Manifest That Shift

Manifesting 101: Aligning Energy & Co-Creating with the Universe

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 5

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In this episode, Kelly Noble discusses the true meaning of manifestation and how it has been overpopularized and misunderstood. She discusses the science behind how manifestation works and how to use the unconscious mind to unlock your manifestations. 


  • Manifestation is more than wishful thinking or instant gratification. It is a process that involves aligning your energy, taking inspired action, and addressing internal blocks.
  • Co-creating with the universe or higher power is an important aspect of manifestation. It is about manifesting from a place of love, authenticity, and the highest good for all.
  • It is important to differentiate between manifesting from the soul and manifesting from the ego. Manifesting from the soul involves manifesting in alignment with your purpose and the highest good, while manifesting from the ego may come from a place of lack and protection.
  • Acknowledging and using privilege is important in the manifestation process. 
  • Language is important as it affects our unconscious mind. It is crucial to speak and think like the person who already has what you desire.
  • The placebo effect demonstrates the power of belief in shaping our reality. 
  • The reticular activating system filters our beliefs and perceptions. By reprogramming it with new beliefs and finding evidence from our past, we can bridge the gap between our dreams and reality.

episode 5


Introduction to Manifestation

Co-creating with the Universe

Manifestation vs. Privilege

Misconceptions about Manifestation

Filling Your Cup and Trusting the Universe

The Science Behind Manifestation

The Power of Thoughts and Language

Moving Like the Woman Who Already Has It

Expanding Yourself to Hold Money

Taking Aligned Action and Investing in Your Business

Creating Confidence and Investing in Mentors

Changing Money Mindset and Overcoming Lack Mentality

Trusting Yourself and Being the Creator of Your Reality

The Power of the Placebo Effect

The Science of the Quantum Field

Neuroplasticity and Positive Psychology

The Power of Visualization and the Mind

Working with the Unconscious Mind and the Reticular Activating System

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Kelly Noble (00:01.462)
Welcome to the Manifest That Shift podcast with your girl, Kelly Noble, the quantum coach. And I am smiling ear to ear because we are going to talk about one of my favorite topics, which is, of course, manifestation. But we're going to really talk about like true manifestation, the art of manifestation, the full embodiment of what manifestation truly is when we think about it from a scientific level.

from a unconscious mind level, from a nervous system level, because to be real with you guys, do you want in on the tea? I was low key not gonna call this podcast Manifest That Shift because I feel like the word manifest can give me the ick sometimes when I'm seeing it on social media, when I'm seeing it in TikTok and the influencer space and even some of the healing spaces that it has been over -popularized.

And the true meaning has been lost with this idea that just manifestation is like, I'm going to think about it and I'm going to get it and I'm going to manifest it. And like, it's this like bypassing of everything that you need to do at an internal level to become a magnet at an energetic level to align with what you're wanting to create. And also the co -creative process with source, higher power, God, whatever it may be. Like manifestation is not this quick.

fix and everything around what I've been seeing lately is like it is this quick fix. Like you just get a manifest and everyone gets what they want all the time. And like that's like the furthest thing from the truth. But obviously I did call the podcast Manifest That Shift because I do love manifestation and I love helping my clients manifest. I love manifesting all of the time and it really is going to be focused on creating that internal shift to become a magnet for.

more money for more love and creating your dream business. And so I'm really excited to bring again more of like the steps, how to do it, why we do it, the science behind it, how to use the unconscious mind to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality and like really dive into the truth of what manifestation truly is, at least for me. And.

Kelly Noble (02:21.902)
Not to say that we can't like manifesting sometimes instantly. I mean, I do that also all the time with small things. For example, I was at the mall and I was looking at my car and I was like, oh my gosh, I need a car wash so bad. And I manifested a free car wash not too long ago, but they stopped doing car washes for free. And I was like, ah, I just wish I could get like a free one. I'm going to manifest one. And so literally when I got home that day and I went through the mail, guess what was in the mail? A coupon for a free car wash.

So things can happen quickly, but when we're thinking about these huge, big, incredible dreams that we're wanting to bring in, it can be a process. And so when I think about being a quantum coach, I love to coach energy. Very rarely is the problem or the block the thing holding you back. What it truly is, is the energy that you're holding.

around that problem or block. And so if we can shift your energy around it, then that's where we start on tapping all of the limitless opportunities that will fall into your life. And when we think about the quantum field, I love the quantum field because anything is possible. Like if you can close your eyes and you can see it and visualize it, like it's already happening somewhere. So how do we really entrain your energy to be a magnet for that new outcome? So I'm so excited to jump into this.

I'm going to give you two disclaimers. One is funny. I might cry, but it's funny. The other one is my computer is old. So she may be like humming because the fan is so loud. Um, I am manifesting a new one because she is just, you know, she's old and baby needs a break. So if you hear her in the background and I can't seem to edit it out, I appreciate you just like rolling with punches.

And the second thing is this is actually my second time recording this. If you have been following me on social media, if you're not, go follow me now so we can connect and DM me so we can chat. But if you have been following me on social media, you know that my computer, the same one, it died on me and I lost everything. So I lost all of my recordings. And today I was recording and.

Kelly Noble (04:40.142)
My computer died and it ran out of battery and I went to turn it back on and I was literally like done with a podcast and it only saved two minutes and 45 seconds. So this is my second time around. I was actually going to put more information in this podcast, but I think it's actually better to make whatever there was like, I'm going to talk about the different laws of the universe. I think it's going to be better on a separate podcast. So I'm going to actually take that out and I think, I think everything's going to work out.

But it kind of goes back to like what we're going to discuss today where like manifestations and having these things come in into your life that are like obstacles or challenges are like actually really beautiful things. It's again, how are you perceiving all of these things coming into your life? So let's talk about manifesting. Manifesting for me, I think a better definition of it is co -creating with the universe or source energy or God or angels, whatever it is that you believe in.

And even if you don't believe in anything at all, we're going to talk about the placebo effect here in a second because we're going to geek out with the science around manifestation. I'm so excited. I love it. Um, but we're going to talk about the placebo effect. And if you don't believe in anything at all, um, not that I'm like pushing my beliefs on you, do what you want to do. But I remember when I was really struggling in life and I started my spiritual awakening and my healing journey.

And one thing that I had realized was I was living in spiritual poverty. Like I really didn't believe in anything. It's not that I didn't believe in God or I didn't believe in anything, but I didn't truly have like this connection to something greater than me. And once I started building that relationship with source, with universe, everything shifted for me. So.

I just want to throw that out there because I totally understand if you're like, well, I don't know if I believe in anything. Like I get that. But once you start building this beautiful relationship with something greater than you, it's just, it can really shift and change so much in your life. So what do I mean by co -creating? So co -creating is not only going to happen with self where you are working with your unconscious mind, where you're working with your nervous system, where you're really present and fully embodied and understanding.

Kelly Noble (06:54.382)
who you are, your authenticity, your struggles, your weaknesses, your strengths, like just totally being in love and acceptance with yourself and what you need to work on to help remove blocks to kind of bridge the gap between where you are currently and where you want to go. It's also co -creating with that higher energy. It's this understanding that it's not just, well, I'm gonna like manifest what I want right now and it's gonna come to me and it has this very like.

I feel like now it's almost like this entitlement, right? Like everything should just be for me and mine. Like manifestation is just like this really receive energy. And it's not just receiving, it's receiving and also giving. It's the energy we're putting out. It's the energy we're receiving in. It's us actually creating. And I think it's interesting because like really creation is a result of us manifesting something. So like the more we create and the more we kind of

you know, co -create, that's when manifestations happen. So we also have to realize that we are always manifesting all the time, like every single day, all the time we are manifesting our realities, whether we consciously know that we're trying to manifest something and bring something into our life or we're unconsciously doing it and we're just living our life. Everything that we are doing and living is a manifestation of.

our perception of reality. So I think it's important to know like no matter what it's going to happen. So you can either be conscious of it and like create things with your life or you can stay unconscious in it and just enjoy and be and live. Or you can kind of be like ignorant to the fact that it's all happening anyway. And if you're stuck in this scenario of like, I'm not living the life that I want, like you're still creating it. So if you're not living a life that you love, you're creating that right now. There's also a difference between.

soul and ego manifestations. When we're manifesting from our soul, it's completely different than manifesting from our ego. And when I think about manifesting from the soul, I'm thinking about manifesting in the highest good of ourselves and the collective. We are manifesting from an embodiment of who we are, from our purpose, from our calling. We're manifesting from a place of love and expansion and again, the greatest good for all.

Kelly Noble (09:17.646)
When we're manifesting from ego, this can look more like we're manifesting from lack because we are in this grippy energy. We're trying to manifest from a pain point within because ego is ego is a protection mechanism for us. And usually we've learned through this protection mechanism is to have like walls and they're defensive. And so.

there's a huge difference from what you're going to receive when you're in either of these states. And it's not that one's good or bad. It's just to be consciously aware, like there are different ones. And sometimes we don't always get what we want. We get what we need and we have to surrender and trust to know it is something this or it's going to be something better. And when we're living in the three D sometimes we can't even see.

what we truly want because the universe source has such bigger ideas for what we are actually going to do that we can't even like conceptualize it. So like sometimes you're like, well, I want this. And it's like, you don't get that. And that's because it's actually going to lead you to a path that's going to give you something so much greater. So I want to give you this story because I think it's a perfect embodiment of what this means. And it's also,

a really good reflection of like manifesting versus soul versus ego. Because when I manifested this, it was through lack mentality. It was through a lot of stress. It was through not me fully being in the embodiment of like who I am. And so a couple of years ago, I got laid off from my job. And I remember having the conversation with my husband. Like we were in the.

process of building our third investment property. We were really excited. Like we got to build it. I remember getting to pick the floors. Oh my gosh, the countertops. I'm still obsessed with those countertops today. And it was on this beautiful open space. We had these views. I had, um, I had space in the home to like have a podcasting studio. Like all of these things were like so exciting. And in that same breath,

Kelly Noble (11:32.142)
I had bought that house with my husband from a place of scarcity, from a place of ego, from a place of numbing. I have recognized that a big pattern for me specifically is I will numb with with like sporadic things. Like I'll just make I don't say irrational decisions because we did talk about it for a long time before we decided to buy like this, you know, very big investment of a house.

But I remember like when we finally said yes, like there was just something inside of me that was like, oh, did I really want to do that? But I was doing it because I felt like if I bought this, it would make me happy. I felt like if I bought this, it would fill this void. If I bought this, it would be this change in my environment where like I could just like ignore all of the other problems. Like this was going to fulfill something for me. And I used to do that a lot. Like I would like, let's move, let's do this, let's go here. Like I always try to do create like these

big things in our lives to help distract me from the bigger problems and actually going into the shadows and addressing everything. And that's kind of what I did with this house. And when I was getting really overwhelmed with everything, like interest rates were increasing, our payments shot up, like, I don't know, two grand more than we thought it was going to be. It was a very uncertain time. Like the housing market wasn't doing very good. Like I wasn't selling as many houses. Like,

So many things were compiling on top of each other on top of the energy of me. Like, oh, this was a bad decision, right? Because again, manifestation, like I was already in this mental state of like, this wasn't a good idea. And so I remember having the conversation with my husband and I was just like, like, I wish that we could get our deposit back from the house and we can rent out our current home and we can take that money and we can just leave for an entire year and travel.

But again, right, like I was again not addressing the internal problems. I was trying to change my environment and do all of these big things to like make me feel better. Like, yes, I do want to travel the world and I know it's coming, but I have to go through, I had to go through this whole process to actually get me to a place where I can do that from my soul as opposed to my ego. And so a week later from that conversation, I go into my office and I end up getting laid off. It was,

Kelly Noble (13:57.038)
Totally out of the blue. I was completely blindsided. I was one of the top salespeople literally like I was I was absolutely shook and as a result of that we also lost the house because You know, I mean they did give me an option like you can continue to like purchase the house No, if you want to but like if you don't then we'll give you your deposit money back and we couldn't stay with the house like

I didn't know if I wanted to stay in the industry anymore. And if we needed to get approved for a loan, that means I needed to like find another job within the same industry, start having the income coming in, which I know isn't really possible for my industry because commissions have to happen. And like, it's a whole thing. So I knew that wasn't even possible. And so instead we got our $35 ,000 deposit back. So like when I'm thinking about manifesting, I want my money back so I can travel.

I got a part of it, but I also lost my house in the process. I also lost my job in the process. And if I'm being real, real, like I was manifesting losing my job. Like I was getting to a point in my job where I knew that it was literally taking so much energy from me. I was so unfulfilled. I was just in this energetic state of like wanting to push it away and not having it. But consciously I was too afraid to make the leap because I didn't know.

where I was gonna go to make that much money again. I just like, I was just like so stuck in that, but like at an unconscious level, I was manifesting and I was pushing this job away. And I could have stayed in that state of like victim mentality and shame and I'm not good enough and why me? And I could have stayed in that, but I knew that this was something that I had asked for. I knew that this was a gift. I knew that I was full of gratitude. And again, manifestation has so much to do.

with gratitude because gratitude is such a beautiful, high vibrational state that is like that just attracts so much abundance. And so that's what I chose to do. I chose to be in this really beautiful state of gratitude. And I really at that time had to learn how to disassociate my value from success, achievements, external factors and sources, accomplishments, accolades, like all of those things. I had to disassociate myself from that and just understand that.

Kelly Noble (16:13.934)
me being me was enough that I didn't need anything external to validate who I am and who I am meant to be on this world. And it gave me the time and space to also go through a very beautiful internal journey of healing, of rest, because I was so burnt out from my job. And that led me to my calling, which is coaching. Like if it wasn't for me losing my job,

I absolutely would not be here today having a podcast episode about manifestation and how I use manifestation to help my clients literally attract like everything that they want in their lives. Like everything has led to this point. And I know because I am building this beautiful business that it is going to be so fricking lucrative. Like I'm so excited for you guys to be on this ride of like me taking and scaling my business, like walking along me on this and me pouring into you everything that I'm doing so you can.

mirror whatever feels and resonance with you so you can build your business. But I know that I'm building a business that's going to be able to give me the flexibility to travel whenever I want to travel for long periods of time. So if I just want to pick up and go to Costa Rica for three months, I can do that. And it's going to pour in all of the wealth and abundance for me to actually fulfill the lifestyle of like, because baby girl, I don't want to just like travel.

I love traveling in luxury. Like I am a bougie bitch. Like I want to be able to travel in beautiful homes with chefs, with just doing all of the like excursions and discovering the towns and the culture. And like, I want to be able to do that like in luxury. So I know like everything is leading me to this point. So even though I wanted my deposit back into travel, it didn't happen. Like I had so much ripped from underneath me.

and the other piece of manifestation. And this will be a separate podcast episode, but I feel really called to talk about it just high level today right now. I think we also have to recognize the difference between manifestation and privilege because this again is something that kind of irks me within the spirituality space with the influencer space when they talk about manifestation is, is it manifestation or is it just privilege? Because there is a difference between the two.

Kelly Noble (18:39.454)
Sometimes they can get a little convoluted, but there is a big difference like some things Maybe you did manifest and other things you just bought and you bought because you are living with privilege because you came from a wealthy family and you are also wealthy because of that and you could do and you can buy whatever you want I do love the stories of the women out there that come from nothing that literally

Like one of my favorite girls, she has the My Manifesting Bestie podcast. I think that's what it's called. I love following her on Instagram because she's like, I went from literally being broke and driving Uber to like buying a million dollar home in two years and having a hundred K months. Like I absolutely adore that. And also we have to understand and assess that there is still privilege within her own story. There's privilege within my story. There's earned privileges that we have had. There are.

privileges that have been just gifted upon us through, you know, society. But sometimes it's like, did you get something free? Did you get your coffee paid for because you manifested it? Or is it because you have pretty privilege? I mean, we have to recognize and acknowledge that privilege is a key piece within this. And even if privilege is feeding directly into manifestation, we have to acknowledge and realize that

Manifestation truly comes from the internal state that we are living in, from the unconscious, the underlying belief systems. And if you are someone that grew up very poor or you grew up in an environment where you never saw representation of being successful, of what wealth even looked like, of all of these different things versus someone that has had the privilege of...

growing up in wealth that has grown up with maybe family members that are entrepreneurs and they've been able to pour into them. And I'm not saying like, that's bad. You should be ashamed of that. Like girl, do you take your privileges and build something from it, take those privileges and flip them from being a ladder into a bridge. So it's accessible for other people. Like my ideal viewpoint on privilege is privilege is such a beautiful thing. And if we can take the shame around,

Kelly Noble (20:55.534)
privilege, like we can use this as such an important tool to help create equity. So like when I'm saying these things, like baby, girl, do you, everyone has privileges. Even the person that grew up poor has privileges. Like everybody has privileges. And yet we need to understand that because of the way that we've had to grow up and the way that we have had our internal systems be able to filter what our reality looks like, because all we know is our environment.

that that has a big factor to do with manifestations. So when you are seeing someone that is manifesting and they have all of these incredible things in their lives already, like, I don't want that to be a discouragement to you of like, oh, my gosh, like we're not I can't do that because I'm not living in her house. Like we've all seen it. We've all seen the videos on TikTok and everyone's in these big houses, all of these things like it's just an important conversation. Again, I'll have a whole nother podcast episode on this because it's really important for me to discuss. But.

you know, manifestation of privilege, it's just something important. So some of the things that I hear about manifestation that give me the ick are like, manifestation is just like wishful thinking. It's all about positive thoughts and intentions. And, you know, it's it's aligning your energy and taking action, which, yes, it is. It 100 % has to do with.

being able to make sure that your belief systems, that your thoughts, that the words that you're speaking to yourself, that the intentions that you're setting, that the inspired action that you are taking, that the energy that you are in training yourself to is important to this. But it's more than just like wishful thinking. Like there is a line action that has to happen. Or the other ones that are just about like manifestation is about instant gratification, getting like quick fix schemes. It's...

It's so much more than that. Manifestation is a process. It takes energy. It takes persistence. It takes aligned action. It takes sometimes going through struggles and obstacles to actually move through to get the lessons that we need to get to the bigger goals. Like it's so much more than just getting something right now, even though I can manifest a free car wash like that.

Kelly Noble (23:17.23)
I mean, it can happen too, but like these big things, like it takes more time for these to unfold. Negativity cancels out everything. Like while we're focusing on the positive and that's a powerful mindset to have, it doesn't mean that we're ignoring negative emotions. We have to acknowledge these emotions. We have to release them. We have to refocus our intentions. Like this is not,

I feel like manifestation sometimes is this culture of like toxic positivity where like we just have to wish our way and be positive all the time and affirmations. And if we're in this mindset all the time, then we're going to attract everything and you can't be in the shadows. You can't deal with negative emotions, which I don't even like negative quote unquote negative. I don't believe that there are any emotions that are good or bad quote unquote or negative or positive quote unquote. Emotions are emotions. If it wasn't for conditioning, teaching us that this is bad and this is good. We wouldn't even really.

know what they are. Emotions are a neutral experience for me. They feel different, but I look at them from neutrality. Because if we look at it from this lens, right? Like we think happiness is like a good emotion. Oh my gosh, we love being happy. Happy is the best. Okay, well, if we're happy 24 seven, how about if we go to a funeral and we're in this love and light happiness? Oh my gosh, I love it.

That is not really the best time or place to be like that. Like in that state, it's probably a negative time or a bad time to be in the happy emotion. And same with if we're like sad all the time and sad is like a bad emotion. It's like, no, we have to feel the sadness. We have to feel these heavier emotions, these really big emotions of anger and sadness and fear and resentment.

to be able to really identify what is going on with us. What is happening? What do I need? What are the lessons coming from this? How do we move through this? Because the only way to get to the light, you have to go through the depths of the darkness and the shadows. And that entails going through quote unquote negative emotions. This is true manifestation. And when we are trying to spiritually bypass,

Kelly Noble (25:41.806)
all of these shadows, all of this within us, like this goes back to the unconscious mind. If we are not addressing the blocks that are holding us back, all of these emotions that are unconscious as a harbored, if we are too afraid to go through the shadows and feel through these to get to the other side, we'll never actually be able to bridge the gap into our true manifestations because the unconscious is always going to operate and run everything.

Only like 5 % of us are actually consciously aware of things and that like our consciousness is running things. The other 90, 95 % is our unconscious. We have to acknowledge and move through these. Like for the last three weeks, the whole like first part of January, I was going through a lot of big emotions with grief, with loss, with anger, with resentment, with anger. I said anger twice because I was very angry.

with all of these heavy and big emotions. And the more I started to fight with it, the more I started to want him to go away and I just want to move through it and I'm over it and I don't want them to have the power over me, da da da da da da da, the more that I grasped onto the control of having them not be present, the longer they lingered. And I promise you, the second that I just sat and acknowledged them and I just allowed myself to feel them, that's when I started getting the lessons of like,

this is why this is happening. I'm absolutely in the process of a death and a rebirth period. And I have to just be with the emotions and feel them and allow them to be here. And without numbing, because I was doing that a lot too. I was like numbing with my phone and doom scrolling and all of these things. And I had to support my nervous system as well. I had to recognize what was happening internally. And all of the things that were coming up were activating triggers and old stories within me.

old traumas and I needed to support my nervous system. And that looked like realizing I was numbing with my phone and stopping with my phone. That meant going to the gym and moving my body, breathing, taking time and space for myself, journaling, being able to recognize what was happening in my body so I can take the lessons again and help regulate and calm and bring my body back to homeostasis as opposed to living in fight or flight.

Kelly Noble (28:04.238)
The other thing that I hear a lot is it's just for like material things. Like we're all, I want to manifest a car and a house and all of the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, which yes, that's a part of it. Absolutely. But manifestation is encompasses like all different parts of our lives. It's relationships, it's career, it's wellbeing. And again, this also has a lot to do with like manifesting through ego or soul because we're not ever really wanting to manifest the car or the house.

We're wanting to manifest the failing of having it. I'm going say that again. It's never actually about the thing. Like we think we want to have million dollar months. First of all, do you even know why you want to have million dollar months? Let's even start there. Like what is the intentionality of that? Where is that money being flowed to? Where is the investment of that? How are you actually utilizing million dollar months? Is there an intention for it? And two, you're wanting to actually have the feeling it's going to give you.

Well, million dollar months are going to make me feel secure. They're going to make me feel successful. They're going to make me feel confident. They're going to make me feel whatever it is that you want to feel. And true manifestation comes from being in that embodiment and already living with that feeling and emotion to attract it. And I also hear in the manifestation space of like, it's only for like the chosen, like it's only for these like special few people. That's like, no, everybody has the ability to do it.

Even if you grew up in, like I was describing earlier, you were poor. You didn't have access to anything. Like anyone can manifest things. And we also have to recognize, I think this goes back to privilege is when you are living in that state of maybe poor, you don't know when there's going to be food on the table. You don't have electricity. You are living in fight or flight. You are in survival. And so trying to manifest a car when you are literally trying to survive.

those are never going to work together. You're working against each other. So how do you start filling your cup? How do you bring in more internal safety to yourself? How do you start trusting again with the universe and co -creating and starting to move yourself from having to be in that survival state, then into some of the bigger things that we are seeing. And so let's hop into...

Kelly Noble (30:27.886)
I think let's hop into the science behind manifestation. And maybe we'll just talk about manifestation real quick, because I do want tangible things. And when I say this, this is one of these things. When I say this, it is simple. But it doesn't mean it's easy. So for me, manifestation, again, is being able to control your energy. Like this is why I created the Quantum CEO. So you can be the chief energy officer of your own energy. Energy is everything when it comes to manifestation.

Manifestation also entails having clear intentions, really living with the frequency of gratitude, taking a line action, trusting your intuition, surrendering and trust for the outcome, creating and moving forward with those intentions, creating space, whether that's physical space, whether that's mental space, because your power of your thoughts are so important. So being in control of.

how you're speaking to yourself because again, for the unconscious mind, the unconscious mind takes everything so literal. So if you're like even joking about like, oh my gosh, you know, I don't know, what would you joke about? Like, oh, I don't know. Like some people say like, oh, I'm dead. Like as in like funny, like I stopped saying that because that has such a powerful energy and frequency. Like that is a message going literal to your unconscious. And that is not the vibe of what I'm trying to like.

say to my body, even like when I say it with like, if I'm getting sick, I will refuse to say I'm sick. I always say I'm healthy. Language is so important. It has such a strong frequency. We're going to talk about this here in a second again. And the biggest thing is moving like the woman who already has it. Moving like the woman who already has it. Again, this goes back to people just thinking it's for material things.

You don't actually want the thing you want how it's going to make you feel. So if you think having more money is going to fix your problems, I can promise you that getting more money is not going to fix all of your problems. It might help. It might contribute. But once all of those things are kind of fulfilled with money, maybe you get your debt paid off. Maybe you get your bills in order or whatever. What can happen is is.

Kelly Noble (32:52.302)
You go broke again. You haven't actually expanded yourself to be able to hold that much money because you were just going after the money. The goal is not the money. The goal is being able to expand yourself to hold it from this embodied place because you are already living like the woman who has it, right? Because the goal is not to have money. The goal is the goal is not about how much money you make. It's about how much money you have. And if you can't hold the money, how many times have you made money? Then you go broke.

You make money and you go broke. You make money and you go broke. You're repeating the patterns. So you need to start moving like the woman who already has it that has already built the healthy relationship with money that has already built the intentionality with how you are investing and moving your money around. You are already moving like the woman that understands healed money where it is a flow state where you get to hold and receive and invest and

spend and do all of these things. You have to move like the woman who already has the things because trust me, you guys are on this journey with me of creating this business. I have aspirations of building a multiple seven, eight figure business. My goal this year is to hit multiple six figures. I would really love to make 35 K months this year. And I'm saying this, I should be saying this all this different, but.

In my mind, I say it differently with my language. Like I embody, I already have 35 K months. I already have a multiple six, seven figure business. Like this is the language I speak to myself, but as I'm speaking it to you, I'm letting you know, like these have not actualized yet. And this is what I want. And you're on the journey of me creating this. Like I'm here to pour into you, like how I've built my business already, how I've quantum leaped in my business, how I took.

My business from zero dollars to multiple five figures already. I just finished a launch in my business, multiple five figure launch, very first launch with no community, with no social media. So everything that I learn, I want to pour back into this podcast because it is possible for you as well. And also I want to talk about how that happens because I moved like the woman who already has it.

Kelly Noble (35:10.366)
If I was in the energy of the Kelly that doesn't do that, then I would be scrolling on my phone. Then I would be waking up late. I wouldn't be pouring into this podcast. I wouldn't be creating and taking the aligned action. I would just be in these old behaviors of being burnt out, of being unfulfilled, of not going to the gym, of all of those things. I have to move like the woman who already has that. So who is the woman that is creating $35 ,000 months? She's waking up. She's pouring into herself. She's reading. She's

journaling she's she's taking time and space to be in her own thoughts she's Meditating and I do not meditate and sit there like mmm Meditate like no my meditation is like in the shower. My meditation is in the car. My meditation is while I'm at the gym I am Investing into other mentors that are able to get me to where I want to go quicker even though I May not I'm even though I may be making

less money than I am spending and investing in my business. I mean, I'm kind of like on this flip now, but like in the beginning, I was investing a lot more money than I was having come in when I lost my job. I had no money coming in. Thank God I did have two years worth of savings. And again, I'm going to be talking about money a lot. So if you're like, oh my God, how does she have two years worth of savings where she can like just invest and not work and pour into her business? We're going to be talking about that. But also.

I had a lot of lack mentality around money. Even though I had two years worth of savings, I had to move through like spending it because having that grippy, I can't spend money energy is just as bad as quote unquote bad as like not being able to have money come in at all. So there's so many different forms of money wounds. And again, I'm going to have different podcasts around all of this.

But again, I had to move like the woman who already had it. Even though I didn't have money coming in and I was afraid to spend money, who is the woman that would spend it? She would spend it because she trusts herself. She knows she's going to get an ROI on this investment. And every time I've taken a line to action, followed my intuition in my investments, guess what? They have resulted in me making more money. It is amazing. And we have to realize that when we are.

Kelly Noble (37:21.686)
moving like this woman, we are creating this energy of receptivity. And again, we're going to get into the science of this and our environment will adapt to us. We get in this mindset of if I have money, then I can invest. If I see proof that if I quit my job and start my business, then I'll do it. If I have X, then I will Y. That is not how life works. You are the creator.

You have to trust yourself that no matter what it is going to materialize for you because you know that you are going to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true. You know that you are embodied in your energy, that you are confident in who you are. And baby girl, confidence does not come from an outside source. You can embody confidence right now. That is a state that is not an external thing that you need to find. You can have confidence in this exact moment.

That's all the power of the mind and the unconscious. So let's get into the science. Let's get into the science. I want to talk about this because I want to talk about the placebo effect because again, I really truly believe that you have to have some sort of belief system. And even if you don't believe in anything, you can believe in the placebo effect. The placebo effect has so much research and science behind the power of the mind, the power of manifestation, right? The mind.

can control your reality. Your internal belief system creates your reality. So the placebo effect essentially is when they're testing medicines, they will test the actual medicine on people and then they will give people a placebo, which is a sugar pill. So essentially it has no benefits at all. And in this circumstance, we'll talk about like a pain medicine. And so it's such a fascinating phenomenon that when people are given this placebo,

they are still having healing benefits. So at the heart of the placebo effect is the power of belief. So when someone expects a treatment to work, their brain releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and endocrine, which can have pain relieving and mood boosting effects. And this is supported by science and study. So.

Kelly Noble (39:44.078)
Context can play a role within this. So if you have like a caring doctor, a sterile clinic setting, even a ritual of taking a pill, they even have science behind if the pill is bigger, there is a greater percentage of how much it's affected the healing of that person. And I think it's even color. I think it's blue or red. If the pill is blue, it also has a more positive impact in the healing benefits.

And so when we are thinking about brain activity, when you're looking at these studies, the placebos activate similar brain regions as real treatments. So for example, placebos for pain have been shown to activate areas involved in pain processing and modulation, such as the prefrontal cortex. Like how freaking cool is that? And then there's also something called the Nussibo effect. So it's important to note this because it's the opposite of the placebo effect.

It is essentially when patients experience negative side effects from a placebo simply because they expect them to fail. Like if they think that this isn't gonna work, they don't work. So the highlights, so this highlights the powerful influence of our expectations on our health, on again, the power of the mind, what we can create with our mind. All of this has been created with the placebo effect is 100 % created with

the mind. There is so much research around visualizations about like our our minds cannot tell the difference between fake and reality. Like visualizations, like so many things, the power of our mind and manifestation is so important. And even when we think about the science behind it, there is neuroplasticity. So our brains are constantly changing and adapting. When we focus on a particular goal or desire, we strengthen the neural pathways associated with it.

So this makes it more likely that we will notice opportunities and take actions that move us closer to our goals. There's also positive psychology. So positive emotions like optimism, like gratitude, one of my favorite, one of my favorites, and hope can broaden our attention and make us more likely to see possibilities. This can also lead to increased activity, resilience, and goal -oriented behavior. Again, this is all the power of the mind.

Kelly Noble (42:12.654)
If you believe you can, or if you believe you can't, you are right. It's like one of my favorite quotes. My husband gave me that quote. I think it's Tom Henry Ford, Henry Ford. It's literally one of my favorite quotes. So when we're thinking about energy and we're talking about the quantum world, the quantum field, how everything is made out of energy and how that how this plays into manifestations, I'm going to describe it like this because we're all made up out of atoms and atoms are all.

energy. They all have vibrations. So when we're wanting to attract our vibrations need to align with other things that are within that scope. So if I want to attract more money, I need to vibrate in a frequency that's going to attract more money. So think of it like this. Imagine the world is like a giant playground, but instead of having sands and swings, everything in it is made of tiny bouncing balls and these balls are so small.

You can't see them without a special microscope because they are atoms. Atoms are teeny tiny, incy mincy, and they literally make up everything. So these atoms aren't just sitting still. They are always vibrating, they're moving, they're bouncing, they're going everywhere like crazy. And this wiggling motion is actually a form of energy. The faster they vibrate, the more energy they have, and the slower they vibrate, the less energy they have. So think of it as a hot pan on the stove.

The atoms inside are vibrating super fast and making the pan so hot. It can cook your food, but when the pan cools down and the atoms slow down, they're wiggling and their energy, the pan doesn't feel hot anymore. So now just like how kids on the playground like to play with friends who have similar toys. And as soon as I think about this, I think about one of my friends and her son loves Spider -Man like absolutely love Spider -Man. So if he saw another kid on the playground with a Spider -Man t -shirt, with a toy, he would immediately go up to him.

because they have similar interests. Atoms also like to hang out with other atoms that vibrate at the same speed. This is because when atoms with similar vibrations get close, they like click together like a puzzle piece, which creates a bond between them. So basically everything in the world is made of these tiny vibrating atoms and the way that they vibrate and bond with each other determines the stuff that they form. So whether it's a rock, a flower, you and me, we are.

Kelly Noble (44:36.91)
all just different arrangement arrangements of these bouncing energy balls. It's like a grand cosmic orchestra where each Adam plays its own vibrating melody. And when they come together, they create this beautiful symphony of the universe. So if you think about the quantum field and manifestation, imagine that same playground, but it's even bigger. Instead of just having a few bouncing balls, there are an infinite amount of balls because again, in the quantum field,

It's infinite. There is no time or space, no matter what. There are possibility after possibility, and it will never end. And they're all constantly vibrating and zipping around like little fireflies. And so when we think about the kids that like to play with similar toys, well, in the quantum field, the balls don't always have to touch to play with each other.

Sometimes when their vibrations are in tune, they can connect and influence each other even from a distance. This is called entanglement. How freaking cool is that? When I learned this, I was like, my mind was just blown. And it's like the balls having an invisible string connecting them even when they're far apart. And so when we think about manifestation, think about your desires as a specific melody. You want to play.

in this cosmic playground. If you focus your thoughts and emotions on that melody, think about like humming it to yourself. You're sending out a vibration to the quantum field. And guess what? Those tiny bouncing balls, thanks to entanglement, again, where they are all connected to each other, even if they aren't specifically touching, they're just vibrating at the same energy and frequency, can pick up on your melody.

So if they are also vibrating in tune with your desires, they might nudge other balls around creating opportunities or attracting resources that will help your desires come true. It's like the playground suddenly starts working in your favor. It's like the universe starts working in your favor, aligning things just right to make your melody a reality. So think about the kid on the playground again.

Kelly Noble (46:53.518)
Other melodies are playing too and sometimes different notes might bump into yours, changing the tune a bit. That's why manifestation isn't always about getting exactly what you picture, but about attracting situations that are in harmony with your desires. So when you think about my story of getting laid off, I really wanted my money back. I wanted to go travel. I wanted everything to be just like in my favor, like so happy. And instead I attracted losing my job and also

Yeah, like losing my job and losing my house. So it wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it was in harmony with my biggest desires. It actually was something even better and greater than what I could have imagined because my business now is my everything. Like being able to live my purpose and to live in this much fulfillment, like this is everything that I have ever wanted in my life and more. So the key is to keep humming the melody of this vibration.

of the embodiment of already having it of the aligned action. The more you focus on your desire, the stronger the vibration becomes. And the more likely it is to resonate with the other bouncing balls in the quantum field, nudging you closer to your dreams. And there is, I guess, a balance between this too, because we do want to focus on our desires, but we also want to release the outcome. We almost want to like put it out into the universe and then kind of just let universe do its thing without completely fixating on that. And so.

When you think about this analogy, there are so many intricacies of the quantum field and manifestation. But this is such an easy way of conceptualizing how energy and vibration really work, because everything is made out of energy and atoms. And even if you find, oh, I can't remember his name now, but he is a Japanese scientist. And he does study of the power of language and water.

And seeing how we're made out of 70 % water, he does these tests where he will do like high frequency music, then he'll leave one alone and then he'll say like mean and hateful things to it. Again, because our language and our words have a very powerful vibration and frequency. And when you take the water under a microscope and you see how beautiful like the snowflake kind of crystallized structures come from, from all of this like.

Kelly Noble (49:19.598)
beautiful high -frequency type music versus if it's isolated or even if it is being poured like negative mean thoughts like you can see You can see how big of a difference the energy and frequency can impact us when it's just language alone And this is why who you're hanging out with what you're consuming is so important when you are Engulfing yourself into a community that is high frequency that are aligned with your mission and values

When they are women that are encouraging you to dream bigger, this is the frequency that you're writing on. This is what you're wanting to attract more of in your life. When you're watching or listening to music that's high frequency, I stopped listening to a ton of music. DM me if you want some good music that is very high frequency, but like still like fun and you can sing and you can dance like it's a vibe. But I changed a lot of the music because I really took notice of how I was feeling after because I was.

my energy was vibrating and attracting in that same frequency, especially because like music literally has vibrations. It's it's. Yeah. So. Are we going to continue? Yeah, we're at 15 minutes. Let's go, because I want to talk about the unconscious mind and I want to give you tools of understanding, like, again, more science behind why manifestations are so much more than just like wanting something. So I love talking about the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is literally the gap between.

your dreams or is the bridge that will bridge the gap between your dreams and reality. That is where your manifestations will come. What happens though with working with the unconscious mind, there's something called the reticular activating system, the RAS. It's basically a bunch of nerves and that system is designed to validate your belief system. It's your internal filters. It is

your way of navigating the world with your identity, your values, your belief, your memories, your decisions, the time of day, your mood, all of those things. And it's literally built to validate your beliefs. So if you believe that you can't, it will find everything in its power to validate that for you. If you believe you can, it will do everything it can to find the proof to validate that for you. It's the

Kelly Noble (51:42.028)
representation, the internal representation and filters that you have within. It basically works as like a bridge. So if you think of a building that is the unconscious, a bridge with a river underneath and on the other side of that bridge is your consciousness, it will merge those two. But if the filters are off and your unconscious is not aligning with your manifestations, your desires. So say if your unconscious does not believe,

that you can actually have 35K months because you've never seen it before. People in your family say that's impossible. You think that money is the root of all evil. All of these unconscious beliefs that you have literally stored and absorbed your entire life and have filtered to constantly feed into the belief system of I can't do it. The bridge is going to be above. And if you walk across, you're going to fall into the river. But if you can reprogram that

particular activating system to filter a new belief system of, okay, 35 K months, I see other women doing it. I can do it too. I know that in the past I have gone from literally making like no money at all. My first corporate job was like $30 ,000. I remember being able to take that $38 ,000. I remember being able to take that job, go into a new job, double my income that same year, take that job and continuously double my income.

over and over and over, then I can do the same thing in my own business. So we can take all of these old belief or all of these old examples and stories in our life and help refill that reticular activating system into believing something new. And then we're going to continuously find proof that the 35K months is accessible and attainable and a part of our reality. So I'm going to give you like a couple of examples of this. So.

When you are looking at your reticular activating system and you are wanting to manifest your dream car, like I will have a Urus and I will have G Wagon. And anytime that I am driving, it is like. It is like I don't even know what the saying is right now. I'm trying to think of like a clever like saying, and I can't think of it, but like it's like white on rice. I can see it from a mile away like I can hear it.

Kelly Noble (54:08.846)
And I will always pinpoint and see them over and over and over because my reticular activating system is in that filter of like, okay, we are getting a URIS, we are getting a G -Wagon, we're going to see it over and over and over again. It also kind of gives you this really beautiful picture of how different people's filters and reticular activating systems can be. So like one of my favorite shows on Netflix right now, I've watched both seasons is I think it's called Love on the Spectrum.

but I am obsessed with this show. And when I watch it, it makes me so happy. I love seeing the people on this show trying to find love and dating. I just love their infectious personalities, like everything about it. It just makes my heart feel so warm. I just love the show. My husband on the other side.

He cannot watch the show at all. Every single time he watches the show, it makes him feel sad. Like his heart hurts watching them. He just feels so deeply for these humans. Like he just wants them to be able to have the love and to live a life where, you know, it's easy for them to just be in society as everyone else kind of can. Like...

It just breaks his heart watching this. And it's so wild to think that when I watch it, I am so lit up. I am so fulfilled. I'm so happy. I'm smiling. I'm just loving every second of it. And yet when he watches it, it's complete opposite experience because we have two different sets of filters that are taking the same exact Netflix show and processing it completely different. Like this is the power of the filters and the reticular activating system.

And we have to remember that when we are processing this information, it is creating our own picture of the world. It's creating our reality, our perception of life. And that is the key to unlocking all of it. So again, if you are feeling like, okay, I want to do this, but I can't because my belief systems continuously find the patterns within your life where that is not true. Literally continuously find evidence within your past, even if it's not a hundred percent aligned.

Kelly Noble (56:32.972)
continuously find patterns in the past of where you've been able to show up, where you've been able to make the impossible happen, where you have been in a financial struggle and all of a sudden you literally, I talked to this one girl, she was like, I was manifesting a six figure income four days, four days ago and I literally had a job paying me over six figures drop into my lap, like continuously find all of these things that have happened because they absolutely have. So I hope you enjoy this episode.

I am super excited to talk more about this and all of the other episodes. We're going to dive into more things. If you have specific questions, please drop into my DMS. I would love to answer any questions you have about this specifically about manifestation, about working with the unconscious mind, about really anything. If you're wanting to attract more money, build your dream business and attract more love, like hit me up. I am happy to answer any and all of the questions.

I just launched the Quantum CEO where we're essentially working on really reprogramming ourselves at an unconscious level. So we are a magnet for anything. That program has officially closed. I'm so excited. We're in the middle of it now by the time I actually launched this, but I do have a wait list for the second cohort. So if you are interested in that, send me a DM. I also have some programs.

that I'm working on right now. I'm so excited. I am wanting to create like a deeper, more in depth like manifestation program so we can really dive into all of this. I can get even more nerdy about everything, have more details into like really reprogramming your energy to step into this identity of the woman who has everything to attract everything. I also have another program coming up.

where I want to help anyone that wants to create a group program, whether it's a workshop, a masterclass, a mastermind, whatever it is, how to hold the space, how to structure that program, how to make sure that your business energetics and your energy is aligned with pricing, with when you are in an energetic low and it's hard to create, how to bring that state back up into creating and being in the feminine flow.

Kelly Noble (58:50.03)
Um, also like some strategy to like, I literally, like I said, I just launched a program. I had no community. I had no social media presence. I was actually afraid to post on social media at the beginning of last year. And I went from being afraid to posting on social media, to building a social media presence to now, you know, building the community that I have now and selling out my group programs. So strategy will be on that as well.

So if you're interested in any of those things, send me a DM, let's chat, let's talk about it because I am lit the F up for what I have coming in 2024. Plus, if you liked this episode, if you want to share it with somebody that would love to hear this message that once again, introduced into my world, I would be so grateful if you shared it, if you could like, if you could comment on any of these.

podcast episodes, it will help spread the word and be introduced to other people. It literally means the world to me, especially as a small creator. Thank you so much if you can take the time and space to do that and follow me on Instagram at Kelly noble dot coaching. My DMS are always open. I love connecting with everybody. So yeah, hit me up. Have an incredible day and I love y 'all.