Manifest That Shift

Create Affirmations That Work

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 8

Text me your questions so they can be featured in an upcoming episode!

Ready to take your manifesting practice to the next level?  In this episode, Kelly Noble discusses aligning affirmations with unconscious beliefs and the role of the nervous system in manifestation. Kelly provides journal prompts and affirmation techniques to help listeners rewrite their reality. She also explores the connection between gratitude and abundance and introduces the concept of using chakra systems in affirmations. 

  • Reprogram your affirmations for success: Learn why standard affirmations often fall flat and how to craft personalized statements that resonate with your "I Am" energy.
  • Align affirmations with unconscious beliefs to create lasting change.
  • Consider the influence of the nervous system on manifestation.
  • Explore the use of chakra systems in affirmations for amplified results.
  • (Bonus!) Access exclusive free resources! Kelly offers a downloadable PDF packed with journal prompts and chakra-powered affirmations to jump-start your manifesting journey. Download here!!!

Download here!!!

Introduction and Updates

The Power of Affirmations

The Influence of Unconscious Beliefs

The Role of the Nervous System

Journal Prompts and Affirmation Magic

Using Chakra Systems in Affirmations

Amplifying Affirmations with the Quantum Breakthrough

Conclusion and Call to Action

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@kellynoble.coaching (00:00.86)
Hello, my quantum queens. Welcome back to another episode of Manifest That Shift with your girl, Kelly Noble, the quantum coach. And I am so excited for this episode because it's been a conversation that has been happening over and over with people that I see online, with people like that I'm coaching right now. And so when I see all of those synchronicities, I'm like, okay, girl.

A, we need to talk about it on the podcast and then B, I have something special for you also. So before we jump in, I wanna tell you a little bit about what's happening in my world right now. I am so stinking excited because every single week we are having our meetings for the Follow Your Magic retreat and magic is being made. We have our retreat coming up in October. I don't know why I always forget the dates. I'll put it in the show notes. I'll link the website.

But it's in October, it literally lands on a full moon. So we're going to have a full moon ceremony. We're going to be doing all of the deep inner work. We're going to be healing sister wounds and loving ourselves deeply. We're going to have breath work every day. We're going to talk about money, increasing wealth and mindfulness and somatic work.

What else? Like all of the things, connecting to your higher self, all of the things that I just like love so much. On top of it, of course, being in a very expansive mansion in Sedona with all of yous and just being in a vortex of just energy, it's going to be life -changing. So every single week, we like talk more and more about it, the more and more excited I get. So I'm gonna leave the website for you guys to go and check out. I would love to see one of you there. If you...

like, oh my gosh, I would love this opportunity. I have questions, slide into my DMs. I'm so happy to answer that on Instagram at Kelly Noble dot coaching. It is an investment and I would be surprised if you didn't have questions. And the only way that we can really come to an embodied choice is if we have all of our questions answered by a source that can provide it. So happy to answer anything for you.

@kellynoble.coaching (02:14.78)
And then also I have the quantum breakthrough, which is just already so successful. I'm so happy that I launched this. It is perfect for the person in business that is just like feeling this block. You're like, why am I continuing to plateau? Like I'm at the 10K months, but why are they just not hitting consistently? Or I...

have been pouring into my business and it's been working and it's been great. I've like created a multiple six figure business doing this thing, but I'm feeling empty all of a sudden. What is going on? Why did I go from loving my business to all of a sudden not? Well, there's probably like something underlying happening energetically. And so we tap in, we unearth that block, we take the lessons, we move through it, we reprogram your unconscious.

And then with all of this newfound clarity in our next session, then we get to have fun and play in your business and lay out the next steps so you can transition into your business and have your business grow the same way you just did. It's been so successful. I'm obsessed with it. It's amazing. I also am feeling really called to opening up my one -on -one coaching. This is...

very different than the quantum breakthrough. This is like a long -term journey together where we are like completely shifting and changing the identity of who you are, your belief systems, your programming at an unconscious level, working with the body to be able to completely pivot and step into this new woman. So like your business can mirror who you are.

allowing you to step back more deeply into your feminine energy, allowing life to feel easier, just loving yourself, like really finding like the truth and back, coming back home to who you are authentically, because that baby girl is magnetic. So I'm thinking about opening that up. I'll leave that for you to slide into my DMs if you're curious about it. I haven't like talked about it to the public yet, but I don't know. I just, I literally didn't know I was going to say that before this call, but I'm like,

@kellynoble.coaching (04:30.364)
I'm saying it. So let's hop into the juiciness of this episode because I have been like super busy. If you've been on my Instagram, I've probably been like in and out, not really like showing up consistently and all of the things, right? Because I've been just pouring into the back end of my business.

And I think in one of my other episodes, I was telling you about how I was getting really crystal clear about what my intention is for this year, because as a manifesting generator, as just an entrepreneur, as a visionary leader, I have all of these ideas and it can get overwhelming when you have so many things you don't know where to execute. And when I sat with that, after my mentor said it, I was like, okay, what is the one thing? Passive income. And...

So a lot of back end systems are happening. I hired a coach. She's amazing. She's like, this is her bread and butter. She's been helping me, but like, I'm not a systems kind of girly. That's not where my mind goes, but I've been working on all of that. And within some of that process, I created a new freebie for you that is all about affirmations because there's a lot of miss.

conceptions about affirmations. And if you're going to be doing affirmations, I want you to actually get results from them. I have had so many conversations with clients online, or my clients and then online. I have a friend I love her to death and she does her affirmations in the mirror like on her stories and it's so freaking beautiful. And then I was like, okay, I'm noticing that all of them are I am.

I am, I am, I am, which is great for the root chakra for grounding you in, but I'm like, what about all of the other chakras? What about all of the other spaces within our energy centers that we could be like doing these same affirmations and they're more amplified? And if we have certain blocks, like we can start focusing those affirmations to help clear those blocks. But the biggest thing that I have with my clients that we've had conversations around is,

@kellynoble.coaching (06:42.556)
Affirmations just don't like vibe with me. There's something that doesn't feel authentic when I say them like there's just a disconnect which is wild because when I do say them like I do feel good and Yet, I don't know. They're just not landing and then I had another recent conversation with a woman that booked a discovery call with me and She was you know, she's very similar. She's like I'm doing all of the things I I do the self -care I go to the gym I do my affirmations and yet there's

still like not hitting like I get this temporary kind of feel good feeling but where's the lasting change? And when we think about the unconscious mind and the potency and power of your words and your thoughts hold such a strong frequency we need to be so intentional with what we are saying to ourselves and if we are also saying quote unquote

positive things like, I am a millionaire. I've built a multiple seven figure, eight figure business. If for any reason you're saying that and consciously you're like, yeah, absolutely. We're doing this. But at an unconscious level, your belief systems, your reticular activating system, I talk about like all of this kind of stuff in my last episode about manifestation, like the one on one manifesting one on one. If that's enough,

truly align with the words you're saying, you can actually be doing more harm than good. It can be stimulating your fight or flight system, and your unconscious beliefs will always win and overpower whatever you believe to be true consciously. I'm gonna say that one again. Your unconscious mind will always win over your conscious mind.

So if consciously you're like, yeah, I'm a millionaire. I have a million dollar business. This is awesome. But deep down inside your unconscious is like, no, you don't girl. How are you doing that? You're not even posting on social media consistently. You've never seen anyone actually be able to do that before. So what makes you think you're going to be able to do that? That's just like an example, right? But like, I know how the nugget of self -talk can go. Then whatever you're saying out loud isn't really going to drive.

@kellynoble.coaching (09:08.38)
And then when we think about like the nervous system level, the same kind of thing in principle is true. Whatever our body is feeling will always override what our mind is thinking. So if we are saying things like, I'm going to find the love of my life and he is going to be my forever husband partner. And we're just going to be.

forever. If consciously you're like, yeah, of course that's what I want. That's what I'm calling in. Yes, I'm like calling in my dream partner, but your body, when you think of being in love with somebody, when you think about spending the rest of your life with somebody, maybe it was because you saw your family be broken. Maybe it's because you were in an abusive relationship. Maybe you were with a partner.

you're like, whoo, that's not safe. Being with someone forever is not safe. Being with somebody is only going to cause you pain. He's only going to cheat on you. He's going to hurt you. He's going to be manipulative, whatever it is. Your body and the nervous system is there to protect you the same way that the unconscious mind is. It's going to retract you in and that's controlling your energetic frequency.

So even though consciously you're like, yeah, I'm calling in my dream person. If you haven't really like done the deep inner, the somatic work, the body work, the unconscious belief systems, the identity work, your affirmations just aren't going to hit right. And that's why. So that's why I put together this freebie where we get a kind of like un -tab and like uncover some of these pieces that are missing when we hear about affirmations.

So we're gonna go over it just a little bit. So you can download it now. It's called Rewrite, ooh, this is a tongue twister, hang on. It's called Rewrite Your Reality, Journal Prompts and Affirmation Magic. So again, it kind of goes deeper beyond what are the things that we're really calling in? What are the things beyond the affirmations of?

@kellynoble.coaching (11:30.908)
I want to build a seven figure, eight figure business. I am a magnet for the love of my life. I am a magnet for money and money loves me. It comes to me effortlessly. Whatever, whatever it is your affirmations are today. So we want to start with like truly identifying what is our desire? Because I feel like that's like a big kind of

like, I don't wanna say block, that's not the right word, but it's kind of, we really wanna know what it is because sometimes our desires aren't really ours, they're what other people think we should want or have or do or be. And so again, if that's what we're doing the affirmations and trying to use affirmations to help with our manifestations.

they're not really gonna like hit or land because they're not genuine to you and what you truly want and desire. So there's some journal prompts to help go beyond that. Like what do I truly want? And more importantly, how do I want to feel? And when I have that, because truly manifestations, we're not really like wanting the thing like we consciously think we are, we're really wanting the feeling it's going to give us.

So like, let's pour into like, what is my biggest dream? What is my biggest desire? What is it that I truly want? Like be selfish here. And then we get to transition into just gratitude. As we all know, gratitude is one of the high vibrating frequencies that makes us feel so good. Every time I see myself just being in lack, I just look around and I fall into gratitude and it completely changes my energy. And so when we...

manifesting the other tool that I love to do is scripting on top of that. So once we really identify what is our desire, I like to write a little thank you to the universe as if I already have it. So they're more embodied in that energy. We're being in gratitude and then we're already putting it into the crontum. Well, y 'all, I got some tongue twisters today. We're already

@kellynoble.coaching (13:56.124)
putting it into the quantum realm, it's already existing somewhere, right? Like if it's a belief system of ours, it's probably living somewhere already, like simultaneously with us. And so let's just embody it like we already have it so we can like bridge the gap between the two and like draw ourselves closer and closer to aligning with that frequency. And then the next big thing is once we know what we want, our true, true desires,

What are the blocks that are actually getting in the way of us believing that's true for us? So the next section of the freebie has more journal prompts on us really like unearthing what that means. Like, what is the block? Why do I have this block? Blocks are so beautiful. When we hit resistance, when we hit blocks, it is literally like the biggest sign for the universe of just like, hey,

Slow it down for a minute. We need to take a pause. We've been on autopilot for a minute.

and better things around the corner. So even though we thought maybe like this was the direction, we've made some shifts. So let's unpack this. Let's learn the lessons. Let's pivot and keep on going. So what are the blocks? How are they making us feel? What are the patterns that we're kind of repeating? What is the self -talk that we're already saying around some of these blocks and beliefs? And again, the lessons are always the biggest piece.

And then there's like another big journal prompt in there that you'll have. And this helps really just open the channels of forgiving yourself or others for whatever that block is. So you can actually receive your desires. And then we step into again, my favorite part of manifestation. I'm saying that now, but like there's so many parts is the gratitude piece.

@kellynoble.coaching (15:59.95)
And I want to say this, if you're listening to this, and I get it, you can be in that state in your life right now, where you're building the business, you have all the success, everything is aligning for you. And yet, you're still not feeling you maybe there's a lot of big life circumstances that have happened, whatever it may be, like I literally was just working with a client. And you know, she does.

the work. She is so embodied in her truth. She knows who she is, but she's just had a lot of big transitions in her life. And it can be hard to feel gratitude when you're in these really challenging times in your life. I have been there. I have had clients that have been there. And so sometimes I can say this one was like, it's my favorite. It's so easy. I love gratitude. I also want to acknowledge the privilege of being able to say that because

remember when that was not accessible for me because I was so depressed. But this will help whether you are like, girl, I'm in the zone. I'm like, in the frequency. I'm feeling good. I love gratitude. Let's go. Or if you're the girl right now that's like, okay, I need this. Like, let's, let's like, come back home to ourselves. Let's let's just give ourselves some love and grace. And these journal prompts will hopefully allow you to be more in that.

gratitude, energetic state. But we're going to end with some journal with more journal prompts on gratitude and just being embodied in the gratitude and implementing more gratitude rituals into your life. And really just already feeling the abundance that you have surrounding you because I promise you that's what abundance is. Abundance is already everywhere. It's surrounding you. You just have to open your eyes to be able to fully receive and see it. And then of course,

some more journal prompts to really like tap into that frequency, pour back into yourself. And this is like the other big piece that I love with affirmations because again, if we're saying stuff like I'm a millionaire, I have a multiple six, seven figure business, I am a magnet for attracting my dream partner, my lifetime soulmate, whatever it is.

@kellynoble.coaching (18:20.188)
If we don't fully believe that yet, that's okay. So what I love to add onto that is I have a multiple six, seven figure business because I love saying because because it gives us proof of concept because I'm smart. I'm resilient. I'm taking aligned action. Every day I'm showing up messy. I am holding the vision and I know.

that each and every day I'm getting closer to building that dream. Each and every day is making that dream my reality. So I love adding proof of concept. And then there's another really beautiful journaling script in here where whatever that desire is, like, let's put it into life. Let's put it into the future self and write a letter from that future self to you now.

So again, it's kind of like that scripting energy and it's really, really fun to like read these down the road because, hi, raising my hand, hi achieving woman here, I'm working on it, I'm getting better, but like it can be easy for me to sometimes just like bypass all of my successes and not even realize that I've achieved them. Does that sound like you too? So like, I love these because you can like look back and you're like, oh my gosh, like I did all of these things.

So another really like beautiful journal prompt all explained in there in the freebie. So you can write it all out. It also has like, if you want to print out the booklet completely, the guide, it has spaces where you can write everything out. So you can kind of just like hold it and like repeat and rerinse it and like have it. Oh my gosh. It's yeah, it'd be amazing for you to just like keep. And then again, reflect back and look on. And so it does talk about like how affirmations can activate that fight or flight system.

and the importance of affirmations, right? Because affirmations without beliefs are like building a house without any foundation. Our beliefs have to be like the foundational core that help amplify the affirmations. Affirmations are great, but they're more like a daily vitamin. Like they're there to boost us up. They're there to like put us in our energy. They're great for when we're doing mirror work. And again, without the belief systems really holding and supporting that.

@kellynoble.coaching (20:43.804)
It's pretty easy to allow it just to crumble. What else do I have in here? Ah, oh yes, yes, yes. I loved putting this piece together. It's so wild. When I was first putting this together, it started as such a small thing and then I just continuously I'm like, pour, pour, pour, more, more, more. Oh my gosh, what about this? What about this? Oh, this would be so cool to add too. So.

Adding the different chakra systems within your affirmations are so powerful and potent. So I added in here all of the different chakras. So you have like the crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the sacral, the root. And I also put in here what can help open that up. So when you are thinking about some of the affirmations and how they align with your beliefs and your desires, you can kind of.

where you can plug them in for each of the chakra systems. And also I put in there, if you are having blocks, so each chakra system is kind of like an identifier for different blocks. So for example, the crown chakra, you may be blocked by, cause like there's a lot of cynicism happening. You may be really stressed. You feel hopelessness. You're feeling disconnected to like your bigger purpose. So like those are all like signs of like, okay, maybe this is my crown chakra possibly. So then again, when we are,

using our affirmations to help support us, we can help support the different chakra systems and help clear them and then help fill them with all of the beautiful things. And then each chakra system has its own language and verbiage to help activate each one. So a lot of the times I hear I am, I am, I am. Oh my gosh, I was just thinking about one of my favorite songs, Young Baby Tate, I am literally one of my favorite songs. It's like my Gossip song.

I was just thinking that I'm like, okay, I won't sing it for you. Cause you know, I won't do that, but, um, but it's like, I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am rich. I am that bitch. I had to sing it anyway. So that's activating your root chakra, which is amazing. But how about like all of the other ones? I feel, I do. I love, I open my heart. I speak, I trust, I know being able to layer your affirmations to each of those will amplify.

@kellynoble.coaching (23:08.412)
what you are already doing with your affirmation ritual. So you can do maybe the same one like each and every time. Like so for example, like I am wealthy root chakra. I feel like a wealthy woman embodied in my highest self. I do wealthy activities that expand me because

I am in my truth in knowing and claiming my worthiness. I love money and money loves me. I speak with authority to attract more money into my business. I trust myself with money and money feels safe to be held with me. I know.

I'm a wealthy woman and with that wealth, I am creating systemic change. So you can kind of like layer them. You can also like do different ones. Maybe like money is like really taking you out of your throat chakra. Like you just can't go on social media. You just like can't talk about your business. And like that's really blocking like the money and wealth to come in. So maybe you have a wealth one specifically for.

the throat chakra, but in the same breath, like you're really stuck in perfectionism and needing to know all of the answers. So maybe you have a different affirmation for the crown chakra and you say, I know. So it's really fun to like play with all of this. I usually suggest starting, and this is, this is like all in the freebies. So like go and download it right now. But I usually suggest if you're like, I'm not really sure where to start. It's really beautiful to start with doing your affirmations with thought I am.

because then it really like grounds you into yourself, into what you are calling in and then move your way up, switch them all around. You're an intuitive goddess. Like allow yourself to like follow your intuition and then you have more tools to help support what you are already doing. Palaz, I put together a little freebie within the freebie. I think it's super duper cute. I love it.

@kellynoble.coaching (25:34.684)
It is a phone backdrop for like your screen saver. And it's, you know, it's got a little bit of a like mood board, kind of like wealthy girl vibe. So then you're just like living in luxury as you look at your phone, but it also has all of the chakra systems with their appropriate language, because like as you're learning this new tool, like I'm a -

I am, I feel, I do, I love, I speak, I trust, I see, I know, I understand, and which one is which one? So you can literally have it on your phone. It's gonna be really cute. And I don't know, I like it. So go download it, enjoy it. Let me know how you like it. Let me know how it helps bridge the gap between your current affirmation practice and making these small tweaks and changing them. I would love to hear feedback. Plus the feedback helps me so I can create other,

really cool stuff, especially with it being more in service to exactly what you're craving and desiring. So I would love to hear what you think when you download it. You can share it on Instagram and tag me. You can email me, do all of the things. My Instagram is in the show notes. I think my email is too. I'm gonna have to look. But yeah, so download the freebie.

Really amplify all of your chakra systems with your affirmations, allow your affirmations to finally start manifesting the things that you want, because we're gonna start working on our belief systems. And if this for you, you're like, okay, I'm kind of like moving through it, I'm going through it. I'm still feeling like a block in my business. That's where the quantum breakthrough is so perfect because we're gonna unearth the beliefs like the...

the underlying things. Like for me personally, yes, I have my rituals and my practices. Yes, I have definitely embodied and done all of like everything that I teach, like I embody and I do myself. And also I like to work with a coach to help me. Like sometimes we get into our own like minds, like, right? Like even though we're embodied beings, even though we are like,

@kellynoble.coaching (27:50.532)
all of the things, we're still human. We're still living in a 3D world. We still get stuck with our egos getting in the way. So like having someone just like to mirror back and to like brainstorm and to collaborate with is just so helpful for me personally. So if you feel that same way, I would love to have you book a quantum breakthrough session to help you with that. So I will see y 'all.

In the next episode, I love all of you so much. If you could, it would be so helpful to rate and review, maybe send this to a friend. That would be amazing. It really helps me and like the algorithm for all of Apple, Spotify, all that stuff. Because yeah, I would love for this message just to get a further reach to anyone that like really would love to hear it. So,

I really appreciate all of your support. I love you. Yeah, so bye.