Manifest That Shift

How To Build A Sustainable 7 Figure Business

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 9

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In this episode, Kelly Noble discusses the importance of building a strong foundation for a sustainable and successful business. She shares personal stories and examples from her clients to illustrate the power of addressing shadow work, nurturing the soil of your foundation, and creating a balance between masculine strategy and feminine flow. Kelly emphasizes the need to prioritize self-care, heal past wounds, and trust the process of growth and transformation. 

This episode is your wake-up call to ditch the shaky structures and uncover the hidden blocks holding your business back. Our guest coach cracks the code on shadow work, the secret weapon that could be the missing piece to your entrepreneurial success story.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • Why a strong foundation is the unsung hero of every thriving business (and how to build yours!).
  • The powerful impact of shadow work and how it can unlock your business.
  • How to attract clients and opportunities like a magnet.
  • Why taking a step back to address your inner world can be the fastest path forward.

Ready to transform your business from shaky to unstoppable?  Hit that play button and let's build something remarkable together! ️


Introduction: Manifesting a Sustainable Seven-Figure Business

Chapter 1: The Power of Building a Strong Foundation

Chapter 3: Balancing Masculine Strategy and Feminine Flow

Chapter 4: Prioritizing Self-Care and Nurturing Your Foundation

Chapter 5: Trusting the Process and Being Resilient in Business

Keywords:manifestation, business, foundation, shadow work, self-care, strategy, feminine flow, abundance

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Kellynoble.coaching she/her (00:02.448)
Welcome to the Manifest That Shift podcast with your girl, Kelly Noble, the Quantum Coach. And today we are going to dive into how to manifest a sustainable seven figure business. And this is going to resonate between anyone that is brand new starting out on their entrepreneurial journeys.

all the way up to the seven figure business owner that may be finding some resistance right now in scaling. And this episode was truly inspired by my one -on -one VIP client. Our last session, this is what she said to me.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (00:47.568)
My biggest takeaway is eight months ago, I was afraid to call myself a coach, let alone be able to hold 18 people waiting to work with me in a 12 hour timeframe. So how did we go from, I don't even think I can call myself a coach, build this business, do this.

into literally quantum leaping into 18 people like begging to work with you in 12 hours.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (01:34.352)
It is this one thing. So we're going to dive into what is this one thing that becomes the catalyst into really quantum leaping your business. So full transparency. I don't know how the sound is going to be on this episode because this is like the eighth time, ninth time I've recorded it. I literally can get like 15 minutes in and I'm like, Nope, something is off.

So I had to get comfy, I had to get situated, I had to change my chair, I had to do all of the things. And so I may need to adjust, I may need to move, I'm sitting further away from the microphone than I usually do. And so I just wanna say thank you in advance for if any of those things happen, just like moving through it with me. And I keep finding resistance in recording this episode. I found resistance before even starting, obviously nine attempts later.

And for me, I'm like, okay, is it the eclipse? Is it the energy of me moving through a lot of shifts and ego deaths right now? If you listened to my last episode or maybe the episode before, it was talking about a journey I had around healing my mother wound. I had another really powerful session with my soul coach last week around some inner child stuff.

I don't know. And then it's me building a seven figure sustainable business where I help women unlock themselves so they can unlock their next level of wealth. You know, no biggie, just over here changing the world. Not a big deal, right? And one of the things that I truly identified in my last coaching session was I am repeating patterns from old, wounded masculine ways of like,

Goal -chasing and not creating enough space and time to be in my feminine flow to have fun Literally y 'all I was googling. How do you have fun? like I can't even remember what that feels like because I've been so deep in my business and I will say this sometimes there is seasons in your business where you are just going to be in masculine and it's gonna be in do -do -do mode and and

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (03:58.544)
I want to make sure it's not in my wounded masculine, where it is survival mode. And then, as I continue to have re -recording, re -recording, re -recording, and I'm like sitting further back than normal, I'm like, why is the microphone not picking up my voice even louder? Because I have the Yeti. And I realized, A, it wasn't on, and B, I can see the scale of my voice on the little frame. And I was like,

Oh, is this it? And I think this is it. I think this is why I was feeling resistance and I needed to go through all of these like moments to lead me to this. A big thing that I untapped with my last coaching session, I had to journal for at least 20 minutes to allow my unconscious mind to come through to really see like, how can I help protect my inner child? Like how can I show up for her? Because there was a lot of resistance in her allowing me to protect her.

and I needed to have allow her to have a voice and one of the pieces that came through along many like having fun was I need you I need to know that I'm protected by having a voice because at that time in my life I didn't have a voice and for a long time my throat chakra has been blocked it's been something that I've been working through for the last I don't know maybe two years very consciously and I'm like oh is this it?

You need me to be louder. I need to sit back further and be louder and like really insert my voice like in a, in a physical manner. So yeah, this episode, if the sound is just off again, I just appreciate you moving through it with me because it is going to be a really good episode. And so before we like jump, jump in, let's talk about what I have going on in my world because I have something free for you and it.

I was thinking about it and I was like, oh my gosh, this is so perfect for this episode. I have a free download. It's going to be in the show notes. Go and download it now. And it is a workbook that will help you manifest more abundance. It is going to allow you to truly identify what it is that you desire. Because a lot of the times when we're manifesting, we're manifesting on things that we think we should be doing, maybe because of other people or whatever. So this is all about.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (06:22.032)
What is your true desires? And most importantly, to get to those desires, what are the blocks getting in the way of you truly having that and helping you move through those blocks to really bring it into your life? I had another episode, I think it's the last episode about how to make affirmations that work. It's going to explain more of this. So you can go listen to that episode as you download the workbook, but it also has a whole section on affirmations. I have clients.

And a lot of the reason why I created this was I have clients that are like, affirmations just don't land. Like they're, they don't feel in resonance. They just don't feel authentic. And they usually don't feel authentic because they don't feel truthful and they will feel truthful when we can identify the blocks and create affirmations that support that. There's a whole thing. It's so good. Literally just go download it. Plus it's going to help if you're like an I am affirmation girly like I am.

I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am rich, I am that bitch.

That is great for the root chakra. And when I started learning about affirmations and all of the different chakra centers, I was like, Oh, okay. This is also why they don't land specifically for me because if we are trying to move through energy centers and unblock things like a throat chakra, like I'm currently doing using language, like I speak can be very helpful. So it goes through all of that. Plus there is a really cute download for your phone wallpaper.

because there are seven new language patterns with each chakra system. So it's on there. So then it's easy. It's a whole thing. It's a vibe. You're going to love it. And then follow your magic. Pre -sale is almost over. The end of April is done. And we are only offering one more pre -sale offer for one person. Two women have already snagged their spot. One more spot can be taken at this investment price.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (08:24.304)
and let it be you. I'm telling you, it's going to be so magical. We were, we meet every week for Follow Your Magic and we were reflecting on some of the transformations from last year. The women that attended last year, they're still feeling the effects from Follow Your Magic. The trajectory and where they are in their life, Follow Your Magic was a catalyst that allowed them to collapse time in that weekend.

and show up in their lives in a new way that they did not know could be possible. And I'm not even just like saying this to like put fluff up my butt. Literally, I was dumbfounded when we had our integration call after the retreat. I mean, during the retreat was powerful. And then hearing the integration afterwards of women saying, I need to turn the abundance off in my business. It's more successful than ever. And I need it to like slow down for a second.

Women that are connecting to new pieces of themselves and completely shifting and changing in their businesses now so it's more aligned. Women that have quit their jobs. They are literally living their purpose, healing sister wounds, having deeper connections with other women themselves. I mean, honestly, it's so hard to articulate.

It's just something you have to experience. And if you are ready, you are having this calling of like, I want to go to Sedona. I'm ready for a retreat. I want to be able to lean into my feminine, love myself deeply, work through money and learn how to manifest money, really heal our inner child, do breath work daily, release things that are trapped in our somatic bodies, connecting to your higher self. I mean, so being...

being catered to with a private shaft and all the nourishing meals that will be specific to your dietary needs like literally in the bougiest mansion it's just gonna be unreal so claim your spot i'm also working on one more thing for everyone i'll keep this really quick but i'll talk more about it probably in the next episode when it's more done

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (10:41.168)
but I created the most incredible calendar planner and it's undated. So you can literally pick one up. Well, not today. It's when it's done, but like you can pick one up, start filling in the dates so it can just align with your life in this moment. And I created it because I needed a masculine structure with feminine flow.

to really help me organize and stay grounded in all of the big things that I'm creating in my business. So it helps craft out a quantum CEO day every month. It helps you align energetically with your goals. It has more of a traditional like planner so you can craft out every week, every month, every day. It's so fire. It's so cute also. So I'll be talking about that more on my social media. You can go follow me and I'll be talking about it more. I'll talk about it probably on the next episode or two also. But yeah.

before. Actually, no, let's let's just jump into it. So I had that session with my client, and I want to give some back context on why this was so powerful for her to say.

She, when she first started her business, like she knew that this was her soul's mission. She knew that everything that she had gone through, leaving a toxic tech job, literally everything led her to this point. And she's like, I'm supposed to be a coach. She went through deep certifications, got the proper education.

And then she was like, okay, now it's like, all right, now how do I start a business? And before we can even start with straight strategy, first of all, this girl did not need strategy. She was not ready for strategy. And I'll talk about that in a second.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (12:37.872)
She did not even believe she could be a coach, even though she is a powerful coach. Like I know who this woman is. She is powerful. Her energy is powerful. But because there had been so many layers of self -doubt, not believing in herself, not trusting that money can come into her life, being in a very like toxic hustle culture kind of...

I'll burn myself out and do anything I can, even if it sacrifices my health to make this work kind of energy and vibe. That's not sustainability, right? Like we left corporate and became entrepreneurs so we can create a life of freedom. And when we first started working together, she was working 12 hours every day, like six, seven days a week.

And nothing was moving the needle because it was so out of alignment from her energy and her power that she was not creating any space to be able to build what she truly wants. She was mirroring and replicating her corporate job of being burnt out and having to work and prove herself.

That was also mirroring in a lot of her childhood upbringing of having to like be perfect and prove herself, feeling good enough, all of those types of things, which I'm sure everyone can resonate with so deeply.

Her big mission was to learn how to slow down. Because again, we're not here just to create, to create. You can will your way through. You can throw strategy on anything and create something. But how long is that going to last? And is it going to be fulfilling? I did very similar things to her and I was making really good money in my corporate job. But the more money I made...

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (14:42.768)
Sure, my lifestyle, sure things around me, aspects got easier, but was I fulfilled? Was my soul happy? I was still depressed. I was still crying at night. I may not have had factors like paying bills a part of my mind, but there were so many other things. And so...

Her big pivot was finding the worthiness in just being, finding the power of her feminine flow and being able to slow down to attract. And she was a, she's a manny Jen, like she is here to attract opportunity and she was out there chasing opportunity. And through that journey, of course we were peeling back layers, chipping away at her ego.

doing so much and like creating space.

She's literally attracted clients, increased her capacity to be able to charge her worth. We're still working through some of that, but like we've had literally, I don't know, like several months ago, she like 25 X'd her income.

called in the love of her life by that space that she's created. And even now in that last coaching session, I just remembered she said this, but she was like, yeah, I'm kind of worried because like all of this demand now, I don't know if I'm going to have enough time for myself. And I was like, Miss Ma 'am, I remember when there was a time where you were like, I can't have any, she couldn't even take breaks to watch TV or just like, just take guilt free time to just.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (16:31.824)
and not do anything and like do something silly like watch a TV show. I need to take a drink of water.

And now she's like prioritizing her time. I'm like, this is how it works. We get to work less, quote unquote, and attract more. I'm working less and now all of the clients are flowing through. And the secret sauce to that is building a strong foundation of self.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (17:07.568)
It's almost like if you think about a house, you can have a beautiful home crafted and built. It can be luxurious, it can be lavish, it can be beautiful and big. But if that foundation is not strong, if it's not built to hold what you are creating, it will crumble.

You can also think about it like a garden and nourishing the soil.

Your flowers, the abundance will not bloom unless that soil is nurtured. So how do we do that? So we can have sustainable business that is flowing easily and effortlessly to us. So I wanna give another example of this. I was thinking about it while I was in the shower today. And a lot of you don't know, but I had a jewelry business back in 2020, 2021, and it was birth.

through COVID. And even though I was excited about that jewelry business, even though I built it through avenues that felt connected to me, through some of the values, you know, I wasn't just building a jewelry business for more consumerism. I was really trying to be intentional and focusing on having a jewelry business that was sustainable so that things weren't going into the waste.

jewelry for me, gold jewelry specifically, it makes me feel really connected to my grandmother that I love so dearly. She's literally my best friend in the whole entire world. So even though there were there were there were mirrors in that business that reflected me, I truly was creating that business from ego, from fear.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (19:01.744)
I, during 2020, I'm sure everyone can kind of just like understand how people in general were feeling. A lot of stuff was happening. But it gave me a taste of freedom. It gave me a taste to be with my husband a little bit more. It allowed me to have some space to just like slow down and realize like, I don't want to be stuck in an office all of the time. And I want to be able to create a life of freedom. I want to be able to travel. I want to be able to not be...

stuck in like this very basic average life. Like I was not here to just...

replicate, I don't know, the traditional life. Like I wanted to create something that fulfilled me, that made me excited every day. And the biggest block I had, you know, we did the website, it was a whole process trying to find like quality goods, packaging, so many things that are going into a business. But where I really started to see the cracks in my foundation, and it was kind of like the catalyst that

made me spiral a little bit into my spiritual awakening. Like I needed to have that push over the edge and like really activate me into realizing that something is not right. Even though, you know, the depression and all of that, what really wasn't like, wasn't really giving me the same signs as this particular thing was because it was just, it was just very different. Plus, yeah.

But I remember having to write the copy for my website. My husband built my website and I was writing the copy about like the about me, about why I created this, my story, all of those things. And it was so hard for me to write. It literally took forever. It made me spiral. It made me delay and have resistance around other pieces of the business to allow it to continue. The packaging was a huge one.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (21:04.272)
Literally everything was picked out. The designs were made. Like I had a designer, like everything was like there, but I couldn't just go and like make the selection. It was so overwhelming. Months went by. My husband finally was like, okay, how can I help you? And he ordered it for me. He did it for me. But again, like it really wasn't even that. It was so much deeper than just the overwhelm and the resistance. It was something more. It was something in my shadows and the scariest pieces of me of like, I don't even think I know who I am.

Sure, I can say like, I created this because I wanted it to be sustainable. I created this because it makes me think about my grandma, which were all true. But I was really creating it because I was afraid. And through that fear, through all of that, it really did make me feel not good.

I'm like sitting here trying to like, I haven't really actually thought about it. Like I thought about the story, but now I'm like thinking, thinking about it. And I'm like, the easy, it did not make me feel good at all. And then of course I'm working my job and all of these other things and I launched the business finally and I had sales and it was incredible and it was amazing. But like, I remember even just being.

on vacation, on the beach. I think it was even like our honeymoon. And I used a lot of that time to take content and pictures of the jewelry, of me in the jewelry, my husband in the jewelry, because I was, it was like perfect. I'm like, oh, this is exactly why I created this. Like it's sustainable. You can get it wet. You can shower in it. I can literally just go on vacation and I can wear my gold jewelry and I don't have to worry about it tarnishing and like going bad quickly. And so I took so much content. If y 'all knew how much content I had from,

from multiple, multiple beach vacations with my jewelry that have never seen the light of day because I could not show up. I could not allow myself to be seen on social media. My foundation was not strong. If you know my journey, even last year, January, 2023, I was afraid to be seen on social media.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (23:20.624)
And I'm not saying that social media has to be the way that you build your business. That is not what I'm saying. I just knew for me, I knew I wanted social media to be a part of my business, but I didn't know how to show up on social media. I literally barely posted. And then when I had a jewelry business where it's like, this is how I'm doing it, but I don't feel safe being seen, I had to work through a lot of feelings around shame, around pretty privilege, the likes and the judgment.

having my voice, which is funny because this whole podcast episode started about my voice, all of these things were mirroring to me what I needed to address first so I could have a strong foundation. My jewelry business no longer exists. I think I would start it again, but again, I worked on my foundation. I worked on the soil. I worked on nurturing the depths of who I am.

So now I could totally have that business and have so much clarity and have so much more excitement. I don't have capacity obviously right now. So that will come I think in the future. But when I created this business, there was a balance of the two. So it's not like you have to have like this strong solid foundation before you can even get started. That's not what I'm saying either. Because...

when you are pouring a foundation, you're still allowed to go to the design studio and pick out your flooring and look at your tile and all of the fun things that you want to design and create and put into the home because those have to be ordered early while the foundation is being built and poured and inspected and secure. You can still do both in tandem with each other.

It really is though, just being very intentional and knowing what season am I truly in? So like for my client, we worked a lot on the business energetics to get her foundation strong. So she is like, I got this. I know I'm a bad -ass coach. I know that I am creating a huge impact in the world. I know that my purpose is here to make the ripple of change that I can see when I close my eyes.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (25:44.56)
and connect to my highest self, I know I can charge my worth. I know that no matter what happens, this is going to work. Even when it's hard, even when it doesn't work, even when I have something and no one signs up, that's just a part of the process of being an entrepreneur. Sometimes I feel like people see things on social media and it's like, trust me, the girl that's having 100K months, shh.

She didn't just get there because it was all peaches and cream. Is that appropriate to say? It wasn't all easy. There were struggles. There were things. But what gets you there, again, sustainably, because some of these coaches you see online, they're burning themselves out. They're unhappy. They don't have a healthy relationship with money. And they're just making more money instead of creating wealth. It's a whole thing. That's probably a whole different episode, is having a strong foundation. And that's why I'm so happy.

Another thing that really motivated me to record this episode today is my client posted and tagged me in one of her stories. She is literally going through one of the hardest times in her life ever. A lot of loss, a lot of trauma that has been surfaced from childhood, a lot of illnesses, a lot of injuries. So many things are compounding and layering on top of each other.

And despite all of that happening, her foundation is strong and her business is thriving and she is still thriving. It's crappy. It's hard. It's full of tears, her personal life, but her foundation is strong and she knows she can move through it and she trusts herself to move through it. And she's trusting the process and she's trusting that everything is laying out for her for a reason.

So now in our coaching, we are more focused on strategy. It's like, okay, we've built the strong foundation. Now let's apply strategy. Now you've created the space so we can apply strategy. Now we're in a space where you are creative. You are inspired. You are excited about your business because...

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (28:09.84)
That's where we want to create strategy from. We aren't wanting to create strategy from lack and fear and ego. We want to create strategy from abundance and love and excitement. And so we've been working through a lot of things with really identifying her brand ethos, her brand pillars, again, like the foundational masculine, healthy masculine structure that she...

needs in her business to be able to thrive and stay in her feminine creative flow. We are working on her product funnels and her, sorry, not her product funnels, her client journey and creating products that support that and that are in alignment with her bigger values.

and everything has been aligning to now. She was like, so I sent this email, I don't know, I just like felt really creative one day and I don't know, I was just, I'm feeling in the flow. I didn't even put that much energy into the email. I don't even think it was really that good. But what do I do now? I have 18 people messaging me.

and they are wanting to work with me. They are ready. And I have them funneling into this offer that I mentioned, and I have them funneling into this other offer that I mentioned, but I don't have enough space or capacity for all of them. So I think I want to create this also so we can move them into there and then I can help support everybody. That comes because when your foundation is strong,

You are a magnet! Now that she is so connected to her belief systems of this is possible, this is more than possible, this is happening, I'm making this happen, everything gets to become easy. Now it's not to say that your garden may get a snowstorm, but what happens is you are resilient.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (30:30.768)
And you can move through the winter and you will blossom and bloom again a new, bigger, bolder, better version of yourself.

but to create the strong foundation, this is what needs to happen. And this is multifaceted. So I don't want this to be like, this is the end, I'll be all. There were so many things that happened in the last eight months in my client's life where we had a pivot and we had to move and we were super heavily focused on business. And then we had to really address some other things that were coming up.

It's not this end -all be -all solution. A lot of the times in the coaching space, this is what I see. It's like, oh, well, this is the solution. This is the four -step framework, and this is going to fix all of your problems. No. It might help. Yeah, OK. But we are multifaceted beings, and it is a nonlinear process to be able to get a solid foundation where your life, quote unquote, can be crumbling, and you're having

literally so much transformation happening in your life so quickly you don't even know what to do.

But when the foundation is strong, you can move through it easily and it's not impacting your business is the shadow work. And what do I mean by shadow work? Shadow work is addressing the deep, dark, scary places that we have numbed, that we have avoided, that we have maybe even forgotten about.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (32:10.96)
and really going into the depths of our soul to be able to reprogram.

that operation because that is running the show. Those fears, those beliefs are protecting you because it's needed to do that to get you to this place.

And it's no longer serving you because you are a new person. You are no longer the person you were a year ago, two years ago, 10 years ago, six months ago even.

And being able to go through that journey is not always easy. Yes, it's important to be able to guide and lead ourselves through that. And also, sometimes we need to be in a space that makes us feel safe to be seen in the ugliest pieces of us that we hold so much shame around and be like, whoa, you see me through what I...

have been hiding my entire life and you still love me and accept me, you can still show up for me and care about me. There is a lot of eye healing in the wellness space, like self care. It's all about self. Like you go to therapy alone, there's so many things that are happening alone. And it's also missing the important layer of having community to be able to heal also. This is also why I love Follow Your Magic. It's...

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (33:45.52)
It's such a beautiful space and container for our community to come and heal. And even if it's on a one -on -one scenario, whether it's like a therapist, whether it's a coach or whatever it is, that can really help hold you and see you through your shadows. And then you can build the muscle of like, oh, this is how I do it. This is how I become resilient around this. This becomes less scary. I have had to go through a lot of shadow work.

to be able to get to where I am now. And I'm still going through shadow work because what happens with, I just had this conversation with one of my quantum CEO mastermind girls and we were talking about shadow work in the last session. And she was like, I have to be honest. Like I have been just trying to stay as busy as possible because I'm avoiding the shadow work. I'm avoiding those pieces of me because it's not easy. It sucks going into the shadow sometimes.

The end result is beautiful, but when you're in it, boy, it can be, whew, it can be rough. It can be hard and it can take you out. And she was like, sometimes I just feel like I get through like one layer instead of like really addressing it. And for anyone that feels like that, I want to remind you that the unconscious mind is not only running and operating the show. Like this is why we have to do shadow work because we have to reprogram what our unconscious belief systems are aligning with.

And it harb - like our unconscious mind harbors all of our memories, our wounds, our beliefs, our identity, like literally every aspect of us. And so it is also only going to reveal the pieces that it's been hiding when you're ready for it. Sure, you can maybe bypass some of it when you're doing like an ayahuasca journey, you're using different plant medicines, like you're, you're kind of like -

going deeper and more into it. But like when you're just living your normal life, moving through the awarenesses and the triggers that are happening and your sensations and the feelings that are going on in your body and it's okay if it just happens in layers. Like right now, everything that I'm doing with my mother wound healing, it's happening in layers. And yeah, it may take me out for an entire weekend because I am emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (36:11.056)
And sure, I might not be quote unquote productive in my business those days, even though I had X, Y, and Z planned. I know my foundation is strong in my business. I know that my foundation is strong. So my business foundation is strong. And even if I take a few days away, the world is not going to end. And usually when I create the space either to celebrate and to anchor in really big launches and really big moments like signing on high ticket clients or whatever it may be.

the same way that I take space to honor that, like I want to honor the shadows. That's usually when more of my business starts to come. That's usually when like, I'm like, oh, I wasn't even really intentionally calling in a one -on -one client right now, but here's the perfect soul aligned person dropping into my lap. I would love to work with you. Here's a contract. Like that's just how energetics work.

your unconscious is literally the energy that you are admitting. I heard this, oh, I was watching this, listening to this TikTok. I wish I knew who it was, but she had the perfect analogy. Maybe it was a guy. I don't remember, but the analogy was about energy and like the unconscious is in control of the energy. Consciously, our minds like to think we're in control, but it's not. Our bodies and the unconscious is, and the body and the unconscious is connected.

And it's almost like your unconscious is giving out a specific scent, your energy. And sometimes the scent stinks and you're repelling and you're attracting some people that like the stink. And if we can change our energy, we can change our frequency. We can go into the shadows and really unearth the lessons. That's really all it is, lessons that we need to take.

and alchemize, then we can change the scent. And then the scent that we're admitting unconsciously that we don't even know our energy fields are then attracting the aligned clients, the opportunities, the abundance, the love, all of the different things. So.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (38:40.528)
One of the... so like if you're saying like, oh my gosh, like I don't know if my foundation is strong, I don't know, like that's not the point of this. The point of this is to identify if the foundation has some cracks, that's okay. That is okay. I had plenty of cracks when I was starting my business, this new business. The first business too, but this one, like I've had a ton of success even with some cracks.

The point of this is, and what really differentiates my new entrepreneurs, my six figure entrepreneurs, my seven figure entrepreneurs, is regardless of where we are finding the cracks in the foundation, where we're finding that soil needs to be nourished so the seed can grow, is they are willing to rebuild.

that they are ready and that they are taking the Align Action and Steps daily to fix it. And by fix, I mean love it, to acknowledge it, to release it.

My client that I was talking about that took the eight months.

During that eight months, this woman showed up for herself when it was hard, when it was scary, when it didn't make sense, when the money wounds were screaming at her, when universe kept putting obstacle after obstacle after obstacle in front of her. No matter what, she continued to choose herself and to love herself enough to move through it and continue.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (40:30.48)
to nourish the soil. That is the difference between my clients that are really anchoring in a strong foundation.

and creating the huge transformations like she has versus, and I don't work with these clients and I know who these clients are, versus the ones that are like, ooh, yeah, I'm just hoping that saying affirmations are gonna fix it. Ooh, yeah, I don't wanna talk about my feelings. Yeah, can we just do more strategy?

Like I literally had a client the other day and we were strategy session, talking about Instagram messaging, aligning that with her offers, all of, all of these things. And in the middle of that session, what did she say to me? She said, I have to prove myself. She had an event coming up and she said, I have to prove myself. And I was like, hang on.

Skrt, skrt. Reverse it back one second. What do we have to prove? Who are we having to prove it to?

because you are embodied in this work. You don't have to prove anything to anybody. And that entire strategy quote unquote session turned into an energetic session. And through that energetic session, she literally had the best, best workshop. And she now has connections with two new people in her world that are like heavily.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (42:22.8)
wanting to like know more about her business and work with her. So like more strategy doesn't always mean better results. Again, time and season. I've done a lot of the energetics. I'm in a season right now where I'm like strategy, strategy, strategy. My coach is like, we are in the masculine. We are creating strategy. We are doing all of the things. We are building out the infrastructure, but I'm ready for that. I've built the foundation.

Now I may have a wall crumble and that's fine along the way and I need to pour more into the energetics piece, but my foundation again is strong. Even if a wall is crumbling, I know that...

I will still be held, even if it means I have to step away from my business, even if in the 3D world the environment doesn't look like that. Like I know that I am capable of moving through whatever is gonna come my way.

So a couple of questions that you can ask yourself is when you are running into the shadow, and again, the download that I mentioned in the beginning, this may help spark some of this conversation within self, but when some of these things are coming up, these blocks, these resistances, you're feeling your ego, like being overwhelmed and like preventing you from showing up the way that you really want to, that's usually the biggest like sign of like, I know that I should be doing this and.

I wanna be doing this and like, why isn't it feeling easy right now? Like when you start feeling that, that's your shadow wanting to talk to you. So it's time to say, okay, I hear you. Thank you. Let's talk.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (44:00.432)
is start asking your questions like, why are you trying to protect me?

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (44:09.392)
What do you need to feel safe and supported so we can move through this?

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (44:19.6)
How can I commit to you so you feel safe and allowing us to move through this?

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (44:29.826)

How much longer am I gonna allow this to control me? Just a few questions. Again, download the book. And I love you guys. Thank you for moving through any of the chaos you may have heard with the sound.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (44:54.032)
Download the free offer. You're gonna love it. It's gonna help spark so much. I also added a link in the show notes for any of your questions. So if you have questions about manifestation, about business strategy, about business energetics, whatever it may be, throw it in there so I can start answering some of these on the podcast. I am so excited to do that. Submit your questions and...

If you are kind of in that state right now where you're like, Ooh, I can feel the resistance. Like everything was flowing smoothly in my business. And then all of a sudden, just something does not feel aligned anymore. I'm really like capped. Like my goal is seven figures, but I'm stuck at six. Everything was easy up until this point, but now something, something I've been doing the work. I don't know what it is. Book a quantum breakthrough call with me.

I'll put that in the show notes also. I've literally just got done working with a client and oh my gosh, actually a couple clients and literally the biggest transformations and shifts. Oh my gosh, it's been amazing. But we basically will work through the energetic piece so then we can fully become aligned with the proper strategy to help support the transition into what you really should be creating and want to be creating and what.

the new step for you and your business is meant to be creating because you're probably finding resistance because there's some sort of disconnect. Look, one of those, it's gonna be so good. Follow me on Instagram at kellynoble .coaching, send this to a friend, like it, review it. It helps me, it helps the podcast, have a bigger reach to other people that would love to be in my world. And I love y 'all, until next week.

next Thursday.