Manifest That Shift

Capitalism, Consciousness, and Change: Can We Use the System for Good?

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 6

Text me your questions so they can be featured in an upcoming episode!


The struggle between wanting more and creating wealth while feeling the guilt of capitalism and overconsumption.

Kelly Noble, challenges the internalized conditioning around money and emphasizes the power of using capitalism to our advantage. She discusses a conversation she had with a client about this struggle. 

She gives into the difference between consuming from a place of lack and consuming from a place of soul. When we consume from a place of soul, we are intentional about where our money goes, supporting artisans, creating ecosystems of wealth to create equity,  etc. This can create a ripple effect of positive change.

Kelly Noble concludes the podcast episode by saying that it is okay to want more and that healers, in particular, need to be paid more for their work. Everyone is a healer and encourages listeners to embrace their healing abilities.


-It is natural to want more and create wealth, but it is important to examine our intentions and ensure they come from a place of soul rather than ego.
-Using money intentionally and supporting small businesses, sustainable practices, and causes aligned with our values can create positive change within the capitalist system.
-Having an overflow of wealth allows us to pour into communities, support causes, and fund politicians who are committed to creating a more equitable world.
-Internalized conditioning around money, scarcity, and worthiness can hinder our ability to embrace abundance and create the impact we desire.
-Everyone has the potential to be a healer, and being a healer requires financial support to lead with love and create systemic change.


00:00 Introduction and Excitement for the Episode
01:23 Introduction to Follow Your Magic Retreat
05:10 Introduction to the Quantum Breakthrough
07:21 Upcoming Website Launch and Freebie
08:15 Personal Challenges and Frustrations
10:27 The Question of Wanting More and Guilt Around Capitalism
25:04 Using Money to Support Politicians and Create Change
27:11 Internalized Conditioning Around Money
31:45 Using Capitalism to Our Advantage
32:14 Closing Thoughts on Healing and Being a Healer

Ep 6 

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@kellynoble.coaching (00:00.812)
Welcome back to the Manifest That Shift podcast with your host, your girl, Kelly Noble, the Quantum Coach. I am super excited to bring you this episode today because literally I could not fall asleep last night because I was playing this question back over and over and over in my head. You know, when you have a conversation with somebody and then like you answer it,

And then later you're like, shoot, I should have said this and I should have said this and I should have said this. Well, I had that moment yesterday. I was hosting an in -person workshop all talking about healing your money story, your money wounds, stepping into a worthy woman and really like claiming our wealth within our businesses. And there was such a good question that came up and it's something that I hear all of the time. She asked me.

as a healer, as someone that wants to be in service, I have this like struggle between wanting more, wanting to create wealth, while also on the other hand, these guilts and fears I hold around capitalism and over consumption and like pouring back into these broken systems. So before we really hop into this conversation,

I just wanna talk a little bit about what I have going on in my world right now because I am so excited. We are officially going live with the Follow Your Magic retreat. I am so excited. Before we have even like officially launched it to the public, we already have two spots that are sold with the most beautiful, incredible, expansive, high level women.

I cannot wait to be in the space again with them in Sedona. And if you are not familiar yet, I have an annual retreat along with four other of my Quantum Coach Queens that I did my training with. And we came together and we have our annual retreat, Follow Your Magic. Essentially, it's a space for you to go and follow your magic. That...

@kellynoble.coaching (02:20.906)
including that you have within you, that piece of you that knows you're meant to do more, to be more, to shift in your business, to shift in your life, call in your love, whatever it may be for you, it's your space to really discover again, who you are at your core, to be able to step into your highest self and do that. So, plus you're gonna do it in a bougie location. We have been scouting out houses and oh.

Oh my gosh, the houses that we are finding in Sedona are just so gorgeous, so expansive. And what I think is super unique and different about the Follow Your Magic retreat opposed to any other retreat where you get to heal sister wounds, where you get to be embodied in who you are, where you get to eat and just like have the best time ever, literally collapse time over and over and over again, retreats I love for collapsing time is...

the unique differentiator is there are five different quantum coaches able to hold space for you, which is unheard of. Usually it's one main person, maybe a supportive person that may be holding space for you, but you have five different people there to fully pour into you. And we're all so different. Like me, I am going to be bringing in like money and business and wealth and money manifestation and healing our money stories also.

We're going to be bringing in, of course, as usual, it wouldn't be me if it wasn't bringing in diversity and inclusion and really having these open, transparent conversations about how to truly show up for the collective with representation in mind. And then we have our other coaches where we're going to be doing breath work every day. We have inner child work. We have mindfulness, somatic work, connecting to your highest self and the deep soul work. And then we have.

also relationship and love for self. I'm really hoping to, I'm like manifesting this. One of the facilitators is all about like love, self -love, and I would love to have like a little session from her of sex magic, basically like how to use the power of your orgasm to manifest. So all of the incredible things, I will link the website to the show notes.

@kellynoble.coaching (04:39.692)
go ahead and DM me if you have any questions. It's absolutely an investment, but the best person to invest in is yourself. So if you're feeling called to the work and you're not sure, drop in my DMs at kellynoble .coaching on Instagram. I'm more than happy to talk through any questions, comments, concerns, because I promise you, if you have this calling to go to Sedona to do this inner work, this is the place to do it. I'm also super excited because...

I have officially launched the quantum breakthrough. So I had one of the most expansive VIP weekends with a client. And one of the things like selfishly that I love about my work is as much as I expand and help clients remove blocks, get out of their own way, step into their highest calling on purpose, build wealth with their businesses.

it be easy and fun and be in your feminine flow like all the things right that's great and my clients are always mirroring things back to me because that's what we do we're always just mirrors to one another and I was like how can I consolidate this really luxurious incredible VIP weekend into something smaller and that's where the quantum breakthrough happened so it's two different two hours

sessions, the first half, the first session, essentially, we are going to block, unlock whatever's going on. Like, you know, you have this big vision, you know, you're here to pivot in your business, you know, that there's something that's happening that's really like holding you back from fully being expressed and calling in all the wealth in your business. So let's unlayer that let's unpack that let's rewire it. Let's let's get rid of that and transmute that and learn from it. And with that beautiful, like clarity.

start making the blueprint and have tangible steps to start making in our businesses. So we get back on track. We start pouring back into our businesses. We start allowing the money to flow in. It's absolutely amazing. So two, two hour sessions. If you're kind of like in this stage right now where you're like, oh my gosh, that sounds like me. Like I just can feel this block. I've been like doing all of the things. I just don't know how to get rid of it. I would love to have someone just like support me through.

@kellynoble.coaching (07:05.292)
and I'm also feeling maybe a little overwhelmed on what I should be doing next in my business, what are the next tangible steps, I have all of the things that I wanna be doing, and yet, it's just kind of putting me in analysis paralysis, it's gonna be perfect for you. So, you can go ahead and go.

Instagram and book on that. I'm also excited my website is going to be done soon so I'll have the website for you all to go to and explore and play with and see all of the things that I have going on because honestly I have so much more than just like follow your magic and the quantum breakthrough. So so many different ways to be able to support you. I'm also working on a freebie. It may be launched by the time I post this. I'm not sure yet but again the website will be done soon and I cannot wait to share all of that with you but...

Let's hop in now into the podcast episode and how this came to life. I do want to start with, I might be a little spicy today. You know, when I said I was going to do this podcast, I made a promise to you and I made a promise to myself that I was going to be real raw and authentic. And this morning I was in a mood like I really

need to be more intentional with my nighttime routine so my morning routine can be supported. And I've been doing so much on the back end of my business with funnels and just a lot of the like behind the scenes things that are not client facing or like working one on one with clients. And it's been draining because it's not my zone of genius. It's not the area in my business that lights me up. I hired someone to help me with some of the back end funnels and it ended up being this

huge project where I have to basically fill out all of these questions and just give her so much stuff. And so I have been just going to bed really late. It's been jacking up my sleep. So I think that's part of it. And then yesterday I held space for a group of incredible women. Again, this is how this.

@kellynoble.coaching (09:06.604)
And it's been a while since I've held space in person. And I was a little late because I got lost. Like GPS took me to a completely different address. And so I was a little frazzled just from that. I didn't have then the time that I was planning on to like really ground in. I was definitely breathing in the car ride, like doing everything that I could given my circumstances. But, and I left the event feeling fine. I felt the event just like on.

I loved getting to be in the room with these women. And then yet today I was like, why do I feel like this? Like literally I was exhausted. I went to Pilates, I came back, I was like, okay, I'm gonna take a nap. And then I didn't have time to take a nap. So then I walked my dog and then I got back home to hop onto my call with my functional health doctor. Totally missed my appointment. I thought it was at 11, it was at 10 30. And then I was frustrated with that. So like all of those like little things were kind of just compounding onto my.

already and then I went to lay in bed to go take a nap and then I ended up doom -scrolling for an hour and I was like okay like I'm so over this like what is happening I can't keep like do it like I have I can't keep doing this like I just can't I wanted to record podcast episodes today I had all of these things planned and I wasn't gonna let my energy overpower me.

And then I'm in the shower. I'm like, OK, I'm going to get in the shower. I'm going to do a little grooming and maintenance and just feel really good again. I got out of the shower and I was like, OK, I'm just going to get a little cute. I just want to be comfy, so I put a tank top on. I put some jewelry on. I feel like jewelry is always the easiest way to just spruce me up. I put on a ring from my grandma, so that just always makes me really happy. And I realized, I was like, girl.

You were holding so much space yesterday and some of the things that were shared within that container Those women had never shared with anybody ever before like we were really going there. We were getting vulnerable We were getting raw and this is why I love talking about money because money is always like the Symptom like we always like think money is the thing But when we really start like tapping into that it always leads to these deeper

@kellynoble.coaching (11:24.748)
things. And so we were unpacking a lot. And I don't think I really like protected my energy the same. I've been doing a lot of space holding virtually, which is still like very energetically just like pulling on you. But it's been a while since I've done it in person. So I was like, okay, this isn't even mine. And then once I like realized that I was like, okay, girl, we're better. We're good. We're looking cute. We are going to go record this podcast episode. Literally you were up all night rehearsing like,

Why didn't I say that? Why didn't I say that? Why didn't I say that? Well, I didn't say it. So it could be here on this podcast for the masses to hear. So one of the women yesterday, we were talking about, like she has this pole. It's almost like a pendulum, just like back and forth between, I know that my purpose is to be in service to others. And yet I keep getting this feeling of like, I want more, I want to create wealth. I want to live the certain lifestyle.

And I feel a lot of guilt around that because of overconsumption, capitalism, all of these other things that make me feel like I'm not allowed to want more. I just should be happy with enough. And yes, there's a fine line and gray area and balance between the two, right? Because capitalism is very harmful. It is...

rooted in a lot of white supremacy. It's rooted in a lot of patriarchal systems. It is very harmful for, you know, keeping the rich rich and the poor poor. There's a lot of inequality within capitalism. So I don't want to like minimize or downplay that. But my energy doesn't go to be focused within that. So yes, I'm knowledgeable. I understand it. I see the impacts it makes in the world. And yet again,

My energy does not go towards that. My energy goes towards solutions. So in my mind, when she's saying that, the first thing that I said was, there is a huge difference between over consumption and buying and doing that with your ego versus doing that with your soul. When we are doing...

@kellynoble.coaching (13:47.212)
this with ego, when we're wanting to create wealth, when we're wanting to make money, when we're wanting to buy all of the things and live the lifestyle. Is that coming from a place of lack of scarcity, of needing it to numb, of needing it to fulfill this void we have within? Do we feel like if we have that thing, we'll finally be worthy, be loved, be all of the things, right? Because I did that when I had my high paying job and I was like, money was coming in, it was great.

I thought that if I got to this place in my life, that I would finally be happy. And then I finally got to that place and I was miserable. I mean, it definitely had perks. So I don't want to be like, oh, well, money was awful. That whole process was awful. But like, it was this inner knowing of like, I'm still empty inside. There's still something where I'm still depressed and I'm still crying myself to bed at night, even though everything around me looks like enough.

even though everything around me looks perfect, even though I have all of the things, I should be just grateful and fine, which that in itself is very like toxic. It's wild. I remember being in therapy and I was like, everything around me is perfect. Like I have a partner that loves me. I have a great job. I have, you know, we just bought our third property. I have my Mercedes. Like I have all of the things externally. Like why is it not enough? Why am I still so ungrateful? And...

that was negative self -talk. She was like, why do you talk so mean to yourself? And I was like, wait, like, I'm trying to be grateful. What do you mean I'm talking mean to myself? But it is like that, that in itself for capitalism can put you in this very negative spiral of like shame and of guilt, which are low vibrational frequencies and states that keep us like more controllable and unhappy. And so when I kind of like released that, then I could really step into

being embodied in the gratitude and like really seeing everything around me for face value and acknowledging and noticing that I was still very empty inside. And so when we're thinking about consumption and buying and purchasing, is it intentional or is it to numb? Are we going into debt because we don't have the money and we're just gonna go on Amazon and buy stuff? Or are we going into debt because we're very intentional with where...

@kellynoble.coaching (16:16.236)
this investment is going and we know it's gonna have a return on investment and we're gonna be able to put it into our businesses and be able to thrive. When you're purchasing from soul, when you are coming from that space, it's such a different frequency than the ego. Because let's face it, we are living in a capitalistic society. We can't just pretend that money doesn't matter. We can't just be like, well, F capitalism, I'm not gonna buy anything anymore. I mean, I guess you could, but like...

For most of us, that really doesn't make sense. You still need to have a roof over your head, food in your belly, all of the things. And for me, I'm gonna be unapologetic because I have had shame around wanting more for so long. I'm gonna be unapologetic in the things that I want in my life. I do like nice things. I do like luxury things. I do like nice houses. I do like nice cars. I do like things that are made of quality for clothing, for purses, for all of those. And again,

Now that I've been in this very deep spiritual awakening, I've elevated the consciousness of myself, I love myself deeply. When I go and purchase those things, they're not coming from a place of lack. I don't have attachment to any of those things being my value. I know that I'm enough with exactly who I am without having anything to like validate that.

So that was kind of like the first conversation that we had. And then when I think about it, like even more, like from a higher level, when I was like in my bed and I was like, oh my gosh, all of these other things, why didn't I say all of these other things?

For me, my core purpose for living a life for so long where I felt othered, where I always felt outcasted, where I never felt like enough, where I felt like I never fit in, I know what that pain feels like. And seeing what's happened in the world and seeing where so many of the problems that we're currently facing within the world and...

@kellynoble.coaching (18:26.952)
knowing where a lot of that originally stems from, right? Because a lot of people are just wanting to put Band -Aids over a lot of problems. When you learn the history of being a woman in society, being a minority in society, when you start learning all of these things and how all of these systems around us have been to suppress us, my biggest goal in life is to create more equity. And while capitalism in theory is creating

Inequity, me personally and why I love wealth so much and why I love helping with women and women of color create more wealth is to help bridge the gap to create a more equitable world. So for me, capitalism is not going away. I mean, I shouldn't say like never, like obviously there's pros and cons or socialism. There's all these other avenues that we could potentially take or maybe even avenues that we haven't even seen yet in history.

But just me, myself, me buying a big old house down the road, isn't gonna fix capitalism, nor is it like really pouring into capitalism anymore than like the next person buying a big house, right? Like this is such a bigger, deep rooted thing. But what I can do is, is I can be intentional with how my dollars are being spent. And the way that we can actually change,

how capitalism is becoming a problem within our society is like the benefit of capitalism is we the people control it. We are the consumers, we are the buyers. So when I think about that, A, when I have money,

I'm very conscious of where I'm spending it. Am I pouring into like shopping, for example, instead of going to the mall and buying a bunch of fast fashion, let me buy from the small business, the black owned business, the business that is creating clothing with recycled clothes, the companies that are more aligned with my values of sustainability.

@kellynoble.coaching (20:45.674)
All of that gets to feed those artists and those business owners and give them a bigger platform. And their mission gets to go further as opposed to going to Zara, which Zara quality disgusting or any of the other like fast fashion places that you see when you go into the mall or when you're shopping online. So there's one way of us being able to have more power and control in a capitalistic society with our dollars as a

business owner at a much higher macro level, the impact that my business gets to make because I'm making so much money, not only gets to be poured into communities that need it the most, because I know that my business is just a vessel to be able to pour into more scholarship opportunities, getting more after school programs to schools that are in underserved communities.

STEM programs, even like spiritual programs of teaching children how to understand the nervous system, how to use somatic practices to help regulate them. Because usually when you're living in those types of neighborhoods, me, hello, I grew up in that type of neighborhood, you are under a lot of fight or flight or stress. Like maybe your parents aren't always there. They don't know how to teach you how to regulate your emotions or express your feelings. So how do we get more of these programs into the schools so they have access to that?

So like I know my money is going to be funneled into creating a bigger impact. It's not just me making money to make money. It's not just me to make money so I can buy a purse and to buy a house and to buy a nice car. Yes, that's a part of what I believe my level of standard for my living is and it can also live with giving back just as much. It's not like it's always one or the other. Like I'm allowed to have nice things and live this lifestyle that I've always

felt really called to and make a big impact into my community with those same dollars. And my idea of wealth and luxury are very different than yours. For you, wealth and luxury may look like I'm able to support my family. I'm able to like make sure my kid has everything that they need. I get to now like buy a camper van and just travel around the United States and go from.

@kellynoble.coaching (23:12.684)
state to state to state and explore like everyone's version of wealth is different and that's the beauty of it. So when we're also thinking about being a business owner, when I build out my team, I'm very intentional with who am I onboarding onto my team? Who is truly on this mission walking along me on this vision to help birth?

this into a bigger thing? Like how do we amplify the impact that I'm here to create with my team? And if I'm having someone walk along me on this journey, I want to make sure that I'm pouring into them so that they're able to afford healthcare. They're able to afford a lifestyle and a life where they aren't having to freak out every single month to pay their bills because they're not being paid enough. Because I know as a leader,

If they're in this fight or flight survival state, how are they actually gonna be able to be embodied and come from a place of overflow into creating the business with me? And the impact that that has is even bigger of a ripple because I'm creating these ecosystems of change. When I have enough to pour into someone else,

They're able to have enough to pour into their family structures and that can be such a big ripple between family to family to family to family. So yes, let me use capitalism to create a bigger change because I have intentionality and I'm intentional in using my soul to be able to create this change as opposed to lack in ego.

@kellynoble.coaching (25:04.844)
Let's see what else. I wrote a bunch of stuff down because I didn't wanna like forget. Oh, the other big one. How do we actually change the systems that are broken? The government. But guess what, baby girl, I'm not that girl. I'm not gonna be the one that's running an office. I mean, I don't know, maybe. Kelly Noble for president, let's go. But like being serious.

That's just never been like my dream. That's never been the thing that I've like really wanted to do. But when I have an overflow of wealth, I can now pour that money into funding and supporting other politicians that are actually for the people that are here to create the change. Because the sad thing is a lot of the people that we are seeing in office running for office now, they're all funded by these huge corporations. We know.

We see it from big pharma from insurance companies from the NRA is that the gun one? From all of these other regulation the oil and gas industry like oh my gosh They're being funded by these huge corporations And how do they do that because they have an overflow of money to be able to pour into these politicians that are gonna serve them But there are politicians out there that are wanting to make the change there are politicians like you and me that are like we are

over this BS. I'm done seeing these systems work against us. I am tired of it. And they're not having the correct voice to be able to amplify the actual change because they don't have the money to be able to sustain the mission. But guess what? When I have money in overflow and you have money in overflow, you're able to pour into those politicians that actually want to create the change that we are all begging for.

that we are all craving, we are so done seeing a broken system constantly work against us.

@kellynoble.coaching (27:11.084)
And there is a piece of us that has like internalized capitalism like conditioned in us. Like that was something that I was trying to get across to that woman yesterday is like these themes that we're hearing of I should just be happy with enough or like I need to have X, Y, and Z to be loved and fulfilled. I need to keep up with the Joneses. I need all of these things and I should.

just be happy with what I have is very harmful and toxic in its conditioning, especially as a woman or person of color. Because those systems are already supporting in the masses corporations and who are corporations primarily ran by white men. Like everything right now is controlled by one voice and that is the white man.

It's usually the old white man that has been doing this forever. Look at our politicians. Bro, there needs to be a limit on how long you're able to run for office for real. So it's like, all of these things are so ingrained in us. We think that money is evil because we see these corporations and how money is being used and manipulated. Even as kids, when we're looking at Disney movies, all of the villains tend to be really wealthy, but they're the bad guys.

There's so much internalized conditioning around money that we need to just acknowledge and see and shed and realize that those are not our stories. What do I need to learn from these stories so I can move forward? When we even just think about being a woman or person of color, how we didn't even have access to voting, like women specifically, it wasn't until the 60s or 70s that we were even able to...

be able to open a bank account by ourselves without a man cosigning or to get a business loan wasn't even until the 70s without a man. There's so much generational stuff that we're holding onto that it is okay to want more. And that is the theory of abundance, right? We get into these scarcity things where I can't want more because if I want more, someone has less.

@kellynoble.coaching (29:34.38)
And that's just not true. That's what we've been learned. That's what we've learned in these capitalistic societies, but that isn't the truth. If I have more, you get to have more. When I have more, I get to pour into the ones that don't have more and allow them to have opportunities so they can have more. Trust me, money is not real. The only person giving value to money is us. Like,

We talked about this yesterday too. We have this facade that money is protection, that money is security. And what happens if we have a cyber attack tomorrow and all of our money is gone because money is a digital currency that we don't even see anymore? Like cash is being faded out. And if we think about generation to generation to generation, women were currency at one point. Like women.

Women were currency. I will trade you my daughter for this cow and food. I will trade you my daughter for, so we can marry into this family so I can have more money and like, what is it? In the caste system, where like, I'm ranked higher. Women were used as currency. You see, gold has been used as currency. There's been so many things across the generations of life that have been used as currency. So the thing that we see today, the dollar,

It's fictitious. It's made up. And I know that when you look at like government systems, when they like release the ceiling to our debt and like, all of a sudden, all this imaginary money is just being printed and printed and printed like, it's wild. So when we, I don't know why I just got on that tangent, but like when we're thinking about wanting more, A, it's natural to want more and B,

When we're doing it from a very embodied and intentional place, it's okay to use the systems of capitalism to our advantages. For too long, we've allowed it to control us.

@kellynoble.coaching (31:45.42)
So I think I'll end it on that. I think I'll just like continue to ramble and ramble and ramble about this. I'm gonna leave it on that. If you have more questions about this, I'm also like super curious what you think about capitalism, about being especially a healer, being in the spiritual space, being a woman, being a person of color that has constantly been like shamed for wanting more. I'm really curious to know your thoughts on all of this.

Until next time, I love y 'all so much. If you could please leave a review or rate this podcast, send it to a friend that may need to hear this message because healers need to be paid more. I'm gonna leave it with this too. You are a healer if you have been healing yourself. I believe everyone innately is a healer. We all.

are impacting each other and we have the ability to create poison or create love and abundance for others. So for me that love in itself is healing. And if you are healing yourself, you are a healer. If you have big traumas that you know that you're supposed to alchemize into your purpose, you are a healer. If you are the person that is wanting to be in service and that

Wants to be able to pour into other people and like help humanity. You are a healer I don't care what industry you're in. I don't care what your job is. You are a healer and so I'm very curious to know what your thoughts are on Being a healer and being paid because if anything Being a healer you need to have even more money because you're Leading with your heart. You're leading with your soul. You're leading with love

And I know women like you are going to pour it back into communities and you're going to create like deep systemic change. So I love y 'all connect with me as always on my Instagram, kellynoble .coaching again, like leave a review. I love y 'all so much until next week.