Manifest That Shift

How to Channel Your Guides and Healing Mother Wounds

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 7

Text me your questions so they can be featured in an upcoming episode!

In this episode,  Kelly Noble delves into the power of prioritizing emotional well-being and intuition in business. She discusses the resistance she faced in recording this episode as she shares her journey of self-love and creating boundaries within her business even if it means missing deadlines. Kelly opens up about overcoming a block in connecting with her spiritual guides and way you can build a relatipship with your guides.  Kelly explores the process of moving through wounded masculine and wounded feminine energies to heal and allow her business to scale. 


  • Self-love and creating boundaries for sustainable business success.
  • Moving through wounded masculine and wounded feminine energies in a patriarchal business structure 
  • Prioritizing emotional, mental, and physical health 
  • Building a relationship with guides and practicing healing techniques like tapping can enhance intuition and guidance.


Introduction and Change of Topic

Updates on Kelly's Work and Offerings

Moving Through Wounded Masculine and Wounded Feminine Energies

Healing Mother Wounds and Connecting with Guides

Trusting the Inner Guidance and Following the Initiatory Path

Prioritizing Self-Care and Honoring Health

Conclusion and Call to Action


self-love, boundaries, wounded masculine, wounded feminine, healing, authenticity, raw, resistance, self-care, guides, tapping, emotional health, mental health, physical health

Episode 7! 

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Kellynoble.coaching she/her (00:01.914)
Welcome to the Manifest That Shift podcast with your girl, Kelly Noble. And we're going to switch it up a little bit today. Originally, I wanted to record an episode around building a healthy relationship around quote unquote, selling. A lot of the conversations I've been having with some of my entrepreneurs is they're finding some resistance around.

really leaning into selling their offers, their gifts, their value, because there's almost like this like ickiness around the word selling. I will still record that podcast episode for a different date, but I felt like it was more important to talk about what happened to me this past weekend. And it's about really loving yourself deeply and creating boundaries.

moving through wounded masculine, wounded feminine into healed masculine and healed feminine to truly allow your business to scale. And I really wanted to talk about this because I promised myself that when I created this podcast, it would be super raw, authentic, real. And while yes, I want to pour value into you, I got caught up on the idea of like,

Well, if I'm not giving you actionable things and step -by -step processes, more, quote unquote, needle moving things to help you in your business, then it's not really creating value. So I really sat with the resistance of why I didn't want to record this, but it would be inauthentic. Like I just moved through a huge shift in transition in my life.

And I don't know, for me, especially in the beginning of my like healing journey, it was really helpful just to hear what are some things that other people are going through? Because when we look at social media, when we see people's lives, it's very curated. And so it can almost make you feel like you're the only one and you're alone. And

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (02:19.93)
What I moved through this weekend is a huge progression and change from old toxic conditioning that I had from my corporate world, from childhood, from upbringing, and also having a lot of conversations, especially with my multiple six, seven figure business owners, that they have a lot of resistance around what I just did. So we're switching it up. You're in for the journey and the ride. I know you're here for it.

And yeah, let's just like dive into everything. But first, as always, let's talk about what I have going on in my world because so many good, incredible things are happening. We just had our first free masterclass for Follow Your Magic. It was all about self love. The feedback that we have received has been mind blowing. It.

really is just a reminder of how blessed I am to be able to do what I do. So we had self -love was the topic. We had the most beautiful journal prompts to help move through and truly understanding what is self -love for me and how is that fully in alignment. We gave a platform and space for a lot of the women who attended to speak their truth and their story in that in itself.

I had so many people in my DMs like, oh my gosh, I'm so happy so -and -so, share that, like, please connect me with them. It resonated so deeply. So just like building the community and sisterhood, oh, I just love it. And then we had a hypno breathwork session at the end to really tap into our self -love. And I did the breathwork session and literally Lauren goes, how do you define self -love? Like what does self -love mean to you? And immediately I start crying. It was like happy tears. It was so good. And we're gonna continue to have these.

free workshops every other month. So it's April now when I'm recording this and posting it, we'll have another one then in May. So follow me on Instagram at Kelly Noble dot coaching, send me your email address and you will be the first to know when we have all of these things coming up on the calendar. And I also have the quantum breakthrough. It is a two part two hour session.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (04:39.546)
Already everyone that has participated in this new offer that I have has had such tremendous breakthroughs. Like I just had a session last week and she was literally just energetically on cloud nine, totally embodied in the clarity of what she needs to create next. She had small tangible steps to be able to move forward in her business before we have our big strategy session. She just.

felt like a huge shift already in her energy to really align into the bigger goals she has in her business. Like it's just so amazing. So if you're in a state right now where you're a little bombarded and feel congested from too much noise of should do this, should do that. I'm kind of plateauing right now in my business. Something feels off. Something feels unaligned. I don't know what it is. I keep trying to throw more strategy at it. It's not working. This is perfect for you because it really is.

meant to help move through whatever that block is energetically and really align you into what you want to be creating as opposed to should be creating. And then we have an entire strategy session to build a strategy that aligns with your values, your goals, your alignment. Like it's so good.

go to my Instagram, you can book on there in my link tree. I'm almost done with my website also, that is coming soon. It has been a slow process. It's one of those projects where it was like, oh yeah, it'll be done five months later. So yeah, I also have a freebie. I'm so excited for it. I think it's coming out next week. This was inspired because I've had a lot of conversations with clients that are having this.

affirmation practice and they're limiting themselves within the affirmation practice or they have tried affirmations and something doesn't feel authentic. There is a block between what they're actually saying like I'm creating a seven -figure business, what they're saying consciously, and what they're unconsciously feeling. So this will kind of help work through why that's happening and really help align you and amplify your your affirmations with

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (06:57.274)
your energy centers, your chakra centers. It's so good. So that should be launching again next week. Again, get on my social media and you'll have access to all of this. But let's jump into what happened to me this past weekend. So have you ever had a coaching session and you were like, I don't really know what to say. I don't really have anything coming up right now. I don't know. Like we'll just see what happens, but.

it's gonna be an easy one. I don't know if it's retrograde or the eclipse or whatever is happening right now, but that was me. And I didn't even really know what to say in my coaching session. I was thinking about it though that morning and I wanted to be prepared and I still didn't have clarity. So I told her, I was like, listen, let me just kind of tell you these two things and we can kind of work through it and see what we need to move through to get to.

whatever it is. And I'm working with a soul coach. Her name is Courtney. She's actually one of the Follow Your Magic facilitators. She is a incredible coach. One of my huge intentions over the last couple of years when I started my healing journey was to become more connected to my guides, to connect more into my intuition, my clairs. And even though my entire business,

my heart, my soul leads with love because that was the biggest thing that I lacked most in my childhood. It's become my biggest mission, my purpose. There's still a piece of me that is protected and it's not protected in a way that is really serving me anymore. It's not healthy boundaries. It's not this, it's an old shield that I've had since forever. And I really want to dismantle that and just allow those walls to come down.

replace it with more boundaries that feel in alignment with where I am today so I can love deeply in a new way, which a lot of my clients listening to this are probably like, what is she talking about? Literally, I feel so loved when I'm with her. That sounds wild for her to have that come out of her mouth. But there is this piece of me that's holding back. So I've been working with her to work through this and I told her, I feel this block. I want to work.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (09:24.346)
with my guides, like my ethereal guides that are here to lead me and guide me, I want to feel connected to them and I don't. And it's been something that I have been struggling with ever since the beginning of my healing journey. If you listen to episode one, where I talk about my story and I'm arguing with the moon, that's literally what I was arguing with them about, about how I didn't feel connected, how I didn't feel their messaging and I just was doing all of the things and you're still not here and I want to sign that whole story.

and I went to go see my psychic for my birthday back in February and she said the same thing again. And it's not the first time she said it. She said, you are creating a business that is super successful. Like what you have coming soon is so good. And you are creating with your heart and your head, which is great, but you are meant to be truly channeling.

your ethereal guides with your heart and your head. And I'm like, okay, well, how do I do that? Of course she said meditation. So I've been trying to meditate more. And then I listened to this really good podcast and it talked about how building the relationship with your ethereal guides is kind of a slow burn. You need to build a foundation. It's like any other relationship. You can't just go from, oh, here's our first date. Now let's get married. It really is how do we get to know each other? So small ways to do that is you can play games with them.

For example, show me a butterfly if I should eat pizza today, show me a hummingbird if I should eat a salad today. So just little things, show me the signs and synchronicities, build that relationship. I also have been talking to them and just trying to connect to them saying that I'm here, I'm open to receive the messaging. I know that one time you came through and I was really scared, I'm more prepared and ready now, and I'm just open and ready to receive when you're ready to come to me.

I was talking to a girlfriend though and she was like, no, that needs to change. Be a little bossy with them straight up. Tell them I want your presence here. I want you to be loud and show yourself like really allow me to feel or see you. And so I started to do that. And she also said, if you need to tell them to amplify themselves, they might think that they're being loud enough, but for you, it's not.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (11:48.314)
So tell them to be bolder, be brighter, be louder, be more. So I've been doing that. And I also learned that I need to kind of discover and play with the different Claire's because that's probably how they're going to want to come through. So I need to understand where my powers truly lie. And they can be speaking to you in different ways. Like not everyone gets to speak to their guides the same way as my psychic. She gets straight up like messages and voices. She said you can.

listen to music and they talk through that, you can, what else did she say? Sometimes it's gonna be more of a feeling. Sometimes it's gonna be more signs. It's gonna be more, what else is there? Like visions. So lean into what your clairs are and that's how they're gonna start to show up more. I don't really know what my clairs are yet. So I'm trying to discover all of that. And then I went to a...

marketing, not a marketing, to a networking group. And I met this woman and she does archaic records. If I'm butchering that, I'm sorry. Essentially, she helps you connect to your guys, past lives, that type of thing. So of course I was like, okay, I've been doing all of this stuff. I need your advice. And she said, based on what you're saying, you may just need to like trust and surrender. So I'm like, all right, I get it.

So I'm talking to my coach about this and I said, I think there's some sort of block. So maybe we need to work through that. The other thing that's coming through for me, and I want to be cautious and careful about how I really talk about this because it's not just about me. It has to do with another person, other people actually. And I just want to be really respectful of that. So to really like summarize it.

I have been moving through a lot of mother wounds and some events happened with my mom that really activated and probably even triggered me. And so I was telling her the incidences that have happened and how I was feeling. So she said, okay, I think we're supposed to work on this. And it was really hard for me to drop in.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (14:11.674)
really articulate how I was feeling outside of the walls of protection. My walls of protection as a pattern tend to lean in anger. And that is the most like superficial kind of feeling. I know that there's so many stories like below the anger and the pain and the sadness and how I don't feel loved or important or I feel very alone.

I feel a lot of resentment. Like there's so much more than just like anger, but anger is my go -to. And I was really protecting myself with that. And she said, okay, let's move through this a little bit more. So we tapped into my body and I was feeling sensations on my left side, behind my ear, kind of where my jaw is. And I felt definitely some tension, some tightness in my throat chakra area.

And the left side of the body is where I have my chronic pain. The left side of the body is also the feminine side, the mother side. The right side is the more masculine side. And every time I see my healer, I've had breath work done. A lot of the energy readers, they always tell me that there is some stagnation on my feminine left side. Even in February,

My psychic was like, why is your heart shoved so far to the right? It is so out of alignment. Like what is happening? I went to a breath work and she had to put crystals on my left side because again, there's this weird stagnation. So I know there's a block there. And I very much believe that it stems from a lot of sister wounds and also mother wounds. And so when I'm having this vision, she's like, I need.

I need you to tell me what are you seeing through that feeling. And I saw a snake and I'm not really afraid of snakes. Little tiny skinny snakes. Yes, but bigger snakes. No, not so much. And the snake wasn't super aggressive. It wasn't like this mean snake, but it was definitely constricting and I can feel it kind of constricting in the throat chakra area. I could also see my mother's face. And as we were moving through this, we were starting to do some more parts integration work.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (16:29.082)
And it was really, really challenging for me to disassociate what I needed away from my mom. Everything that I needed had to do with her, whether it was having more compassion, the compassion was for her. Like nothing was really for me. And she, my coach was like, it's really interesting that there's no disconnect between you two. And so she told me, I really feel like the next step is to do EFT tapping.

or we can do a court cutting. But I feel like the court cutting isn't truly going to work unless you're fully ready to let go and EFT tapping will help you do that. And I said, okay, well, I have the biggest resistance around wanting to do the EFT tapping. So I feel like that's what we're supposed to be doing. And for anyone that doesn't know what EFT tapping is, it's called emotional freedom technique. It's literally so amazing.

I have some videos coming out right now, I think next week, around how to tap and also a guided tapping session. It's literally a magical tool. I use it a lot, but I've never used it for healing the mother wound. Essentially what it is, is it is rooted in ancient Chinese medicine. It uses different acupressure points that you...

lightly tap on your body, your face, and you just say the hurt, the pain, the bad, the limiting beliefs, all of these kind of quote unquote lower vibrational frequencies that we feel, and you run through the sequences doing EFT tapping with all of those emotions or sensations in the body, and then you transition to more...

quote unquote, like happy, the affirmation part of tapping. And some people have a lot of resistance in the lower vibrational frequencies. Some people have more resistance in the higher vibrational frequencies of emotions. There are only right answers. It's literally, I call it the feel it to heal it tool, especially as a person that has not really ever learned as a child, young adult, how to process emotions in a healthy way.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (18:49.114)
It is such a beautiful way to articulate, understand what you are feeling, move the stagnant energy in your body. It kind of reminds me of like back in the day, have you ever had anything broken? And if you just like hit it, it's like, Oh, it's fixed. Like, Oh, it's working all of a sudden. That's kind of like EFT tapping. Something feels off. Something feels a little broken. There's feels like stagnant energy. Something is not right. Let's tap it and hit it a little bit, move through the emotions, move the energy out and like things feel good. So we did that.

and she led me through the first series and she took notes of a lot of the feelings I was feeling around what had happened in this situation. And I'm like, you know, this isn't really working. I feel like it's not working because the language that's being used does not feel authentic to me. And I know that I told you these things, but honestly, I was filtering myself because I wanted to be really respectful and...

I want to go off of camera, turn off my mic, and I will do it myself." And she said, if that's what makes you feel great, like I have my EFT certifications, like I know exactly how to do this. She said, if that makes you feel good, do it. I will be here on the other end holding space for you. I said, awesome. Let's just say when I turned off that camera and I allowed myself to truly tap and say,

the negative truth of what I was actually feeling.

It was so cathartic. I was crying. I had a roll of toilet paper and I was a buggery, snotty mess. And I was using a lot of sheets of toilet paper to move through it. She also added intuitively tapping two different centers that are not traditionally a part of EFT tapping. And that was having me tap on my throat chakra and my womb space.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (20:53.05)
And let's just say things that I didn't really know that I was holding onto came through as I was tapping. And that in itself was very eye -opening to me to realize how much I was holding onto and for how long I have been holding onto it. I did the round, I messaged her, I said, I need a minute, I'm gonna do another round. I'm still not there yet. I did another round, more things came up.

By the end of that, I got back on the camera and I was emotionally, mentally, physically exhausted. I had just purged so many emotions. And she said, what do we need next? And I said, for the positive affirmations, I just went really hard on my mom. It's my truth, but it's not the full truth. And I...

want to do the next round of affirmations that also say how much I love my mom and why I love my mom. Because I feel like a lot of daughters can resonate when they say there's a very complicated relationship that you have with your mom. You love your mom deeply and, and especially since mothers are the ones that birth us, like we're connected to our mothers in such a unique way, whether you are a woman, a man,

anything in between, you came from a womb, you came from a mother. And it's just very complicated. And so she allowed me to guide myself through the positive affirmations. That's what I wanted to do. And a lot of things came through for that too. Like I was crying deeply. Like I didn't realize a lot of the things I was also holding onto not only was from the past, but it was affecting my future and my future family and the daughter that I know that I'll have.

And I just always want my daughter to feel loved and important and valued and like she has me to truly lean on. So a lot of that was coming through also in the tapping session and we got done and I was wrecked. Like I told her, I was like, girl, I have...

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (23:18.106)
Deadlines I literally thought this was gonna be an easy coaching session. I thought we were gonna like connect to my guides It'd be easy. It'd be fun. And here I am There's no way I'm gonna hit these deadlines. I was supposed to get this work done today

But I knew that I had to take care of my emotional health, my mental health, over anything. And so I ended up running a bath, an almost goddess bath. I didn't have roses, but I did milk, powdered soy milk, white salt, pink salt, honey. I also took up some salt and really like cleansed my body with it and really envisioned in the...

cord cutting ceremony, releasing any energies that don't serve me. This was also the first time I've done a cord cutting and I haven't done a ton, but recently I've been doing them. Where I didn't really cut the cord from the person, I cut the cord from the emotional attachment because I don't want to cut my mom out of my life. I just want to cut all of the thoughts, feelings, emotions that are no longer serving me out.

out of my life. I'm so done holding on to that BS. And so I also decided to take a chocolate mushroom. I wanted to use some plant medicine to really help guide me and lead me through this. So I did that as well. I found the best. Oh my gosh, literally. If I remember, I'm going to put it in the show notes. Such a good playlist on Spotify for meditation.

I love music that is more like ancestral, like it had more of the native flutes. It just, it was so good. And so I'm going through this journey. I'm visualizing, I'm visualizing all the pain, all the stories, all the memories, all of the things that aren't serving me. A lot of the things that were coming up during the tapping session that I didn't even really know that I was holding onto. And I was...

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (25:26.586)
witnessing them just kind of shedding away from me. And it was so interesting because that snake that was on my neck ended up turning into an earthworm, which earthworms are literally, I'm more afraid of an earthworm than a snake. Like I will hold a snake over an earthworm any day. And the earthworm is also a fear that I picked up from my mother.

Like that is totally an irrational fear that my mom has that got passed down to me. But I witnessed a snake totally lose its control, kind of just turn into this earthworm, which is like, in my opinion, just like a nothingness, right? Like earthworms have no power. They don't really do anything. I mean, obviously they're a part of the ecosystem and they have importance, but you know what I mean. And I could feel the energy like moving through my throat.

And I'm just witnessing the cords physically being cut from my body, physically being removed from me. And I didn't really, I don't know, I just got to this space where I was feeling really uncomfortable. So I was like, I need to get out of this bathtub. I got into the shower and I wanted to physically wash everything off. Like it just needed like another purge. It was almost like the snake coming out of its skin. Like it just needed that final just rinse and cleanse.

And I'm in the shower and I'm sitting on the shower seat and I'm meditating and I'm doing a lot of work and I've done it over the last couple of years around the wounded maiden into mother archetype. Like it's literally a part of the quantum CEO curriculum. Like this is something we're talking about, I think next week. And so I'm sitting there and I'm breathing and I'm, I'm, I'm thinking about how I can mother myself. Moving into the mother archetype is being like the mother for ourselves.

and I'm holding my womb space, I'm holding my heart space, I'm breathing deeply, I'm asking myself this question, and all of a sudden I hear my voice, but it's not my voice. It was this really soothing, motherly voice. And it said, you're doing enough, my child. And in that moment, I like opened my eyes and I was like,

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (27:50.394)
wait a second, what was that? It sounded like me. It was kind of like me and like my thoughts, but that's not how I speak. I would never, that's just not language I would use. I would never be like, oh, you're doing enough. My child, like that's just not my vibe, right? Like that's like Beyonce kind of vibe for me, but not me. And I was like, and then I also, I also, while I was in that meditation, I saw this warm bluish purple aura in my.

in my root sacral womb space. And I was like, oh my gosh, that was my guide. It was a guide or an angel or something. It was not me, even though it sounded like that was not me. And the entire intention of really moving through, I mean, moving through and healing your mother wound, there's a lot of intentions, but for the specific intention,

of my coaching session was like, I know if I remove this block, I'll be able to create space to call in my guides. If we are energetically blocked, we're at capacity, we are full and we want something to come into our lives. We have to create the energetic or physical space to be able to call that in. So I was very intentional with, I'm creating space energetically to receive stronger guidance from my guides.

And to have that literally hours later was wild. But then I got out of the shower and I'm like, okay, I think I'm feeling the mushrooms. Like it wasn't a strong like, oh, I'm feeling it, but I was feeling it. It was only one chocolate. And I'm like running to my bed and I'm meditating and I'm like, okay, spirit, talk to me. And then I'm like, no, I need to surrender. Okay, I'm surrendering and I'm trying to surrender.

and I'm trying to do all the things to have that voice come back to me and it did not come back to me and it makes sense that it didn't. So I'm just fully grateful that I got that little glimpse and that taste because that is me building the relationship. And when I was supposed, when I was recording this episode, long story short, my tax person called, I had to answer it. I thought I could pause it. I couldn't pause it. So I had to record it. It was all these IT issues. And I'm trying to connect again more to my guide. So one of the ways that I am,

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (30:18.202)
playing with to see if it works for me is pulling more oracle cards. And the other day I actually pulled, before I even was really truly thinking about what I wanted to do for that coaching session, I pulled tarot cards, which I have not pulled in forever. And I pulled four cards, which I never do. Usually it's like a card, maybe three, but for whatever reason I pulled four and I was shuffling, one fell out. I was shuffling some more, three fell out. And I was like, okay, this is...

Alright, okay. This is awesome. This is wild. This doesn't happen, but okay cool and The three cards really represent past future past present future in my business, and it was spot -freaking -on like about all of the wounds and the past life and the traumas and turning your pain into purpose and Really like stepping into yourself and then all of the abundance the money everything that's coming and then the fourth card was how do I get to?

here to there and it was all focused around self -care. And then today after all of the issues with the IT stuff I leaned into my pendulum which I never use. I have two of them and I never use this thing and I was like okay instead of being frustrated and just giving up and annoyed I'm gonna use this time to talk to my guides to see what is happening why is this happening. I asked a bunch of yes and or ques - yes yes or nair.

That's my Love Island UK edition. Anyways, I was asking all the questions. I was like, okay, am I supposed to pull a goddess card? So I have the Rose Oracle from Rebecca Campbell and I pulled a card and I'm just leaning into this. It says that I'm supposed to share it. I pulled the Rose thread card. It says inner child, soul led, the mystic, living courageously. And it

essentially says that this card is a sign that you're being called to follow your initiatory path led by the thread deep within. This card is a sign of encouragement to keep taking the next steps. It's acknowledging the courage it takes to live a soul -led life and honoring you for always taking the leap. And then the rose transmission. So I think this message is probably for you that's listening.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (32:40.378)
Even when things feel unclear, especially when they do, I trust that I'm always being led from within. So I really want you to like sit with that and think about that in your own life right now, because leaving my corporate job.

Paging. Let me go back for a second.

After I got done with that bath, I had zero capacity for anything. And in my mind, I was like, it's fine. Tomorrow's Saturday. I don't have anything planned all day. Everything that I was supposed to get done today, it's just going to get done tomorrow. I woke up the next day. I had zero capacity to do anything outside of nurturing and taking care of myself. And that does not look like

working. And I did have a moment where I was feeling some guilt, feeling some shame around, I should be working, I have deadlines, I have responsibilities, I have commitments. I have so many things outside of myself that I need to really do all of this work.

And then I was watching TV all day. I was watching movies. I was in bed. Like literally I stayed in bed all day. And then I had some guilt and shame around that. I should go to the gym. I should go outside and walk my dog. I should do something physical to make me feel better. I should do something, right? I'm in this, I have to do something energy. And then like, do I really want to use TV and movies to numb? Because that is one of my personal vices. I will numb with TV.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (34:32.25)
and was scrolling on my phone because that's deeply stemmed from childhood and TV was basically the thing that made TV was like my best friend. I didn't have, yeah, I won't even get into that right now, but it's one of the things I know that I can lean into when I numb. And I really had to sit there for a second and say, I built a business to support me, not the other way around. I left corporate in the toxic culture.

Of Do Do Do, I have worked on disassociating my self -worth around producing and working and making money.

does working really feel in alignment with me, even if it means I am quote unquote missing or failing deadlines? And I said, yes, because nothing is more important than my mental and emotional health and my physical health. And if I'm working with somebody that does not understand that, they're probably not really in alignment and I don't really wanna work with them.

Because I really want to work with people where I say, listen, I know we had this deadline. I know I was supposed to create this thing for you. And I know we were supposed to have this session, whatever. But something unexpected happened today because I have committed to myself to be the best person I am, to be the best coach for you, is to make sure I'm consistently doing the work and whatever version and season that is in my life. And I was cracked wide the F open.

And I have no emotional capacity to be able to show up for you today. We need to push this deadline out. And if I have someone that can't honor that and really see the value in that, they're probably not the right fit. And I also want to say that I understand that me being able to take two days off of work comes from an immense place of privilege where

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (36:40.922)
I don't have kids, I have a husband that loves me, I literally can just rot away in my bed for two days, crying, feeling all the feels, feeling all the emotions, just like literally not being able to do anything outside of myself and just take care of myself. So when I'm saying that I'm doing this, I really want you to be able to find a way that feels and resonance for where you currently are in this season of your life because nothing is more important than taking care of yourself.

There's no need to abandon yourself because you feel like you might be abandoning someone else because of a deadline, because of work. And I promise you, the more you lean into you and your healing and feeling the things that are coming through, not only are you going to be able to create from a more embodied space, a more creative space, but you're going to be able to do it quicker because you're not ignoring.

the true big emotional feelings that are coming through and suppressing and pushing and shoving and numbing because I've lived my entire, entire life doing that. And it has led to nothing but more pain. Even if I'm numbing and prolonging it for another day, it doesn't just go away. Move through the things now and allow yourself to be. I literally had to cry.

all weekend in the arms of my husband. He's literally holding me and I'm like, I'm getting boogers on your sweatshirt. I'm not, I don't feel loved and I don't, I feel alone and I'm changing patterns. Normally I would do that alone and I did that in the comfort of my husband's arms. Normally I would do that alone and I was talking to one of my good friends, shout out girl, you know who you are.

who listened to me and just loved me and reframed things for me and just let me know that I didn't feel alone, to help me move through it because the old me would have just numbed and shoved and ignored and felt isolated and alone and it would have spiraled me even deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (38:50.266)
And then Sunday, I spent it on Easter with my family. And again, I could have worked, but I never see my family. I want to see them. That's more important to me right now. And then my period started. And if you've been following my journey, I'm going through a huge journey of healing my womb space and dealing with my hormones and...

exploring if I have endometriosis, I got blood work done from my functional health doctor, and now I might have some actual more serious things. She said, I can't even help you with this. I need you to go see a specialist. So I'm really trying to dedicate more of my body, my physical health, everything. So when my period starts, it's hard and I'm not going to force myself to do things because I physically cannot. And then Monday happened.

And I'm moving through cramps. I did have meetings and I did make it through some stuff, which was good. But again, I didn't work on the big projects I was going to work on. Now it's Tuesday and I'm finally recording this. And I still don't have my big projects done. And it's literally tomorrow I need to have it done, but I'm just trusting that everything is happening for a reason. And literally what I experienced this weekend is only going to improve what I have for my Quantum CEO Girls tomorrow. Like it's, I'm just...

Everything is an interest process because we are so conditioned from wounded masculine and wounded feminine in our businesses where the wounded masculine is just like overdoing and becoming emotionless and not wanting to share and be vulnerable and open. And the wounded feminine that is rooted in just shame and the hustle culture and burnout and being disconnected from your intuition and searching for the external validation, like all of these things are not serving us.

And as scary as it is to say, I'm missing a deadline, I'm putting me first, that is how you start creating from your soul. That's how you create sustainability in your business. And we also have to realize a lot of the constructs and structures that we have in this patriarchal system in business is there to support men. Men have 24 hour cycles. Their hormones basically do a full loop in 24 hours.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (41:08.41)
Women are not the same. Womb -bearing women have 28 -day cycles. In those 28 -day cycles, they can fluctuate from woman to woman depending on hormones and all of these other things, but we can't just go from morning to night and waking up feeling exactly the same as yesterday. I couldn't go through literal awakening into another depth of my soul and release.

the next day. That's just not how it works. We have to honor the fact that we do have 28 day cycles and we're going to be energetically drained sometimes. Our hormones are going to shift. Everything is going to feel different. And to honor in the ebbs and flows of that is the truest form of self care. Self care is not going to get your nails done and going to get a massage and doing all of these

Honestly, very capitalistic things. I feel like there's just been this culture that's fueled by toxic capitalism around self -care is buying something, doing something, going to yoga, going to, you know, all of those things are beautiful practices. And those are also more like maintenance things. That's like maintenance self -care. Let's just like treat ourselves and love ourselves and spoil ourselves with these amazing things.

True self -care is doing the inner work, building safety in your nervous system, rewiring your unconscious to align with a life that truly serves you because your past does not have to determine your future anymore. It's creating the boundaries and creating the time and space to say, I don't care what the world expects from me. I only care what I need in this moment because

My health is the most important thing. Health is the ultimate wealth. And I will never prioritize my health again for a paycheck, for a deadline, for anything. That doesn't say that I'm still highly motivated and dedicated to my work. That's not, that's not neglecting that piece of me. That's innate. That's my day to day. That's my 90%.

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (43:35.578)
But that other 10%, when I cannot emotionally, physically, mentally operate, self -care is me nurturing myself, choosing myself, asking myself, what do I need in this moment? And what is the benefit when I choose myself?

Kellynoble.coaching she/her (43:58.01)
We're not looking at the consequences of choosing ourselves. What are the benefits? Because if the benefits outweigh anything else, we need to lean into that. So that's what happened this weekend. Working through all of this as a business owner can be challenging, but it's real. It's not just all love and light. It's not just easy all of the time. It's not...

making money 24 hours and just excited and creating and it's not. Life happens. And especially as we are working on businesses that become such mirrors to our souls, it's important to honor that. So I love you all. Connect with me on Instagram, send this to a friend that may need to hear it like, girl, you're doing enough.

You're allowed to just be and take care of yourself. Like and comment. It helps me so much to get this podcast out to more people that would resonate and really need to hear some of this messaging. I truly value and appreciate your support when you do that. Like literally every time I see, maybe this is my ego, but honestly, I don't care. I'm celebrating all of my wins. Every time I see like someone's listened to the episode or someone leaves a review or leaves a comment or rating.

I'm just like, oh my gosh, I'm just, my heart just becomes so full. So I would love for you to be able to do that. It just means the world. My Instagram again is at Kelly Noble dot coaching and I'll be here next week. Every Thursday. I love you all have the most beautiful, just have the most beautiful day or night or morning. Whenever you're listening to this, you know what I mean.