Manifest That Shift

It's Time For Women To Be Wealthy

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 3

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Welcome, Quantum Queens, its time to break free from scarcity and embrace our power as creators of wealth and change. I'm Kelly Noble, your guide on this exhilarating ride toward financial abundance and world-shifting impact.

Today, we're shattering the myth that wealth is just about money. It's about owning our divine right to overflow with abundance and using it to create a tidal wave of impact in the world.

You feel it too, don't you? That burning desire to make a real difference. But we've been trapped in a matrix of scarcity. It's time to break free and redirect the flow of money toward our dreams.

I've been there, lost in depression, feeling out of alignment. But when we align with our purpose, miracles unfold.

Let's talk about wealth. It's not just about dollars; it's about owning our entire ecosystem of abundance.

I devoured "We Should All Be Millionaires" by Rachel Rodgers, a roadmap to financial liberation. Million-dollar months? Yes, please! It's time to dream bigger. It was a catalyst moment in healing my money wounds because wealth will create the BIG change I'm destined to leave the world. 

But safety doesn't come from money; it comes from within. When we trust ourselves, we become unstoppable forces of creation.

And debt? It can be a tool for building wealth. It's time to shift our perspective and rewrite the narrative.

  • Introduction to Passion for Wealth Building
  • Announcement of the Follow Your Magic Retreat
  • Desire for Wealth and a Bougie Lifestyle
  • Personal Story and Importance of Giving Back
  • Difference Between Wealth and Money
  • Book Recommendation on Money Mindset
  • Power of Wealth in Creating Ecosystems and Hiring Opportunities
  • Finding Safety Within Ourselves
  • Shifting Mindset Around Debt
  • Importance of Money in Building a Better Future

So, Quantum Queens, are you ready to unleash your financial abundance?
 Tune in now and join me on this journey of empowerment and unapologetic impact.

Introduction and Retreat Announcement

Desire for Wealth and Bougie Lifestyle

Desire to Give Back and Make Impact

Understanding Wealth and Money

Creating Ecosystems of Wealth and Hiring Opportunities

Finding Safety Within and Trusting Yourself

Debunking Debt and Shifting Mindset

Importance of Money and Building Wealth

Buy We Should All Be Millionaires here:

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Kelly Noble (00:00.586)
Welcome to the Manifest That Shift podcast with your girl Kelly Noble, the Quantum Coach, where we shift your energy to become a magnet for love, wealth, and building the business of your dreams with more ease and flow. And we are going to talk about my favorite topic today, which is money, honey. I love money. I love building wealth.

and I love helping women like you do the same. And I think it's important to have this as one of my first episodes since the podcast is all about creating wealth and helping you be a magnet for money. So we are gonna hop into all of the tea, but before we get started, I am so excited because Follow Your Magic Retreat is officially happening. Sedona, Arizona, October 17th through the 20th.

2024. We have restructured some stuff and it is going to be fire between me and working on business, money, Courtney, where she just loves helping you get to the depths of your soul and reconnect to who you are. We're gonna have Lauren doing breath work and inner child work. We're gonna have Allie doing all things relationship with self.

Last year's talk, oh my gosh, everyone was in tears. We all bonded so much. It was so potent. I'm really like hoping maybe this year is gonna be some sex magic. Mm-hmm, we'll see, we'll see. And then of course, Danny, all around vulnerability and mindfulness. Literally vulnerability is the glue and key to really building the life that you love. So here we go. It's happening. Pre-sale tickets are gonna happen soon.

And so if you want to get on that wait list, let me know. We already have spots sold from the women that came last year because literally their lives completely changed. So get in the room before the retreat is sold out. I'm telling you, it's gonna be wild. Also send me a DM, email me or send me a DM with your email and I will add you to my email list because as soon as I start,

Kelly Noble (02:24.694)
Working on all of the incredible programs, master classes, etc, etc. I will be sending that out to everyone ahead of time. That is already in my world with a special investment rate. And so if you want to learn more about money, if you want to learn about more for launching a program, workshop, retreat, whatever it is that you're building in your world right now with more ease and flow, with a structure, with being in the energetics to be a magnet.

for selling it out. It's in the works, y'all. So get your email to me so you can be the first to know. But let's hop into talking about my favorite subject, which is money and building wealth. So let's start with a little story about me first. So you fully understand the potency and why I am so obsessed with this topic.

First of all, I always had this inner knowing ever since I was little that I was meant to be a bougie, luxury, wealthy girl. And when I say that, I really want you to think about what that definition is for you. Maybe it's being able to be in your camper van and just like traveling around the United States, being able to be in nature.

Maybe you're more like me where you're like, okay, well, I'm trying to fly first class everywhere I go. I wanna make sure that I can be in five-star hotels everywhere I go. Whatever that definition is, plug it in for you. But all of that takes some level of wealth because we're not here just to make money. We're not here just to create $10,000 a month over and over and over again. We are here to create $10,000 months

pour back into ourselves, into other investments, so that money is compounding, and then we're able to afford the luxury lifestyle that we are wanting to create with that money as opposed to the money that's being generated into our business. And so, again, like ever since I was little, I was just a bougie girl. My dad used to always tell me that I was on a beer budget, but had champagne taste, that even though we grew up with no money, like we grew up very humble.

Kelly Noble (04:46.154)
You know, I come from a broken home where my dad was a single dad. He was working three jobs just to keep a roof over our head. We did not get extras. We did not have a lot of luxuries. And even as we got older and older and older and my dad's financial situation had changed, he was still very stuck in kind of like that grippy money energy. You know, we don't have enough kind of vibe. And so that was kind of the.

lessons or environment that I remember always being under. Like everything that we bought, if it if I got something for school for like school clothes, they were always like on clearance, they were always heavily on sale. I didn't get to have you know, I remember, I remember which is so funny now. Like I remember back in my day, back in my day because I'm so old, K-Swiss shoes were like the ish. Like everybody and their mama had K-Swiss shoes and I wanted K-Swiss shoes so bad.

because everyone else had them. And my dad was like, no, you're gonna get these new balances because they're like cheap and they're on sale and they're a near size. And I almost had a freaking meltdown. Like nowadays, like new balances are the thing. They're totally trendy. Like every Gen Z that I see has them. My friend's kid has a pair of new balances. They're $300. I'm like, bro.

I remember when I was a kid and my dad tried to make me buy New Balances, I literally wanted to cry because I wanted K-Swiss like all of the other kids. So we did not grow up with extras at all. And I still really always loved fashion. I always loved modeling. I always wanted to travel. And of course, we never had accessibility to do that at the time. And as I continued to grow older and older, I just I was always the girl.

Maybe this is like YouTube where you always pick the most expensive thing. I don't even try and pick the most expensive thing. It just naturally happens. We go to Vale or we don't do this anymore, but we used to go to Vale every year with my mom and her ex partner. And we would go to this restaurant and they would order all of these different bottles of wine. And we used to play a game where we would taste test the wine. We would see which one was the most affordable to the most luxurious.

Kelly Noble (07:10.294)
And I don't even like wine. I've never liked wine. I still don't drink wine. I was always picking the most luxurious bottle of wine every single year. Like, it's just, I swear, it's in my DNA. And when I look at my human design, I talked about this on my first episode, I think. One of my channels, one of my gates, is all about abundance.

running through my veins. And I always had this energy as a kid. I always had money. Every time I got any type of money, whether it was like a birthday card, Christmas card, I always saved it, which is great. It's really good that I had this like understanding of it's important to respect the money and not just like, you know, be frivolous with it all of the time, because my brother was the complete opposite. He would get Christmas money and he never had any money ever. He would always ask to borrow money from me.

And he had a very different energy around his money mindset. And it's interesting because we were so polar opposite. But even though I was always saving, it wasn't really this healthy mindset. I think it came definitely from childhood of, well, I want to have money. I want to feel secure. I want to feel safe. I want to make sure I have it. It just gave me this layer of false protection that unconsciously I didn't know at such a young age. And it was literally the biggest mistake I've ever made having that kind of relationship with money because it was so hard.

really prevented me from hitting the seven figure wealth mark. Because just because I got, I started working on my money wounds so much later in the game that it really kept me closer to like 600,000. And I easily could have been over a million by now, but I had to work through some money stuff, but I always had that kind of underlying internal knowing that I want bougie things. I've always liked nice cars. I've always.

I just like nice stuff. Plus, I always had this internal knowing that I want to be able to give back. And maybe this is ego talking. I don't care if it is, but I don't wanna just give the unhoused man on the corner five bucks when I see him. I don't wanna just give a couple of thousand dollars to a charity once a year. That's great and all, but I wanna be able to give back.

Kelly Noble (09:36.23)
millions into creating systemic change. I want to be able to have so much overflow of abundance that I am able to use the power that I hold with all of the wealth that I have created to make a impact. This is what I'm here to do and I know if you are listening to this you are thinking the same thing. You know you are here meant for more and it's

more than just giving back here a little bit. You want to make deep change. There's something that weighs on your heart, whether it is helping orphaned kids, whether it's helping women escape from abusive households, whatever it is for you, there is a deep knowing inside that you are meant to make impact. And we are stuck and you know,

I'm saying this from experience and I had to move through this, but we are like stuck in this middle class, like scarcity programming, and we need to escape the fricking matrix and step into our abundance. Money is easy to make. We're just not focusing on the right things to be able to make it. And so this is why I created part of the podcast. And I always...

When I hit my lowest spouts of depression, I always knew it was because I was out of alignment, even though at the time I really didn't know what it was. But when I reflect back, I totally, I was out of alignment. I was just not living in my purpose. I always knew that I was meant for something greater. And I just didn't know how or what at the time. And I always envisioned myself being able to do stuff like go to Africa and give housing or clean water to all of these.

underrepresented communities. And now that I reflect back, I'm like, that was thinking so small. Instead of going and, A, finding someone that isn't going to use these services to colonize and push Christianity and their religion onto these other people, which I have a problem with because I don't believe in needing to change somebody and push religion to do that.

Kelly Noble (11:56.274)
I think it's it gives me the ick. Honestly, we should be going to these countries and learning about their culture, about their religions and sharing ours as well. But more of like a like let's learn from each other. Let's let's see what we can pull from each other's belief systems to really help elevate and change and propel a more beautiful place in the world, as opposed to like what you believe in is wrong. Like here's Christianity, like believe in this instead or, you know,

the Mormon church, all of those things, because a lot of the times when you go to these other countries, that's what they're doing. They're giving all this like, you know, white saviorism and giving all this help. And yet they're completely trying to convert them. That's for a completely different episode. We'll talk about that maybe on a different podcast. But I would find it hard to find another like company or nonprofit to be able to do something like that without having that underlying tone.

And so it's like, okay, I'm thinking too small. Why am I wanting to do it for somebody else when I should be the one that's creating it? I'm the one that is needing to create these nonprofits. I am the one that is able to build this myself by building so much wealth, I get a pour back into these communities. So let's talk about like wealth for a second. What is wealth? Because wealth is so different than money. And if we think about it as like a holistic approach,

Wealth is everywhere. Like we are wealthy in health. We are wealthy in all of these different areas in our lives But this we're talking specifically like money Wealth is your It's not your income. It is your Why am I having a brain fart? It is all of your assets Like all of your liquid funds all of your assets all of basically everything that you own

So like if you own a house, if it's paid in full, that is a part of your wealth. But if you are still borrowing your house from the bank, whatever you owe is still debt. And whatever the appreciated value of the house is that contributes to your overall wealth. So wealth is everything that you own, liquid funds, assets, investments, et cetera, minus any debt that you have.

Kelly Noble (14:20.342)
That is how you calculate wealth. So when I really, really began to have like a lot of these things click in my mind was when I read this book.

Kelly Noble (14:37.822)
We should all be millionaires. Oh my gosh, what is happening to my brain right now? I'm like, I've literally read this book like six times. What is happening? We should all be millionaires. So I had already had this really beautiful understanding of like traditional money, traditional money structures, you know, 401k, max out your contribution, IRA accounts, you know, stocks, investments. We have a financial advisor team that like helps diversify our assets.

So like I already understand money in the traditional sense and principles of how to invest, how to quote unquote save which I hate the idea of save and budget. Like all of those things, we'll talk about that probably in my program more in depth and I'm sure this podcast as well but for you to, you know, like you get it. I've already understood that. And that's something that I have continuously done ever since I was in my twenties. Like I had my first IRA account open when I was in my twenties when I started my second.

big girl corporate job and they provided a 401k where they matched, you know, I matched, I maxed that out every year. I did all of the things. One of the biggest mistakes though that I made with money, and I'll talk about this for just a second, is again, that grippy energy that really translated since I was little. I had so much freaking cash.

When I first hired my financial advisors, they were like, ma'am. I mean, they said it really nice, right? But like basically they were like, Miss Ma'am, what are you doing with all of this freaking cash? You have literally tens of thousands of dollars of cash. This needs to be invested somewhere. Like I needed so much money in my account. Like I had to see these numbers in my account to feel like good. And that number always seemed to increase. So the more money I made, the more money I needed to see in my account. In account.

to feel cushy and safe and OK, which is wild because that money literally is losing. It's depreciating every single year by just sitting in a savings account. It needed to be poured back into investments. And this is really the key that would have catapulted me from $600,000 worth of wealth to over a million dollars worth of wealth by now. But I had such this grippy, horty energy, this like.

Kelly Noble (16:47.97)
middle class mindset around money of like it I need to see it and it needs to be in my account and has to be liquid and I have to have access to these funds or and if I don't have it then I'm gonna feel unsafe and da all of this like boohoo da stuff and so even though I had this beautiful understanding about money I really started to have this shift of like understanding money as a business owner started to have

more understanding of money energetics. I started really deep diving into money manifestation, money energetics, really being able to receive money and open ourselves up to building wealth and having money pour into us and this feminine flow structure, like I poured into myself after I read this book. And you can find this book on my Amazon storefront. I'll link it in the show notes. Please support a local business.

or try and find it used, but I also understand if you wanna get it on the Amazon storefront, you can do that too. But in this book, in this book, what really unlocked it for me were a couple of things. She laid out some facts. And when she laid out these facts, I was all in. Like I was bought in. I was like, girl, I get it.

You get me, I understand this. This is like a piece of me that has been dying to be seen and heard. And I didn't ever really know what it was, but when I read it, I was like, this is it. And so I love this book because it's written by a black woman. She is a multimillionaire. She has the most incredible story, like very, very kind of like rags to riches upbringing, which I am obsessed with.

And to hear it from a woman's perspective, a woman of color, it was just everything for me. Um, I remember her unlocking the thought, like she was an expander for me. I remember her unlocking the thought and knowing I didn't even think this was possible. But when she started talking about having million dollar months in her business in this book, I was like, bitch.

Kelly Noble (19:02.53)
people can have million dollar months. Like, you know, like, oh, not just like anybody, right? Like you think about corporations that are like these billion dollar companies. You think about like a Jeff Bezos, like you think about it, but when you read about this beautiful, incredible, talented woman and her story as an entrepreneur and all the shit that she's had to go through, when she talked about getting to the million dollar month mark, I was like, let's go.

Okay, what am I doing? I remember when I used to think like 100K, I remember when the goal was like, I just wanna make six figures. I just like, you know, when I get to 100K, I can't wait. Like I remember when that was the goal and then I started making multiple six figures and I was like, this is, you know, no shade, but like, this is not a lot of money. Like this is not affording the lifestyle and ease and abundance and overflow. And you know, this is not giving me fly first class whenever I want money. This is still like, no.

We are here to unlock a whole different level of wealth. Like I'm so for real on this. And so to think like a million dollars a year was a big goal for me. And then to think you can do that in one month, I was, it was everything and more. And what I also love again, is she started to lay out facts and then she started to lay out a different perspective of her story. And so like some of the facts were obviously we've all known and seen and heard.

that women make less money than men per dollar. And then when you add on top of that a black woman or any other woman of color, that becomes even more apparent than a white woman in comparison to a white man. And even though we make less money per dollar, we are still giving back money at much higher rates than men.

We have also been conditioned for so long to believe that we are not good, quote unquote, with money. Like we're not good investors, we don't know how to use money. And we've seen this, of course, like conditioning for years and years and years. If you think about it, like generationally, at one point women were property. And in the United States, it wasn't even until the 70s, the 60s or 70s.

Kelly Noble (21:26.046)
that we were able to open our own bank accounts without a man cosigning for us.

And we've been indoctrinated with this thought of like, we don't know how to use money. Like men are the ones that need to like budget and like take care of finances. But when you look at the actual data and research, when women have money and we're controlling it ourselves, we're actually better investors. And the more money, so when I like am reading this, right? So like the more money that we have, and the more that we give back, that means the more.

power we can have, because money is power. It is. And power is not bad or evil, right? Because that's some of the conditioning we have to move through, too, of money is bad, money is evil. Selfish to want too much, da, da. Why is it selfish to want too much? When we live in a world of abundance, there's enough for everyone and all. That is what abundance is. It's not that I'm taking from somebody else. That's not abundance. That's lack mentality. And so when we have power, we can actually

change. So not only are we able to create change by, you know, pouring our money into politicians that are actually here for the people, whether we're pouring our money into creating after school programs, scholarship programs, you know, again, whatever that thing is for you, all of that takes money. All of it takes money if you want to do it on the scale that you know that you innately are born to do.

we are able to create ecosystems of wealth. Like our money is so much greater than just us. When we have our businesses, then we can hire people that maybe would not normally have the opportunities. And if you're a person of color, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you're a woman even, you probably know what this feels like. I just had this conversation with a woman the other day and she was talking about, you know, how she was a woman in finance, like she's always been in finance.

Kelly Noble (23:31.11)
And back in the late 80s, she was trying to get a job at this financial institution. And she was like, I had this great interview. It was amazing. Him and I, we were kicking it off. Like he was laughing. And then she started talking about, you know, what are the next steps for this job? And he basically like got up, pat her, like pat her on the head and was like, oh, honey, like this is a man's job. You know, so like even as white women, like we can kind of understand and see how

We have been held back in ways because I promise you, and she talks about this very heavily in her story, a white man is always gonna help a white man over a woman, especially a woman of color. And even if they end up opening the door slightly for you, once they realize that you may have become a threat because you are better, more successful, more capable of them, they will use their white privilege to slam that door shut because they do not understand abundance, right? That is some wounded masculine energy.

And when you have the wealth, you get to, again, create the ecosystems of change. You can hire people that you know are very capable, the visionaries, the ones that, you know, I would take someone that has really been through the trenches, that really understands perseverance, that really understands the gritty nature of what it takes to build something from nothing because they have done that their entire lives.

than some legacy hire that has no idea what they're doing. And you know, my sister, she went to Yale and trust me, there are lots of people that are in these Ivy League schools that don't know anything. And the only reason why they are there is because mommy and daddy went there and they could pay for it. I would much rather hire the person that is gonna grind it out and pour their heart and soul and they have this beautiful energy into wanting to build and create and like not grind out in this like toxic culture.

talks at hustle culture, right? But like grinding it out into this bigger vision of like shifting the collective and making change. Giving that opportunity to someone that traditionally would not. Maybe they're a part of the LGBTQ plus community. Maybe they are a part of the BIPOC community. Maybe they are living with a disability and they have never been actually opened the door to have an opportunity. How powerful is it for you now to have the money to be able to hire these people and pay them well, right? Like,

Kelly Noble (26:00.094)
I'm not just trying to hire a bunch of people so they can live paycheck to paycheck. No, I want you, if you're gonna work with me, if you're gonna walk along me on this vision, on this journey, I wanna make sure that I'm pouring into you so that you are building wealth and then that your family is set up and now you're able to pour into your ecosystems and then you're creating such huge ripples of change. Like this is what can happen when heart-led women

are using and creating wealth in this way. Like so far gone, the days of like, I just need to make enough. I'm just happy if I can pay my bills. Like, no, honey, like that narrative is done. We're over it. Like we're not even gonna touch that type of energy anymore. Let's make the shift now. And so when I read this, it just unlocked everything within me.

And I became obsessed with money. Like money energetics, understanding money, learning my own money, wounds, my own money traumas. And in the beginning, when I was on this journey, I was again making multiple six figures. I was trying to like decondition all of the programming from when I was little, having that grippy energy around money. Like I was just holding on to it. I was always afraid to lose it. I thought that if I spent it, it was gone. It was like this kind of really.

negative mindset that was not serving me at all. And yet when I started entrepreneurship, I thought I had healed like all of these money things. Like girls, I thought I had like done something right. I was like, I healed it, I'm good. Like this was fun. And then you get laid off from your job.

and then you become an entrepreneur, and then you don't have consistent money coming in, and then you don't have any money coming in some of the times, and then the money wounds become loud. I had this conversation with a girlfriend and this unlocked something for me within, and it helped me really, again, get to that next layer of healing my money wounds, but she was like, sis.

Kelly Noble (28:17.134)
If you can't feel safe without money, you will never fully be able to feel safe with money. I'm going to say it again. If you cannot feel safe without money, you will never fully feel safe with money. When she said that, it had unlocked this journey. It was a process, right?

It took a lot for me to kind of get from that into this like very frequent overflow, abundant kind of mindset now where, you know, I've lost the grippiness around my money, where I'm deconditioning all of like the middle class programming that we have. That's just been indoctrinated into us to be these little worker bees that can be controlled, like all of that stuff. Like it's taken a journey. But again, I want to take all of the things that I've learned so I can give it to you so you can do it much quicker than I did. And.

If you're sitting like, okay, but what does that mean? So one of the biggest things that I talk about with my clients when we're talking about money and we're trying to move through some of these money things, especially, I shouldn't even say especially the newer entrepreneurs because that's not even true. You can have the same money wound no matter how much money you have. Just because you have a lot of money doesn't mean that this piece of you has been healed, right? Like I was a perfect example of that. I literally had hundreds of thousands of dollars of net worth in...

and I was still in this very like grippy kind of like lack mentality. But I've seen a lot in these in these last few clients. And when we go through like, OK, why do you value money? Why is money so important to you? I can promise you. I can promise you I can guess what you're going to say. Security. I want to feel secure. I want to have enough money in my savings account. I want to have enough money in my account so I just feel safe and secure. That is such a false.

illusion. Money does not provide safety or security. You provide your own safety and security. And when I hear people say that, especially when it comes to business, basically what you're telling me is you don't trust yourself. You don't trust in your own ability to be able to make money. You don't trust in yourself and your ability to take your business where you want it to go. You think that this false illusion of money is going to make you wealthy.

Kelly Noble (30:42.41)
You think this false illusion of money is gonna make you feel safe? You think this false illusion of money is going to serve you when you're having to make decisions in your business and it calls for an investment, maybe to hire a mentor, a coach, to hire an accountant that's actually going to be looking in your books and helping you save money in your taxes as opposed to someone that's just clicking buttons. Like, what are we doing, Miss Ma'am? You have to find the safety within. Money is never gonna give you safety.

I thought I was safe in my job. I was a top selling salesperson. I thought even though shit was hitting the fan with the stock or with the housing market, I thought I was good. Like not me, I work hard. I never take a day off. I do everything. I'm a top salesperson. And guess who got cut? Me. That safety net got pulled quick from under me. You know what creates safety? Me.

Because even though I lost my job, I knew that I was gonna make this work. I knew that my business was gonna be successful. I trusted that no matter what, we were gonna make it happen. And this is what it is for you. You are embodied in your work. We already know that. You are so connected to your purpose. We already know that. You know what you are here to do. Now it's time to go inward and find the safety within to be able to do that.

And I know that a lot of people get caught up on debt. And I think I'm gonna have like a completely different episode about this because debt annoys me so freaking bad. And again, this is something that I had to kind of like learn and adapt to and like, I had a mentor at the time where I was talking about money, cause I was like, you know, I don't have any money coming in my business yet. And I'm investing thousands of dollars. I don't know what to do. I'm so nervous. And she had, she said the same to me and unlocked like this spiral of everything else.

She was like, you know, you know, totally validated, acknowledged how the space for my feelings and also expanded me into like, babe, you're building a business. You're an entrepreneur. Business is going to debt. So many businesses are so comfortable with being in debt because they know that they have to go into that space to be able to build what they want. And when you have debt, it doesn't matter if you're making a million dollars because you get to pay off that debt pretty quick.

Kelly Noble (33:07.89)
And we've had, again, this conditioning around debt is bad. Like, if you think about your debt right now, if you have debt, like, are you feeling shame? Like, do you feel guilty? Do you feel like you have to pour into, like, getting this paid off as quickly as possible? Because you don't. Because you know what's going to pay off your debt? Pouring into yourself and creating more wealth. Because if you're focusing solely on paying off debt and your debt,

All of your energy is going into debt. Shift that perspective into making money. How can I grow my business? How can I make more money? How can I have another client come in? How can I build more value for my clientele so I can have them go from my one-on-one coaching into a lower ticket or a higher ticket mastermind? What can I do to provide value to help pour into my community so I can create more wealth and then the debt won't even matter?

We have been conditioned to believe that it's okay to go to school and get hundreds of thousand dollars of debt. We've been conditioned to believe that it's okay to buy a house and go into hundreds of thousands and dollars of worth of debt. Because guess what, baby girl, until you own that house, it is not yours, it is the bank's. You are in debt and the bank owns your house. We have been conditioned to believe that it's okay to take out car loans.

that debt is okay. So we've been conditioned to believe like these three things are okay to have debt. 

Kelly Noble (35:18.058)
but we can't go into debt for our business. The thing that's actually gonna generate money for us. Why can't we go into debt with really trusting and believing in ourselves? Like pouring into ourselves, finding mentors, finding coaches, finding people that can actually help us propel in our businesses so we can create more wealth. There's also times where having debt is good, right? Like if you're thinking it from a wealthy mindset,

You know, why would I want to pay all cash for a car when I can use all of that cash to pour into an investment that's gonna make me more money than what the percentage of interest is gonna be on that car? Like we have to start shifting our mindset away from like, I need to pay off debt, I need to save, I need to have an emergency fund. I hate the word emergency fund. I never use the word emergency fund because again, the more attention that's going into our emergency fund, the more we're just like planning for an emergency to happen. Like, like attracts like.

maybe I'm pouring into a freedom fund. I like that language so much more. Again, we're gonna be talking about so much more of this in other podcasts, we're gonna be talking about more of this in my money program that's coming up, but this is the shift that we need to start making around money. And so I am so excited to have more episodes around this because our wealth is going to create more equity in the world, our wealth is going to get us into...

this like 5D living as opposed to being in this 3D living space.

I love everything about money, so it is just going to be poured into you. If you love this podcast, let me know. Like it, comment it, send this to a friend, post it on Instagram, whatever you want to do. Let me know what kind of content, like what questions do you have about money, about building wealth, about building wealth with your business. All of those really, really helped me in creating. I have like a hundred and one freaking ideas. So sometimes when I hear things specifically from you, like I want this podcast to be catered

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in service to you and helping you. So send me a DM, let me know, I can answer all the questions. I hope you enjoyed this. I absolutely loved being able to pour into you today. And yeah, stay tuned because we're gonna have, you know, more content coming. Have the most incredible day. I love y'all and yeah, let's chat. Stay connected with me. My DMs are always open. Let's talk.