that this is not safe because you were abandoned in childhood, you were abandoned in relationships, you've been abandoned so much that I can't let my guard down and allow myself to be fully seen in this launch because I'm afraid.

Abandonment probably still comes up a little bit, but again, it's been something that I had to work through as these things came up in my business. I've had to actively move through them. It wasn't again. I probably could have had a higher benchmark so far in my business, but I wasn't just going to shove and numb all of these feelings down so I can get to the next level because that is not sustainable.

Again, my core value in helping my entrepreneurs is creating sustainable wealth with their business. You can will your way for so long and yes, have success. You can go against everything that feels good in your body to create success and money, but that's not sustainable. Eventually you're gonna get to the end of a road and you're gonna be burnt from both ends and you're going to make yourself probably sick like I did, like I was depressed. I was emotionally sick.

Um, and that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be able to actually heal through all of these things. And your business is a mirror. Your business is a mirror to you. And it, it will highlight and show exactly what needs to be worked on. This is why in all of my one-on-one coaching and all of my group containers, working on the unconscious rewiring piece, doing this shadow work.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (16:38.174)
working through these things and acknowledging and addressing these things are so important. Like I literally had a session with a client not too long ago and it was supposed to be business strategy and she said something and I said we can't talk about strategy. We have to talk about this first. If we don't talk about this it's going to consistently show up and it's consistently going to block you. Let's move through it and figure out where this is stemming from.

so we can release it and then moving forward, you're gonna have more ease. Oh, the next one on my list, woo. I'm like, raise your hand if this is you. Money wounds. I know I've talked about this on some other episodes, but.

I thought I had healed a lot of my money wounds, which I definitely have, but again, there's so many layers and then your business just mirrors different aspects. So a lot of my original money wounds stemmed from scarcity because as a child I had to, I had to, we didn't have a lot of money. I had to.

coupons for everything, everything we bought was always on sale, everything was always expensive. I felt like I had to work myself to the bone to be able to earn money like a lot. And then when I like unleashed a lot of that of like, oh, you can just receive money and you can open yourself up and money comes to you, all this stuff. A lot of that healing happened when I was making multiple six figures. So of course money felt easy, right? And I mean, I did heal a lot.

When I started my business, it was because I got laid off from my job unexpectedly. And I have been working since I was 16 years old. I have been operating in Wounded Masculine for so long, and a big part of that was focused around making money so I could survive. I never wanted to rely on a man for money because of what my

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (18:58.23)
like. And I also got taught at a very early age, if you want something, you have to work for it and earn it. Which yes, that instilled a lot of incredible values. And also, sometimes medicine can turn into poison. And for me, it definitely turned into some poison because I would work myself until I was physically sick, totally abandoning what my emotional physical body needed to show up for companies and businesses.

And so when I didn't have any money coming in, especially in the beginning stages of business, it's literally the first time since I was a teenager. And a lot of that started to scream at me, like go get another job, go back to corporate, just go get something part-time. I used to doom scroll and I would spend hours.

when my business felt like it was too hard and I wanted to give up, I would be on LinkedIn looking at jobs. And then that in itself was so depressing. I would look at these companies and I'm like, oh, I don't wanna go back to corporate. I don't wanna go back to having someone tell me what to do. I don't wanna go back to feeding into someone else's dreams and being treated like a number.

I know I'm on my soul's mission. I know I am on the path that I'm supposed to be taking. I know that the big desires and dreams of helping heal the collective, create equity in the world, this is how I'm doing it. It's with this business that I'm creating. But money is not coming in enough yet. And then I would be like, okay, well, let's just look at like a part-time job. And then I'd be like, oh my gosh, part-time you're making like...

$19 an hour maybe and I'm like is that even really worth my time? Like I should just what I would be pouring into a part-time job making $19 an hour. I could be pouring into my business and moving the needle But I would have like ebbs and flows of this I would be like fine and then money wounds would come and then I would be fine and then money wounds would come and then I'd be fine and then money wounds would come and I really had to sit with

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (21:22.838)
the thought of why is this coming up so often? Because if I am being super transparent, I had plenty of money in the bank. Like I have at the time, two years, almost two years, no, at that time, I think it was a year, a year left worth of savings for me to live off of. And that wouldn't even like,

take all of the money out of the account. Like I would still have means like, if we really needed to, we could sell our rental property. If we really needed to like find money in assets, we could, we could lookmify. Like there were other ways that we could help support the business, but that just goes to show, scarcity lives at all income levels. I literally just worked with a woman and she has millions of dollars. And she is-

deeply moving through money wounds and wanting to heal her relationship with money because there's so much scarcity that she feels even though she has millions of dollars. So I want to like highlight that because sometimes people feel like this is a whole different podcast, but people feel like if I just make more money, like I won't be in scarcity anymore. And that is just not how it happens. Scarcity is something that is felt within.

And I will say this, right? There's also levels to that. If you are, we think about like, what is it? Havslov's law of hierarchy. Like if you are without food, without shelter, without water, this is not what we're talking about, right? Like this is totally different. Like you're in complete survival in that space. But you have a roof over your head, but you're scared of not being poured into your business because bills.

But if you left your business or if you needed to, you could move, you could downsize, you could move in with somebody, like you would not be on the street. It's just, your ego doesn't feel comfortable with that, right, like you're like, mm, I don't know, that feels like something I don't wanna do, that feels like maybe I'm a failure if I have to do that. Like that scarcity is completely different than when you literally do not have a shelter over had food in your stomach. And so I really had to sit with,

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (23:50.71)
where is this truly stemming from and how do I move through it? And it was an ongoing process. It took a long time, but I remember specifically being in the shower and like that's where I do a lot of my quiet time, my meditation is in the shower. And I just felt this knowing that it was gonna be okay. I just felt this inner peace. Like I had to create the security within.

to trust myself and to trust in the higher power, universe, god, source, moon, whoever, that everything is going to be okay. And I also had to recognize that, and this was huge, I recognized later in my business that when something else was happening emotionally for me, if something bad happened, if I was going through a breakup with a friend...

Like if something was happening, I was projecting that onto my business. And when I had that realization, I was like, oh, now I know every time I feel like I want to quit, I want to give up, I want to go back to corporate, it had nothing actually to do with my business, but something else deeper underlying that was impacting me. And so now every time I'm like, I want to give up on my business, which I just had right before the eclipse, which I was like, why does this even happen?

like the business is thriving right now, why are we having this thought all of a sudden? It was because there were other things that I hadn't addressed yet and I needed to move through. And sometimes since I do coach and I work in a lot of spaces, I'm taking on a lot of energies, I need to be very conscientious that I'm not absorbing and projecting other people's energies onto my business. So that's why I've started to do monthly or not monthly, weekly.

Goddess Baths, which I talked in another podcast episode where I energetically am cutting cords to people that are throwing some shade at me. Shout out to my psychic, thank you for helping me pinpoint and identify what's happening. And also just other energies from when I'm hosting circles and community groups and all of that. So this kind of ties into like being in the wobble.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (26:13.094)
I call it the entrepreneurial wobble. I want to have a whole podcast episode on this, but the entrepreneurial wobble for me is when you are in the in-between, where you are like, ah, I want to give up. I don't want to do this anymore. It's too hard. Oh my God, it's so good. I'm dancing in my kitchen. This is like the best thing ever. Look at me just celebrating my best life. Oh my gosh, I'm going to give up again. This is too hard. And to be fair, I'm going to throw this out here because it really helped bring a lot of peace for me. I was speaking with a coach.

heavy in the wobble, like scrolling on the phone, money wounds, looking for jobs, all that stuff. And then like the other half of like, no, my business is incredible, it's amazing. Which side note, one of the biggest secrets to my success is, well, maybe I should save this for the second half, but I'm already saying it. I never spoke about my business like it was a little business. I never said this little side hustle, this little business. I never.

unconsciously downplayed how successful my business was. Because success is subjective. Like I said in the beginning, some people are gonna hear 50K and they're gonna be like, oh my gosh, that's amazing. And other people are gonna be like, oh my God, I think that's it. It is subjective. The only thing that defines success in your business is you. So even though when I first started, I had zero dollars in revenue in my business, because obviously I had.

just started, that's where we all start is zero dollars, was I treated it and I talked about it like it was already a successful multiple seven figure business. It was never just this little side hustle, this little thing. People that when I first went all in on my business, I remember a few months later speaking with a girl that I knew and she was like

wait, how long have you been in business? How much money have you had in your business? She was like, why did I think that you have been in this way longer and you've done a lot more? And I'm like, probably because I talk about it like it's highly successful. Because in my mind, whether it's $0 or a million dollars, I think it's successful. I know it's successful. I know the impact that I'm creating in people's lives. I know how my business makes me feel. Like my business is successful. So if you take anything away from this.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (28:37.654)
That's my biggest secret sauce. Because if you got to gaslight yourself a little bit into knowing that your business is successful, then do it. But going back to the wobble, I was talking with a self-care coach because I was lacking a lot of celebration in my business. If I would have celebrated faster, sooner, more, with every small win, quote unquote, there are no small wins, every small win compounds into a huge win.

every win my business probably would have done a lot better but because I am recovering from perfectionism, wounded masculine, you know where perfectionism was a huge thing for me, I couldn't celebrate until I got to the end. Until it was already making a million eight figures a year. Until I was hitting 35, 50, 100k cash months, you know? Like I couldn't celebrate until then.

And I identified with that meeting with that coach of like, no, she was like, I don't care if you get done posting on social media, especially since that's one of your blocks, I want you to just go like, woohoo, sounds dumb, sounds silly. I started doing it literally. Help propel all of my energy into aligning more abundance in my business. All of the milestones, whether I sign on a new client, whether I hit a financial milestone, whether I.

like hosted, spoke on stage, did something, I'm gonna go and celebrate. And sometimes it's a small celebration, sometimes it's an internal celebration, sometimes it's me going into the bathtub and just like vibing and just enjoying. Sometimes it's a nice dinner with my husband, but I'm going to celebrate. And while we were talking about the wobble and like financials and being nervous and all of this stuff.

and I was telling her how I was wanting to go back to corporate and how that always plays in my mind, she said, honey, I have worked with a lot of successful women and I work with seven-figure entrepreneurs all the time. I know women that are in business, they will have their highest cash months quarters ever. Then the next quarter, it doesn't hit the same as it did the quarter before. Then all of this comes through of like, should I quit? Should I go back to corporate?

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (31:04.658)
I'm done being an entrepreneur. She's like, it's a part of the process. Like, you're not growing and stretching yourself enough. It's not kind of like a part of wanting to give up on entrepreneurship every once in a while. Obviously, it doesn't lead the conversation, but like when you stretch yourself, it's a natural thought to have. And when she told me that, I was like, well, okay. Well, that makes me feel a little like less insecure or crazy, I don't know.

So hopefully that's helpful for you if you're finding yourself in that wobble. But to get out of the wobble is you have to be embodied in what you are doing. The longer you stay in the shed-eye, well, maybe, how about this? The longer that you stay in that state, the more disempowered you become and the stronger the wobble and the fear becomes. All right, maybe this is the biggest thing I want you to take from here.

because what I want you to know and I want you to do now, and this happens for entrepreneurs at all levels, I see it all of the time, no matter what decision you are going to make in your business, it is the right decision. I'm gonna say it again. No matter what decision you make in your business, it is the right decision. So whether you decide to take a left or take a right,

It's right. It's going to take you to exactly where you need to be to be able to get closer to what you truly want. This is how manifestation works. Manifesting doesn't give you what you want. Manifesting gives you what you need to be able to hold and receive what you want or something better. Because sometimes we're manifesting things and the universe is like, why are you playing so small?

you're not meant for that, you're actually meant for more. So we're gonna put X, Y, and Z in front of you and it's gonna either have you constrict and retreat, which most people do, especially in business. I looked up this percentage, 25% of people usually fail in their first year of business as in they give up. Or you are going to rise to the occasion and expand yourself through the hardships, through the lessons, through the like, why is this happening to me?

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (33:27.15)
to be able to get you closer to what you truly want or something better. So it might be the quote unquote wrong choice. You're gonna be like, why did I do that? I can't believe this happened, da da. No, it was the right decision. You needed to have those lessons to be able to get to where you truly want. So just make the decision. This is why when I work with clients now, you know, cause this is something that I hear all the time. And if I hear this,

Sure, there's a little like support and space holding and coaching that may happen to ensure that you are making the most embodied decision but it also helps me know if this client is serious or wants to truly work because if you can't make the decision to Invest in working with me Because you're afraid because you don't know what's gonna happen because you want all the answers because all of the fear all of the excuses All of the things come

you're going to live in that state forever. Like make the decision or move, continue to stay where you are. Like it is what it is.

The other piece of me, and this is something I'm kind of just now getting a lot of clarity on because I have been in a mood. I'm like retrograde, eclipse, full moons, I don't know, period, whatever. Hormones. But if you listen to my last episode, I talked about how I was struggling a lot in recording that episode. I was just feeling really blocked. Like I've just energetically

no energy, I've been physically tired, emotionally tired. And I get in these seasons and it's not uncommon for me. I don't wanna call it depression, it hasn't been that severe. But like I've been through depression my entire life where I get like high highs and energy and then low lows. And then I was like, this is my human design, isn't it? And I was sitting there the other day and I was like, I'm a two four, Manny Jun. And so it's the hermit opportunist. So.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (35:32.126)
It's like, when I'm in these seasons, am I really like in these low energetic states or have I exasperated the opportunist portion of me and I need to just be hermit? And in those hermits, and I'm gonna be super open and vulnerable with you all right now, in those hermit times and those low times,

I'm actively trying to break a lot of unhealthy numbing through doom scrolling, TV, a lot of shame too that I hold around leaning into those vices.

But I lean into those and I'm like, okay, I do that because it's something that a is habitual B. It's something my nervous system naturally gravitates to because it's been, it's been something that's been a numbing thing and feels protective and safe for me for so long. This has been something I've been working through for a long time. And this got recognized to not for six months of my business. Well, the six months before my coaching certification, but

TV for me used to be very, like it was like my babysitter. Like it was my comfort. Like I was alone a lot as a kid. So the only thing that I really had was TV. Like I didn't really have anything else. So it's like a very deep rooted thing that I'm trying to break, but it's not serving me. And I know it can be broken, even though it's very challenging, but I have a lot of habit tools. Maybe I'll have to do a whole episode on how to create better habits.

Um, but you know, I've been trying to change the environment, trying to remove triggers, trying to reward and replace all kinds of stuff, but

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (37:22.154)
I was like, oh, in these hermit modes, because again, if you listen to my last episode, I was talking about how I need to connect to more fun. And I'm like, oh, maybe I need to be painting more. Maybe I need to be going out and rollerblading more. Maybe I need to be doing other things that are going to help replenish me and pour into my cup so it's overflowing back into my business. And that's where the creativity is going to come. That's where I'm going to be connecting to my guides. Like

Especially recently in the season of my business. I've been hyper in the masculine a lot of strategy a lot of like back-end systems And that totally pulls me out. We'll talk about that as like my scale to success next but just honoring yourself like if you need a break if you need rest do it and It's okay if it's more than a day because right sometimes we're like, okay I can be like I can bed rot for a day, but like oh, it's been like a week now Oh, it's been a week and a half. I just want to feel better. Da da

but I'm doing the same patterns, honor what your body is telling you. And I promise you, your business, when you can move through that, your business is going to thrive. There's like, you know, when we talk about manifestation and being a magnet, being a magnet for the opportunities doesn't mean we're always like high vibe and like in good energy all of the time, just like, yay. That's not it. You're unconscious rewiring.

the embodiment of who you are, like the, uh, sorry, not the unconscious rewiring, the unconscious programming, the embodiment of who you are, that deep energy is what creates the magnetism. And you can still be embodied in who you are, but still have a week where you're like, why do I feel like shit? So again, all of these things had to be learned in the first kind of like six months of my business. And then after the first six months of my business,

That's where I kind of was like, oh, business is going to get easier. Like I kind of like move through a lot of the big things and like the proof of concept, like, can I even do this to now? It's like, oh, I can do this. It's just now what do I do next? And again, I'm having things still come up now, like the whole hermit thing and like the numbing the stuff when I get in these moods, but the number one thing I'm proud of is I didn't force myself to succeed like I would have in corporate America.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (39:44.502)
because that is a big deconditioning process too that I'm in. And especially since it's something I teach so deeply with my clients is how do we lean into the feminine and receive to be able to have sustainable businesses that still make a lot of effing money because we have big effing missions in the world.

The more money that we are creating, the more that we get to pour back into communities that need it the most. The more that we have a voice to create change, the more money that we have to be able to pour into politicians that are actually here for the people, but they're not being represented because they're not aligned with big pharmen, all of these other huge corporations, like other politicians. Like, again, another podcast episode, I'll stay on topic, but that's just not how I'm gonna do it.

So how did I get so much success that really did feel pretty effortless and easy even though I had to move through a lot of stuff is the number one thing, the number one thing. Because again, I didn't have any business experience. I'm smart, I learned, I read books, I've surrounded myself around, you know, but I had no experience.

was my intuition. And it's still the number one thing that's gonna get me to seven, eight figures is using my intuition.

how to drink a water.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (41:21.218)
From ground zero, having zero dollars, not knowing what to do next, I just followed my intuition. I listened to what lit me up, what was making me excited. The very first workshop that I had, I didn't know how it was gonna happen. I didn't know what I was even gonna do. And then I...

just listen to my heart. I was like, I wanna create a workshop. I want to have women come together. I want us to have a workshop where we're doing the deep inner work and we are healing because in the beginning, that's what I really thought I wanted to focus on was like the deep inner work, which I still do in my business because we cannot bypass any of that to be able to get true change, sustainable change. But I thought that was gonna be the focus. It wasn't business at the time. And...

I went and saw my psychic because I had been thinking about her for months and I was like, I just need to go see her. I went to go see her. She was like, I see you on social media. Like I'm loving what you're doing. This is amazing. And I was telling her, you know, I want to do a workshop. She said, all right, do it here. All right, come to my office. Let's pick a date. Whatever you want to do, you can do it. Like what? Okay. So I had a spot to do it. It was free. I

started promoting it. I had no idea how to do it. I started reaching out to people that I knew in my circle that I have been building relationships with that I wanted to come. I was going to events that felt aligned. I was working through the fear of going to events and being seen using EFT tapping. I was just following my intuition and leading me to where I needed to go. Because again, opportunities get to come to me.

I have the vision, I have the intention, I'm taking a line of action when I'm getting intuitive hits, and then the opportunities come to me. That's how everything happened up until this point. Because the next big thing is, I hired quickly. Even though I've hit 50k, I've invested a boatload of money between my coaching certification programs, retreats, masterminds, one-on-one mentorship. I have…

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (43:36.842)
invested a lot of money to get into that place. But I also know the huge ROI that will come from hiring quickly so I can build the skill sets now because I know that I'm not good at certain things because I just don't know. I don't have the education. How would I know some of these things? I'm going to hire someone that knows and they're going to help me and I'm going to trust my intuition and who I'm going to hire. Sure I've invested in some stuff where I'm like, hmm.

Probably didn't need that, but again, it was the right choice because it still led me down the path of where I needed to go. So I don't look at it like, ugh, that was a waste of money. Like, no, there was still an energetic exchange. I still received a lot of value from that. And look at, it still got me to exactly where I am today. And I'm very happy with everything that's transpired. But I hired quickly.

Even when I had the money wounds, even when I was scared, I remember investing in my first retreat and I was like, oh my God, should I be investing in a retreat right now? This makes no sense. I have zero money coming in. That was like a month before I decided to go all in on my business. It was one of the best decisions I had ever made.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (44:53.17)
I continue to invest in areas that I want to grow. My social media is way better and it's converting clients because I invested in someone that's gonna help me create better content because they know how to do that. And I found someone that creates content in a way that I want to create content. My launch for the Quantum CEO, that 100% was this.

successful as it was because I had someone mentor me and help me every step of the way and hold me through that very activating process where a lot of the abandonment and all of these things were coming up.

that ROI'd really, really quick. And I have now the blueprint to do it over and over. Plus all of the education that I'm investing in, I'm learning and now I get to pour it into my clients. Like it's a win-win for me, but hire quick. Even if it doesn't feel like you can, like to have the successful business, to be the woman that's like, oh, I'm already treating my business like it's a multiple seven figure business is you have to take a line action like it actually is. You can't be like, well, I'll...

I'll treat it like a business that's really successful and has all the money coming in when, you know, I make the money so I can actually invest. Like, no, you have to do it before you're ready. And I promise everything else will start to align. I say that though, with a caveat, it has to be aligned because if you're doing those decisions from scarcity, like, oh, well, if I just invest with someone, they're gonna fix me and they're gonna help and it's gonna be all the problems, like all of the problems are gonna go away. That's not what I'm saying. When you are fully embodied and you have this trust in knowing,

Invest. Make the decisions.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (46:33.766)
I also had a very long launch for the Quantum CEO. Even my mentor, she was like, oh girl, I've never done a launch this long before. Are we sure? It was like a six, no, how long was it? Four months, four month launch? Something like that, maybe longer. And she was like, I was scared that you weren't gonna be all in. I felt like the time was actually gonna take you out of it. Like I would, she thought maybe I was in that wobble.

And I was like, no, I needed that time. I needed the time to feel really, really good about my business. Because a lot of people, a lot of coaches even, like that's why I love my coach so much. They'd be like, no, you can't do that. It's gotta be in this certain specific way. She was like, I've got the framework, but you're gonna lead. And I was like, okay, this feels good because I felt like I still needed to build my community. I still, there were still areas where I needed to build up to make me feel really good about filling those spots.

And it wasn't just about filling the spots, filling the spots with the right people. And so I had a super, super long launch. If I maybe would have forced it earlier, I could have had multiple launches by now. But again, that didn't feel in resonance. It didn't feel good in my nervous system. Nothing. So I, I had a long launch and I had a huge launch. It was really good. I also knew that I was going to start my business as a high ticket coach. And.

immediately when I started.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (48:08.618)
Again, high ticket is subjective, but I work with a lot of new entrepreneurs, established entrepreneurs, and the new entrepreneurs, when I look at their pricing, I'm like, how are you surviving? But you're only charging that because you don't feel fully embodied and empowered in the results that you're creating. I had poured so much into the six months before I went all in my business. I knew.

I knew I got results. I knew I was a good coach. I knew that I was gonna price myself in a way that felt aligned with me. It was a little bit of a stretch. It felt really embodied and good, like.

you know, to work with me, it's an investment for sure. But trust me, I get no complaints with my clients when they get their outcomes. So like, I know that I'm priced according to the results and I'm actually getting ready to increase the pricing again because there's just proof of concept. So I knew that I wanted to start as a high ticket coach, so that immediately got bigger dollars into the door right away.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (49:21.618)
I also.

I'm in the process of now building out my customer journey because I kind of started at like the top of the pyramid. I can have a whole podcast episode on this as well. But I started at the top of the pyramid, right? Like what is the highest investment to work with me because it's gonna take most of my time. You know, they get most of my energy. They're getting one-on-one time with me. Like it's not like a group container or anything else. So now I'm in the process of building out the funnels.

to build a compliant journey to help them get to me. Because if you are so worried about money wounds and living in scarcity, I can create things to help you so then you can make embodied choices and we can work one-on-one together. I also believe and have a huge structure in my business that is based on accessibility. So I truly understand that not everyone is going to have five figures to work with me right off the bat.

So how can I create free, low, mid tier products to help support you so you can begin to make more money? And then again, you can work with me more one-on-one and we can, I just love working one-on-one with clients. I think I'm identifying that now. I always knew I loved working one-on-one, but I think it's like one of my favorite things. So anyways, now I'm building out all of that and that's gonna help increase.

and move the needle more in my business. A lot of the things I'm working on too is passive income and opening, oh my gosh, opening a business bank account. When we talk about money wounds, I met a banker and I kind of already knew in my head, I was like, why am I depleting my savings? This is so stupid. It's adding more stress. A part of healing the money wound also is like, how do I take a line to action? So this is not being impacted on my heart every single day.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (51:15.67)
and I opened a business bank account. So I started separating my assets. Like why are my business expenses depleting my personal expenses? Like that is its own entity. So I got a business credit card, it's got 12 months no interest. I have been investing in more things that I have been kind of like delaying. Like, oh, you know, I really need a new laptop. If you listen to some of my first episodes, I'm always complaining about it.

It's kind of like shutting down, it's not turning on, it's not charging anymore. Oh, I really wanna start working with this coach. I really want help building out the funnels and creating all of these passive income streams, all of the zones of geniuses that I'm not in. Business credit card, business credit card, business credit card. Most businesses take on so much debt to get going. I want like, and even...

Profitable businesses look at like Amazon and how much debt that business has. And trust me, they have a very positive relationship with debt. Maybe a little wounded relationship where it's like excessive, but like, they're not going to allow a little bit of debt to impact their ability to show up in their business every day. So 12 months, no interest at the end of the 12 months. I fully trust that my business is going to be in so much overflow. I'm going to be hitting those 35, 50, a hundred K cash months where I'll be able to easily pay off all of the debt that I'm so grateful for.

but it's so nice because now it's like, that is my business stuff and I don't have to really worry about it. Like just focus on the business and, you know, continue to move money from one place to another place.

The other thing is I never gave up. Even though it was hard, even though I was crying, even though I was in the wobble, I never gave up. And I really account that to yes, myself, but also finding business besties that are actually really like real besties, but business besties that understand the entrepreneurial grind, they understand what you're going through. They were such a support system. My husband.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (53:26.766)
such a support system. If it wasn't for him, I still remember vividly crying in the kitchen and he was like, whatever I need to do for you to not give up on your dreams, I will do it. Like you can't give up on yourself. Oh, it's making me emotional just thinking about it. But to have the support of someone like my husband, who I love so dearly, never let me give up on myself is so important. And if you don't have that support system, like directly in your back pocket,

send me a DM. I will be the first one to always cheer you on. Like I will always, but you have to be open to receive and sometimes being open to receive is you have to ask. And then we're going to go into like feminine masculine stuff. So this is kind of like transitioning into like growth to scale next. And this is something I'm still playing with because

I would love to say like, yeah, I'm fully in my feminine all the time, I'm receiving, I'm like, it's good. No, and that doesn't make sense either. Feminine energy has to have masculine energy. You can be in your feminine, but you still need masculine to be able to be in the feminine energetically for yourself, especially in business. To be in your feminine energy where you're receiving, where you're creative, where you're nourishing your business so it's growing, you have to have the masculine structure so you feel safe to be able to do that.

and that can look like back-end systems, that can look like having a lot of structure in your day, whatever that feels like for you. And this is still where I'm playing with, because like I said, I'm in a very masculine state in my business, in a season in my business, which is necessary and needed, but I can feel the wounded masculine start to wanting to take over, and it's pulling me out of my joy. So it's like, how do I bring back the feminine flow to come back in? So...

to continue to scale and grow my business, it's really finding the harmony and the dance between those two, because sometimes that can be too much in my feminine where there's like no structure and nothing's getting done. So I'm still finding the harmony between the two. I'm also on a point now where I'm hiring a VA. The money from our tax returns, as much as I wanna go shopping and I wanna go on vacation, I wanna do all the things, a part of having healed money is being very intentional with money. It's.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (55:50.286)
is having a relationship with money where you respect your money. It is understanding the values that you're holding around yourself, around money, around your business. And as much as going on vacation sounds really great and I can spend my tax-free fund really quick on that, I'm hiring and investing in a VA because again, to help me stay in my zone of genius and the most energetic, lit up, expansive space possible.

I have to outsource the things that I know that are bogging me down. And I'm in a place now in my business where I am too busy doing things that are not moving the needle and they are not bringing me joy. And maybe if I had more time to craft out better emails or something like that, it would be, I would, but I don't. Like I'm being spread too thin. So I'm gonna, again, hire quickly and hire intuitively to get the support that I need so I can grow faster because...

I'm going to flip, I don't even know what the investment is yet, I'm waiting for quotes back, but whatever that investment is every month, that is going to help 10x my bottom line. I will have an ROI on that because the point of building more wealth, ooh, I'm going to say it again, the point of building more wealth is not to have more money, it's to have more time.

The whole point of wealth and rich and money are very different. Wealth is about creating assets. So your assets are paying for your lifestyle. And when that is happening, you are getting more time. So whether you need to invest in a VA into someone to cook for you and someone to clean your house for you, whatever it is that you're like having as an excuse right now why you can't do something more in your business, hire. And I promise you with that time, you're gonna be able to

to be recharged, be in alignment, to be energized, to be in creative flow, whatever it is, to make you more money.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (57:58.742)
Again, I'm building out the client journey. I have some really exciting stuff coming. Oh my gosh. I have some new programs coming. I have some free offers. I have some master classes coming. I'm gonna be redoing the Quantum CEO round two and it's gonna be better than ever. Like the first round, obviously I learned a lot. And even though it's the most amazing group of women and I love, love what we're moving through.

I also see where I can make it better. So like round two of the Quantum CEO is gonna be so good. I can't wait for the retreat. Actually, I can wait because I'm still, I'm just enjoying every present moment. But like the retreat house is so nice. Creating the passive income. I have a group membership coming. Like I want to be more, I love being with clients. Like I just love like being in people's businesses, like not like your business, but like in the business. I love helping people just connect to their power.

really connect to their purpose, start turning their money into change. Like, I just love being with my clients. So I have a group membership that is coming. Keep an ear out for that. And then increasing some of my one-on-one clients as well, because I do notice that I am the most lit up with my one-to-one and they help inspire other areas of the business. But again, I'm going to be increasing that investment. So if that's something you're interested in.

Let me know. I think that's everything. Thank you for listening. I love you all. If you could leave a comment, leave a review, send this to a friend. I would be so grateful. I also have links in the show notes. If you have questions, I would love to get some questions so I can answer them on the podcast, whether it's about money, money wounds, building your business, business strategy, energetics, whatever it is, manifestation. Put it in there. I'll answer your questions.

I think that's everything. So I'll see you guys next week and I love you so much.