Manifest That Shift

Magic Mushrooms and Making Millions

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 2

Text me your questions so they can be featured in an upcoming episode!

Join Kelly Noble on a captivating journey as she delves into the realm of mushrooms and microdosing. From sharing updates on her upcoming Follow Your Magic Retreat in Sedona to reflecting on her personal experiences with mushrooms, Kelly brings a blend of humor and introspection to the discussion. As she explores the potential benefits of mushrooms for personal growth and creativity, Kelly candidly recounts her adventures in recreational use and higher doses, offering listeners a glimpse into her transformative journey.

With anecdotes ranging from hilarious Uber rides to mind-bending experiences with parallel universes, Kelly invites listeners to embrace the curiosity and possibilities that come with exploring plant medicine. As the episode unfolds, Kelly's infectious energy and genuine passion shine through, leaving listeners inspired to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and transformation. Don't miss out on this engaging episode of the Manifest That Shift podcast, where Kelly Noble invites you to unlock the magic within and embrace the power of mushrooms for personal growth.

Resources Mentioned 
- Fantastic Fungi and How to Change Your Mind on Netflix 
-Moms on Mushrooms 

Episode 2 

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-National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673

Kelly Noble (00:00.298)
Welcome to the manifest that shift podcast with your host Kelly Noble. And we're going to have some fun today. Y 'all. We are going to talk about how mushrooms are going to turn me into a millionaire. So let's get into it. Um, before we get started, I have a funny story to tell you. So I've been having some technical difficulties with my microphone. And if you know the Yeti microphone literally picks up everything and

There's just like this little intuitive hit I had. I was like, maybe I should check the settings on it. What are the little symbols mean again? And I googled it and I was like, oh, that's why it's picking up everything. I'm really kind of like disappointed. I found that out like eight episodes pre -recorded in or five, whatever it is now. But I'm excited. It's going to sound really clear and good now. So if you are podcasting and you have a Yeti, you want it to be like the little heart shaped thing that's just facing you. That's the one you should be using. And.

a little bit about the things that are happening in my world right now. I am so excited to share all of this with you. I am just like lit the F up. There was this fire that has just been burning inside and I don't know what it is, but we're just going to play in the frequency of it and just like move with it. But we had our first meeting for Follow Your Magic for 2024 and we are crafting out our second annual Follow Your Magic for Treet in Sedona, Arizona in October. I am so.

excited. Last year was so potent. I like all of us, all of us knew we were creating something amazing and incredible and just the synergy between us creating and the love we were pouring into it and the intentionality and and how all of our skill sets as the five different facilitators are so different and dynamic. We knew we were creating something special, but when you actually get to live out what you just created and witness the

deep transformation that was happening with each and every woman that attended and how they have completely quantum leaped into their businesses over the last however months, six months, four months, five months, whatever it's been, it has been wild. So to think about what we are creating this year has just lit us up. We are about to start our pre -sells soon. So if you have questions about that, we are gonna be offering a pre -sell.

Kelly Noble (02:24.258)
lowered investment costs to get in. So if you want to learn more about that, go ahead and send me a DM. It was literally like bomb as fuck. Like the best investment you can probably make all year, like pour into yourself, go to Sedona. It's beautiful. We're going to get a bougie house. It's going to be amazing. And also I just brought on.

one of my really good friends to help me craft out some incorrettible programs and masterminds for y 'all this year. So when I was sitting with my business, I was really trying to focus on what is the one thing I need to work on this year, because as a Manny Jen, of course, I want to do all of the things this podcast and more speaking engagements, more retreats, more masterminds, more everything.

And also, I needed to get really, really clear with what is the one area in my business that I'm wanting to scale and grow. And when I was sitting on that, I was thinking about how I want to start a family next year and how do I set myself up for success. So I don't know if you've had a baby yet or you're thinking about having a baby and you're an entrepreneur. But one of the big things that I'm kind of going through and moving my way through is kind of the anxiety of like.

I am my business. How am I going to step away? You know, how is my business going to be this beautiful structure to continuously pour wealth into me without me actually being in it? And so I can be completely focused on just being with my baby and being with my husband and really enjoying that season in my life as opposed to being stressed out about about money, about time, about my business, about all of those other things. And

I completely pivoted for the year. I thought I was gonna do more mastermind retreats, but I am focusing more on passive income. So my friend is going to help me craft out some incorretible things. And I will create that for some passive income, but I'm gonna do it live this year. So it's gonna be so much fun. A lot of the things that have been called to me right now is of course having some incredible money program that's gonna be talking about like money energetics, money,

Kelly Noble (04:38.35)
money conditioning from like middle class programming, money around manifestation, like a very holistic view about shifting your mindset to be wealthy. And the other one, I'm sitting on this one still, but I'm really excited. I think this is gonna be a little bit longer, but I get so many people that ask me about how I have completely just quantum leaped in my business, built it from nothing. How did I structure everything? How did I move through everything?

And so I think the next one is going to be focused on how to truly hold space in a group container, how to structure it, how to build the masculine structure so you can be in your flow and in your embodiment. And also, how do you do the launch sequence into a program retreat program mastermind retreat, whatever it is that you're building so you can sell that baby out and hit.

your first multiple five figure launch for the very first time like I did. So I'm gonna be crafting that out as well. And who knows, I have my first VIP day with her in a couple of weeks, I think, from when I'm recording this. And maybe the juices will flow and I'll have something completely different. But those are the big things that have been weighing on my heart. So I'm so excited. If you are interested in getting more details on that, send me a DM. I will add you to my email list so you can have all of the deets when they come out.

But for the episode today, we are gonna talk about will tripping on mushrooms make me a millionaire?

I'm totally joking. I obviously am gonna be the one that makes me a millionaire. My incredible business, everything that I'm creating, everything that I'm doing, my energy, my energetics, the structures, everything. But I have been dabbling with mushrooms. And I think it's just important to talk about because this is something that I do a little bit behind the scenes. And I just wanna bring you into my thought process and my world because it has been a wild ride. And I did my first week of...

Kelly Noble (06:40.598)
microdosing and I had some weird, weird stuff happen. Like long -term deja vu, like I felt like I was living in parallel universes at the same time. It was an experience that's really hard to kind of explain, but I'm gonna spill all the tea on what happened here in a second. But I wanna give you some backstory, right? Like I have been wanting to experiment with...

Mushrooms for I don't know maybe a year or so now so I've been truly manifesting it and calling it into my life and trusting that I would have access to mushrooms In divine timing like I wasn't trying to Just like y 'all real talk so I live in a state where it is legal and this is how legal it is I don't think this is legal but like this is just how like don't don't give a f about anything it is I

But when I go on Facebook marketplace, I see people literally selling mushrooms on Facebook marketplace. So I obviously wasn't going to do something like that. I wanted to make sure that I was getting mushrooms from a very reputable person. And so I did. He has like the most incredible mushrooms. They like I was learning that there are different strains of mushrooms and they do different things. So I called in the most incredible person to allow me to have access to these. But I was.

calling it in and I don't know why. Like I think just because of all of the research that's been coming out, all of the things that I've been watching, I watched like Fantastic Fungi on Netflix or How to Change Your Mind on Netflix. I follow people like Moms on Mushroom on Instagram and there's just so much study and research. And like I said, it's legal where I live now. They are literally using psilocybin to be able to help with PTSD, depression, anxiety.

And so I think that's what kind of like cracked me open to looking at this from more of like, oh, I want to like try this drug into, I really want to see how this plant medicine can actually help me in my life. And so I have been calling it in and I was really, really scared to try it for the first time, like terrified, which is wild because if you listen to my first episode, like, you know, I have a very long history with drugs.

Kelly Noble (09:01.71)
And so like your girl has played, she's played, she's partied, she's dabbled, she's tried all kinds of things. And yet mushrooms have always been something that freaked me out. I always thought I was gonna hallucinate and I was gonna feel out of control and out of my body and all of like the scary things like people's faces are gonna be melting and you know, I hear about people having bad trips. And so for me it freaked.

me out, which maybe if I did like a really, really high dose, it would be more of like that hallucinogenic kind of thing that I described. But what I've been doing, and I'll explain it a little bit here in a second is nothing like that. It is nothing like I even expected. Like when I did it for the first time, I was like, huh, okay, like that wasn't as scary as I thought. And so as my curiosity kind of grew, I called

I called them into my life and the very first time I did it, it was more of like a recreational thing. My bestie was in town and she was like, let's go out, like let's do them. And I was like, oh, okay, I guess if I'm gonna do it, like let's just do it. And when I tell you they were disgusting, oh my goodness, I am such a textural kind of girl. And the way that the mushrooms like dehydrate in your mouth,

The flavor it was not good. I was literally gagging the entire uber ride to downtown She was literally sitting next to me. She's like if you do that one more time I'm gonna have to kick you out of this car cuz it was I don't want to do it too many times, but you know when it's like

And so we went out downtown, I was totally fine. We went to this really nice restaurant for dinner and in the middle of dinner, I could feel them hit. And when I tell you, I could not sit still, I did not wanna eat. I literally needed to move my body. I wanted to go have fun, I wanted to go dance. And the conversations we were having were, I don't wanna say boring, because that sounds rude, but they were just...

Kelly Noble (11:07.468)
You know, they were fine if I was sober and I was just in that mindset, but I was in like wild party girl mode and I was not here for the conversation until we started talking about butt plugs and all kinds of other stuff. And I was like, oh, okay, now I can refocus. The ADD is like, focus in this conversation. This is fun. This is the vibe. But I was literally like ready to go downtown and like shake my boobs and shake my booty. And so...

That's what we did. We left the restaurant, we went downtown, we went dancing. It was so much fun. I was feeling like really, really acutely aware of everything though, and very heavily present like in the vibes. And we went to two different bars. It was not the vibe. And then we ended up at a gay club and it was so much fun. We just danced all night. We just chatted and met new friends and it was, it was amazing.

And then the second time that I called it in, it was when I was in Sedona, Arizona with some girlfriends. And the girlfriend that I was with was like, you know, do you want to try? Do you want to, do you want to dabble in it? I don't know how the conversation came up, but we were all like, yeah, let's do it. And I ended up doing much higher of a dose just because the first time again, it was something new. I just wanted to see how my body was going to react to it. I didn't want to, you know, feel like I couldn't do something. Um,

because we were downtown, all of that. So I did like a very, very tiny dose. Like I didn't really feel anything besides this beautiful like energy. And so we did a little bit more. I did get sick. Like I was laying on the couch and I was telling the girls like, go have fun without me. They were going to go on a nature walk. And I literally felt like I had to throw up. It made me feel so nauseous. One of my girlfriends, she's so sweet though. She made me some tea with some ginger to help with my tummy. And then I was like, okay, we'll go.

And it was so much fun, y 'all, especially just knowing you're with such an incredible group of humans. And one of the girls, she was much more well -versed in using the plant medicine. So she just made me feel really safe and secure and being able to do that. And this was where you could see fractals. So this is the first time I've ever experienced this. It is so cool. It almost reminds me of a kaleidoscope, but you see all of the geometric.

Kelly Noble (13:26.542)
patterns, like in the trees, in the ground, in the sky, everywhere. And it is so cool. It just makes you look at, I don't know, it makes you look at the planet so much differently. And we were just laughing and we were having the best time and we did set a really beautiful intention before having the plant medicine. So it just totally set off the vibe.

We ended up laying in the grass staring into the stars at night. It was so much fun. And then we ended the night in our really cute condo that was literally backing to the mountains of Sedona, super private, lots of trees in the hot tub. And we decided to go skinny dipping and we had some of the most deep conversations of just truly getting to know each other, talking about everything from relationships and sex and our businesses and

just getting to know each other. And it was such a beautiful moment. And then from that point on, I tried it for a third time. And this time I was like, okay, I'm at home. I feel, you know, I'm in my safe space. This is, I just wanna try a little bit more. Now I know like what that felt like. Let's see what the next level feels like. And y 'all. It was so much fun. We went on a nature walk again.

It was during Christmas time so we could see all of the Christmas lights in our neighborhood. And our neighborhood is so freaking cute. Our neighbors, they just do the best job. Like one of the neighbors, they kind of coordinate with everyone and the houses are all big and bougie. And it's just like, it's all of the vibes. I love walking in my neighborhood because it just expands me into like my next level of wealth. It's amazing. And it was gorgeous and it was weird. I could see the houses, but they looked like, I don't know, like fake.

Like, very structural. I don't know. It was so interesting. And the moon. Oh my goodness. The sky and the moon and the grids you could see with the fractals. The moon was just magnetic. This reminds me, it was also full moon vibes during Sedona. Same freaking thing. It was... Like, I'm just like embodying that energy right now. I could just feel everything like radiating through me. It was...

Kelly Noble (15:51.342)
So amazing. And then we came home, we were listening to this Odeza playlist. It was all of the vibes. My paintings were kind of moving and dancing with the music. When you close your eyes and how the music can kind of just like take you on this journey and these fractals and these pictures, even when your eyes are closed or just, it was just so cool. And I just had the best time. It was amazing. Just in your body, just enjoying, just vibing, just feeling connected.

Yeah, it was really, it's really hard to explain, but it was nothing like I originally thought it was like, it wasn't scary. It wasn't any of that for me specifically. And I do want to put this as a caveat. Again, where I live, this is legal. And also, this is my experience. This is what I've chosen to do. This is not me recommending anything to you. This is really me just wanting to feel fully in integrity by sharing.

what I'm doing right now, which is microdosing. I just, I just feel like it's important for transparency for who I am to have this episode. And if you're interested, do your own research. You can watch some of the things that I recommended earlier, follow moms on mushrooms. You know, there's so many good resources to do everything you need to do to figure out if this is a right fit for you to explore and also do it in a legal way. And so I haven't done like a hero dose hero doses are like,

really, really kind of big doses where you kind of hear more people talking about going through this really deep, intimate journey where you're like figuring out all of life's lessons. You're completely connected to source where everything is making sense. You're breaking out of the matrix. You're completely diving into the depths and the souls of yourself. I haven't done that type of a journey yet, but I am really excited to explore that.

When I feel ready, I don't know if I necessarily feel ready. Maybe I need to do a little bit higher of a dosage to again, build myself up. That's something that was just so important to me is like, how can I make this feel really safe in my body, really safe of an experience, a pleasurable experience for me. And that means just slowly increasing the dosage to understand how my body is going to react. And also I haven't done a bigger dosage by myself yet. It's been with other people, which has been amazing and fun and...

Kelly Noble (18:07.982)
and expansive in its own way like that. But I am really curious to see what it's going to be like to do it myself when I'm fully just in my body, my thoughts. So yeah, so I will get to that place. Maybe I'll have an episode on it. And once I do, if you want me to have an episode on it, like send me a message, let me know what whatever you guys want to know, like send me a message and I'm so happy to create content for it. So send that to me. But I have been wanting to do micro dosing.

Again, I've been doing so much research about the benefits of it. And what microdosing is, is you are taking a very, very small dosage. It's like 0 .1 to 0 .3 milligrams, grams, milligrams, little. And what's been suggested to me is do four days of microdosing, three days off. That is to help so you don't build a tolerance. But of course, always listen to your body.

and really see what works best for you. And it's supposed to help, you know, a lot of the research and stuff that's happened is it helps build neuro connectivity, builds the neuro pathways, which is so important. And it just aligns so much with a lot of the work that I do with my clients with self -concept work, a lot of the work that I do for myself.

of really building this identity and completely moving my identity into being that millionaire woman, being that CEO, being that woman that's making an impact, being that woman that uses her wealth to completely change the paradigm and create systemic change, like continuously evolving and stepping into this new self -concept. Stepping into this new self -concept and how you do that is building new neural pathways. Our brains are so programmed into

this repetitive habitual pattern, and it strengthen all of these different pathways within our brain. And so to be able to help shift that and connect these new neural pathways with who we are and who we envision ourselves to be and who we are walking into, I think it's just so interesting to be able to use psilocybin to help do that. There's also research on helping with cluster headaches, with anxiety, with depression, with PTSD.

Kelly Noble (20:23.982)
I've even seen things with really painful periods, which I've talked about on my social media before. I'll be talking probably on this podcast some more about all of my womb health journey. But if that can help in a natural way, I'm all about taking natural remedies to help heal my body. And it's supposed to help with creativity. And I'm really excited to see what the transition and what this shift is going to make.

You're supposed to do it for a longer term period. So it does help rebuild those pathways and especially being someone this is self -diagnosed, but all of the things that I have researched around CPTSD self -diagnosed, I have CPTSD and to see how this will help repair my brain from all of that long -term trauma and damage that has happened and.

What happens when you are microdosing in addition to building the neuro pathways, it uses the same receptors of serotonin. And serotonin is like the feel -good hormone. It helps you sleep. It affects your sexual desires, your happiness, your optimism. And usually you have lower serotonin levels when you have depression, PTSD, all of those things. So really I'm just excited to see the long -term benefits of what this will turn out to be.

And when you microdose, you don't feel anything. Like from a girl that understands what it means to put things in her body and feel out of an altered state, when I take the microdose, I literally don't feel anything. Like it's like I took nothing at all. Again, maybe you will react differently to it, but for me, it literally is just like...

moving on with your day. It's like taking an ibuprofen. You take it and you don't feel anything except for maybe like better. I will say this though, the first, during the first week I was taking it and I did feel my mental health significantly drop. Like I didn't feel this euphoric high. If you hear that noise in the background, it's snowing a ton. So they are plowing the snow in our neighborhoods. So thank you for your patience if I can edit that out.

Kelly Noble (22:40.718)
but I was feeling almost energetically really low, mentally kind of in a lower space. And I'm not sure if it's because of the microdosing itself or, I mean, I do know it's because of this. I had been going through a lot of friendship things with multiple friends. It was really impacting just my overall mood. I was really sad and maybe the microdosing kind of enhanced

enhanced that, which again is so beautiful and incredible because it's going to make you really aware how you're truly feeling so you can move through it as opposed to, you know, old behaviors that don't serve us where we're just shoving and we're neglecting and we're not really addressing. And so maybe it was a coincidental. I'm not sure, but that's how I was feeling. And let's talk about what happened after the week, because it is a wild story. I was I was not feeling like I did anything.

I was with my bestie. She was asking about it. She was like, do you feel any different? Like what's going on? And I was like, no, I feel like exactly the same. Nothing's changed. And when I reflected on that later that night, I was like, wait a minute, that's not true. Like, how did I say that? Because literally this entire day, things have been weird. So I went to see a girlfriend. She flew into town. She invited me to dinner and we were at this house.

And let's just say the vibes were, mm, off. I don't wanna spill too much of the business. Like you won't know who this is, but I don't wanna spill too much of the business. But essentially she was dating this guy. She came out here to see him. We went to dinner at his house. He had this whole dinner party. And when I get there, she's like, dude, he's not who I thought he was. Like this guy is bad news. Like bad energy, bad news, totally.

Nothing that I thought that I was getting myself into. And I could feel the energy when I was there. I was like, yeah, something's off here. Like, what is it? And he was kind of off. Like his energy was off. I was like, hmm, my body's screaming. No, like this is an immediate no for me. And I'm like, are we did you take me to a swinger party? Like what is happening? I don't know. The energy is just weird. And we're eating and she's talking because she's she's upset. Right. Like she totally had this different vision of this guy. All of the.

Kelly Noble (25:06.086)
time that they had been speaking to each other none of the things that were addressed when she came here he talked about like she felt totally blindsided and I Can see her talking I can consciously Like understand everything that she was saying But at the same time I was getting these drop -ins into like a parallel universe So have you ever had deja vu?

I know not everyone has, which is wild to me because I do get deja vu. My husband gets deja vu all of the time, too. I don't get it a lot, a lot, but I definitely get it enough and I've gotten it like throughout my entire life. But essentially, when you have deja vu, these hits of deja vu, typically from my experience, they last a few seconds or kind of just like a, whoa, that was weird. Like, like it's almost like you already lived that time.

Like someone says something or you see something or you do something and you can feel that it's already happened once before. So that was what was happening when I was talking to her. I was getting these hits of deja vu, but as opposed to them being short, like a few seconds, they were long. So I'm here listening to her consciously and then I can feel my body and my brain in a different deja vu parallel universe.

living in both at the same time. And at first it was a little bit shorter because I was kind of like, Ooh, what is that? I'm kind of scared. I don't know. Hang on. What just happened? And then as the night continued, it happened more and more and for longer periods of time. So I'm like, okay, honestly, I've never had anything like this happen before. It has to be the micro dosing. So is it new neuropathways that are just being sparked and like fired off?

I also have really, really, really, really intense dreams. And sometimes I don't know what's happened in a dream and what's happened in real life before. And so I'm like, okay, maybe it's just like neuro pathways. My unconscious is like making these different, like block, like unclearing these blocks. So I don't know. I don't know. And so when I was reflecting on it, I was like, no, that's actually like a huge change. And I came back home and talked to my husband and I was telling him about it. And he was like, that is so wild. Like,

Kelly Noble (27:26.574)
It has to be that, right? So I don't know. We're gonna continue to do this though. We're gonna continue to see what happens. We're gonna continue to see how my mood shifts, how my creativity starts to flow, to see what happens when I connect to these other areas of myself. And I'm really, really excited for it. Like I literally went from being terrified of trying it into like, okay, let's take this and see what happens because I want it to make me...

wildly wealthy and a millionaire in my business like the creative flow and Honestly, it's for y 'all too because if I can just tap into these other areas of my consciousness and really create some fire freaking content for y 'all like I just want to be able to pour it back into you and So I'm excited. I will keep you updated on the journey if you want again. Let me know slide into my DMs Do you like this? Do you not like this comment leave a review all of the fun things?

And yeah, that was kind of it. I can also put the resources in the show notes. So if you wanna watch those documentaries, you can. But yeah, I think that's it. I love y 'all. Have an incredible day, morning, night, wherever you are listening from. Follow me on my social media, kellynoble .coaching. Like this, review it. It helps so much with the algorithm and getting this out to other incredible souls like you that just wanna be in this world.

and my DMs are always open. So slide in there, let's talk, let's chat. I love y 'all and have an incredible time.