Manifest That Shift

Strip Club to Quantum Coach: Kelly's Story Of Overcoming Trauma to Building A Thriving Business

Kelly Noble Season 1 Episode 1

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Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of self-discovery with Kelly Noble! In this episode, Kelly spills the tea on her life, from the emotional loneliness of childhood to the wild ride of navigating abusive relationships, addiction, and even a stint in the strip club (yes, you read that right!). Along with the shadows, Kelly opens up about how she found her light, battled a toxic work environment, and ultimately carved her own path as a successful quantum coach. Get ready for raw honesty, real talk about mental health, and a healthy dose of "what the heck?!" moments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ditch the fear, ignite your passions! Kelly Noble shows us how conquering self-doubt unlocks the door to pursuing what truly sets your soul on fire.
  • Childhood echoes: shaping our present selves. Kelly dives into the powerful impact of early experiences on emotional well-being and self-worth and alchemizing that pain into purpose.
  • Beyond the surface: addiction and self-harm. Kelly sheds light on the deeper emotional struggles that happen before learning healthy coping modalities and nervous system regulation. 
  • Toxic ties? Cut the cord for growth! Kelly empowers listeners to identify the detrimental patterns to free themselves from the cycle of harmful relationships and work environments.
  • Unconventional healing: exploring intuition's role. Kelly shares her personal journey with seeking guidance from a psychic and sparking her spiritual awakening.  
  • Radical responsibility: your superpower! Taking ownership of your life and seeking help when needed will quantum leap you into building the live you dream of.
  • Coaching success: beyond just strategy. Kelly unveils the secret sauce - a potent blend of unconscious mind rewiring, following your intuition, manifestation, and a commitment to personal growth - for building a thriving coaching business.


00:00 Introduction and Overcoming Fear
07:11 Childhood and Emotional Loneliness
08:34 Managing Depression and Self-Harm
10:25 Toxic Relationship and Addiction
22:28 Eating Disorder and Success Chasing
26:19 Toxic Work Environment
29:44 Introduction and Background
30:41 Toxic Work Environment
32:10 Manifesting Pain and Disconnection
34:06 Buying a House and Starting a Business
35:29 Struggling with Identity and Purpose
37:23 Birth Control and Mental Health
38:19 Asking for Help and Taking Responsibility
39:17 Seeking Guidance from a Psychic
40:43 Starting a Coaching Business
44:13 Laid Off and Embracing Freedom
48:20 Shifting Mindset and Gratitude
52:01 Investing in Coaching and Personal Growth
55:15 Building a Successful Coaching Business
58:09 Diversifying Product Suite and Talking About Money
59:04 Conclusion

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Kelly Noble (00:01.234)
Let's effing go. Episode 1 of the Manifest That Shift podcast and I am about to spill the tea on my story. I am going to share things with you all that some of my closest friends don't even know about me. And I'm

in a place now where I feel fully embodied in my story, owning my truth, feeling comfortable with sharing this. So I'm really excited to allow this to be my first episode, even though I am walking my edge. It is a little scary. Let's just say we're going to be talking about drugs, alcohol, strip clubs. But you know what? It's all of me. So I'm so excited to finally work through.

all of the fear and the doubt and anxiety around me feeling worthy to finally launch this podcast. It has taken this long for me to do it because I have been sitting on this thought of, do I wanna do it? Should I do it? Am I worthy? I don't know. I'm too scared. I had a podcast before a couple of years ago with a friend and it was so much easier because I could bounce things off of her. We just had these really beautiful organic conversations. But when it's just,

me? Am I worthy? Does my voice matter? Will people listen? Do people care? And when I realized that this is just my ego being really loud, that it was something that I needed to address because the ego really is only here to protect us. And it is just replaying old stories of what people may have said around

some of the trauma honestly, I was holding around the breakup between me and my podcast partner. And it's like, no, I'm gonna, I'm gonna address these things. I'm gonna move these things. I'm gonna move through these things. I'd like to call my ego Rihanna. So I'm like, you know what girl, we need to have a conversation. What's going on here? What can I do to help you? What can I do to support you? Because I know that I'm creating this podcast with so much intention, with so much love, and I have way,

Kelly Noble (02:20.462)
too much knowledge and experience and results through my clients to be gatekeeping everything that I know. And on social media, I am still learning how to like navigate and play and show up fully in social media. To be fair, about a year ago, like today, I was tanning.

terrified to post on social media. Literally before last year, I would post maybe once or twice a year and I had this big journey of like learning how to show up on social media. So my social media in comparison to what it was miles and miles and miles away from what it once was. But I've always loved podcasting because I'm a long form content kind of girl. It has been challenging for me to like consolidate all of my thoughts.

into like 90 seconds on Instagram. So I'm really excited to bring this podcast to you. We are going to dive into the unconscious mind, learning how to truly manifest, which is co -creating with the universe, which is such a beautiful and intimate way with truly manifesting our desires, helping you all just build more love within yourselves, attracting love, attracting more wealth and building a business.

of your dreams. So if you're in for the ride, buckle up, let's go, because I'm about to spill the tea on all of the trauma, all of the background, all of everything that has gotten me to this place, because I get people that ask me all of the time, how did you get to become a quantum coach? And the simplest answer I have is life. Life has directed me to

this calling and my purpose. And if I look at my human design, so I have the Quantum CEO mastermind coming up and one of the guest experts that I have coming on is a human design expert. If you have not discovered human design yet, baby, run, well, after this episode, run, listen to the episode, run and start doing some research.

Kelly Noble (04:41.614)
It completely changed my life when I found this and I just deep dived into it. I was obsessed with it. I incorporate it now into my coaching, but I've been a little removed from it. And since we were talking, I was like, I want to dive into my human design again. And I started going into the channels and the gates. And when I tell you that if there was not the biggest sign in synchronicity screaming at me like, girl,

You are on the right path start this podcast. It's so in alignment with how you are designed You need to go so I have I have more channels in this but the three that really like pulled me into like okay This is this is what I need to do for the podcast is I have the 1a which is a design of the creative role model My 14 to which is the keeper of the keys this one I've actually never heard of before and when I dived into it, it's

Essentially, I'm here to unlock hidden potentials and bring harmony to other people's lives. Like, um, hi, hello, am I not a quantum coach? So wild. And then 2145, the materialist, which is all about wealth, abundance, financial success, and how to manage it. If you know me, I love money, and I love helping women that are here to make an impact on this world.

create more wealth because I know the more wealth you have, the more impact you have. Plus, I'm a Manny Jen, I'm a 2 -4, and one of the gifts of the Manifesting Generator is I help people collapse time. I know how to get people from point A to point B faster. And then the 2 -4 is the Hermit Opportunist, so I can be very social, I can be very Hermit, but one of the gifts and the curse of a 2 -4 is...

We are naturally so good at everything, like boohoo, pour me, I know. But the curse is we don't realize how good we are at doing stuff because it's so natural. So we constantly need things to be mirrored back to us so we can see our incredibleness. So, side tangent, I just had to talk about my human design because literally it was one of the things that helped me just solidify doing this.

Kelly Noble (06:56.334)
but I know you wanna get into the tea. I know you wanna get into all of the nitty gritty of everything that has led me to this place. And I think the easiest point to start is talking about my childhood and moving to this place.

When I start talking about my childhood, I do want to preface and say that I completely love and accept everything that has happened in my childhood. As I reflect back on it, I know that my parents did the best that they could with what they had at the time. Growing up, though, obviously you don't have that same sense of awareness, so it was very painful. It was very challenging.

I was very emotionally lonely is the easiest way to describe that. And even though I had my parents there physically, they were not there emotionally. And I was left home alone a lot. Like I was by myself at a very young age for very long periods of time. And through my upbringing, I did not learn how to

regulate my emotions. I did not know how to regulate my nervous system. I did not learn how to give or receive love in a healthy way. And because of that foundation as a child, it manifested into a lot of other traumas and situations in my life that have been hard. So...

As I started growing up, I got into middle school. I have been managing depression ever since middle school. I still remember having the conversation with my doctor about what is depression, what is bipolar disorder. And it was very, very challenging. That just gives you a little insight to how I was feeling mentally. And because I didn't learn how to...

Kelly Noble (09:03.448)
manage those emotions, the only way that I knew how to do that was by self -harm. So middle school is when I learned what that was, how to do it. I had other friends in middle school that were doing the same thing and I remember doing it for a while and it just didn't feel in resonance. If there's something that I've...

you know, like I'm sitting here thinking about there has been a theme through all of the things that I'm going to share. And I just continuously have gotten these intuitive hits. And at the time I didn't really know what this was, but I just knew that they weren't meant for me, that I knew that I was not in alignment and there was something deep within that moved me away from that. And so when I stopped self harm,

I still was not able to manage my emotions. So I shoved and I shoved and I shoved and self -harm then manifested into other things. So by the time I got into high school, I was then very drawn to this boy and we were very toxic for one another. You know, again, when I can look at it from the other perspective and seeing his upbringing and seeing his childhood and seeing...

his circumstances or attachment styles were just perfect for one another. He was a narcissist and I know that word gets thrown around a lot, but he was a narcissist. And I was so desperate to have attention and be loved. And since I didn't have a very good example of what that looked like through my parents, through my step parents,

I thought that the fighting and I thought that the toxic back and forth and the cheating and all of the things that were happening was love. And I was deeply in love with this boy to the point where he could cheat on me. He could leave me. He could talk poorly about me. He could then like love bomb me. And then I would always be there. Like I just wanted him.

Kelly Noble (11:20.462)
to be in my life because I loved him so much. The thought of him not being there was so painful. And if you know anything about being in an abusive relationship, you will, so your body and your nervous system will learn to adapt to keep you safe in any scenario or situation. So even though I was in a very unhealthy, abusive situation, I felt safe in that.

And to leave that felt so unsafe. So it was so hard to leave him. So if you have another friend or anyone that's experienced this, just know like at an unconscious nervous system level, this is one of the biggest challenges in actually leaving. And it was hard because I was in high school. You're like still developing your adolescent. Like it was such a pivotal point in my life.

to be in that type of relationship and really mold my self -worth, my value. That's where I started to learn how to use my body in a way that was really in a toxic kind of way. I didn't honor or respect or love my body. I used it as a tool to get love and affection. And I was in that relationship for five years.

Um, and it was really, really challenging. Um, and when I finally decided to leave, I again did not learn how to process my emotions. So then that manifested into using drugs and alcohol to cope and numb. And at first it kind of just started as like a little partying, a little this, a little that, and then it

kind of snowballed into more and more and more because even though I was leaving him, we were still connected. We were still bonded. We were still...

Kelly Noble (13:27.916)
our cords were still together. And I was trying to break away and he was still hurting me, but he was telling me he loved me and that he wanted to be with me, but he was cheating on me. It was this whole fricking thing. So every time that I was in this place, I just wanted more and more and more drugs and alcohol to numb. So I was like partying literally like seven days a week. And it got to the point where it was interfering with my job. It was, it was interfering with my life. I remember.

couple of times almost overdosing and dying. I remember the second time it happened. It was probably one of the most scariest times of my life. You know, we ran in the same social circles and I was out at a rave and I believe that weekend I did like 12 or 15 pills of ecstasy.

with lots of binge drinking, no sleep, no food. I basically saw my boyfriend like cheating right in front of me. And the only thing I knew what to do was to consume more drugs. And I remember I was finally home after a couple of days of binging and I remember laying in bed.

Kelly Noble (14:58.222)
I remember laying in bed, I started to hallucinate, I was physically ill. I literally felt my body leaving and I thought I was going to die. And I remember texting a friend saying, if you don't hear from me tomorrow, I'm dead. And I remember never hearing from them again. And so you can see,

low of a point I was in my life. And I remember, I remember the day, actually the night, that I had this epiphany and I stopped doing drugs and alcohol. I was at a party and we, we were, we were doing lines of cocaine.

and we were spelling each other's names out. And I remember it was my turn to go and I was watching and witnessing everybody else around me do it. Like I'm sitting in this really beautiful penthouse. Everyone is partying. Everyone is having a good time. There's literally anything that I would want or need party wise was at my disposal. And...

I'm watching them and my best friend at the time was like, come on, Kelly, it's your turn. And I just remember saying, is this my life? Is this who I am? Is this me? And in that instant I had this epiphany and I was like, I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore. And I left.

And I had to really do one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do. I had to completely disconnect myself from all of those friends. That was one of the moments where I was finally like ready to let go of that boyfriend. And I had to change my environment completely.

Kelly Noble (17:12.622)
and I did still stay connected to my best friend and he was still in that scene and that was fine but like I really disassociated from all of that. Now I did continue to drink that was still one of my vices but I did stop almost cold turkey all of the drugs and alcohol or I should say that the drugs and again because

I still wasn't able to process my emotions. It just manifested into something new. And I also remember during that time, I should circle back. Let's just talk about how toxic this relationship was for a second. So this is a piece of my story that I literally don't ever tell anybody. It's so far removed from my identity and who I am that it honestly I forget about it sometimes, but let's just talk about how toxic this relationship was.

So I had gotten into some legal issues. I got into trouble and I had gotten to court and my boyfriend at the time completely threw me under the bus.

which was wild because he 100 % should have been in trouble. He threw me under the bus to save his own ass. And I still stayed with him. I can laugh now, but at the time, it was not funny.

And because of that legal situation, I had a lot of court fees that I needed to pay and I was very young. I was 18. I did not have the money to pay it. And I decided to do a audition in a strip club. And let's just say when I decided to do that, I was actually very excited.

Kelly Noble (19:36.302)
There is, and I want to preface this. I believe in sex work. I believe that women should embrace their bodies, their sexuality. I believe that women, if they're doing it and it is by their own choice and it's in an embodied, empowered way. Baby, make your money, honey. Okay? Like OnlyFans, strip clubs, anything like that. If you are embodied and empowered in the work that you're doing, make your money. I get it. Men.

men are dumb when it comes to women. Like we are these beautiful, sensual beings. We hold so much power. Obviously, look at the patriarchy and everything is always trying to suppress our being and our power as women. Do your thing, boo. I'm here for it. And so growing up, like that was one of my biggest aspirations and I was excited to do it.

And so I auditioned, of course I got the job. I started working at the, it was a really nice, it was a really nice strip club. I worked at a really nice strip club. I worked there for a pretty short amount of time. I learned pretty quickly that I'm not good at it. Sorry, I needed to drink a water. And not in the aspect of like, I was a good dancer, but I was not a good like...

I can sit here and kind of like allow men to be the way that men are. It's just, if you've worked in a strip club, you understand what I'm talking about. I just wasn't good at that. So it didn't last very long, but it paid for all of my court fees. I got enough money to do that. And it was something that I kind of was gravitated towards again. And I tried it again and I had like worked one day and I was like, I can't do this. This this again, isn't me.

I did dance as a go -go dancer though for one of the biggest clubs in Denver. And it was amazing. Like I loved go -go dancing. That was a beautiful, beautiful time in my life. But it was also foreshadowed with a lot of sister wounds, a lot of mean girls. And the drugs and alcohol impacted my ability to continue working for the dance company that I worked for.

Kelly Noble (22:00.11)
And at the time I just had such low self -esteem. Like when girls were mean to me, and this is something that I have literally grown up with my entire life, when girls are mean to me, like I don't know how to take that. Like I grew up just feeling worthless. So when girls do that, it was really hard to be in that environment. But to kind of get back track on the story, when I stopped doing the drugs and alcohol,

It then manifested into an eating disorder and it was another way for me to numb. And when I stopped the eating disorder, again, I didn't know how to process any of my emotions. It then alchemized into success and goal chasing and doing anything that I could do.

to fill that void with love. Because when I reflect back, and this was a realization that I had not that long ago, but I was actually never addicted to the drugs or alcohol or any of the other things. I was addicted to the numbing that it provided. And so it wasn't until that I really learned how to take radical responsibility and address all of these

traumas and emotions and pains that I had suppressed for so long and even even even emotions like happiness and joy everything had been suppressed for so long that I didn't know how to express them or feel them and so at that time I was leaving my boyfriend like for good sure let's just talk about this too it got so bad with him that he was living in my apartment with me rent -free

He had no job. He had gotten kicked out of the place that he was living with. He was like living with a friend. And while I was at work, working, he was still cheating on me with the same girl that we had issues with over and over and over again. And I remember finding the receipt to, I think it was like Rainbow or it was like some store, but it was like a...

Kelly Noble (24:21.806)
like a girl's store, like he would not be shopping at the store. And it was time stamped all of these things. And I was like, you mother, I'm at work and you're over here taking this girl shopping. Like what the F, like you're living in my house. And it took me breaking my lease, moving back home, quitting my job because he used to stalk me at my work to finally like get away from him.

During that time I was like, okay, I'm ready to go back to school because after high school I did not go to college. I was in cosmetology school. I was a hairdresser for a long time Fun fact about me. A lot of people don't know that either and I was like, okay I'm ready to go back to school school was something I was always Intending on going to but I needed a break and I'm so glad I took that break because I was not in a space mentally emotionally Ready, I can't even imagine. Oh my gosh, like I

yeah, no, it was not a good time. But it took all of that to finally go back to school. And I started to go to school. I had always been a very, I should say, high performer in school, but it came very naturally. Like school was always pretty easy for me. High school, it was a little bit of a mess because I was with that boyfriend. Like I just skipped class all the time and I still graduated with honors, but whatever. I think that's too far human design in me again. Like I'm just so good at everything effortlessly. Like...

I don't even have to try that hard sometimes. Um, went back to school, got really like intentional with just pouring into my education. I had no friends at the time because I had to leave everybody to start this new life. So it was very, very lonely. I was kind of socially weird and awkward because I didn't know, I didn't really know how to like talk to people. I was always, I was always numbing and using drugs and alcohol to be very social. And so it was a very, very hard transitional time for me.

And when I finally graduated, I got my first job. I landed myself into a position that was also very toxic. And this is a pattern that I learned that I've also repeated. And it was basically a bunch of gaslighting and broken promises. And I wasn't being used to my full potential, which I hated. Like, what kind of employee goes to your boss and is like, I need more work. I need more challenge. Like, I need more opportunity.

Kelly Noble (26:47.662)
what else can I do? Like literally, if you want me to work all night long, I'm here to do that, but I need more than what you're providing for me. And yeah, blah, blah, blah. It's fine. We'll do this. And then I finally had to leave that job because there were girls there that they would not disclose, but they essentially told me that I was mean and I was unapproachable and that...

that basically they had issues with me, but they wouldn't tell me who it was so we could actually talk about it and address it. And to be fair, 100 % is not true, which I was really upset that my boss never actually stood up for me because like, you know me, we work together. Like, you know that I'm not mean. Like, I'm actually very, very nice. And any of the other people that have actually talked to me in this office know that. So whoever's saying this obviously is just projecting their insecurities onto me.

which again, that is not something that I knew at the time. I've totally learned now that we're all projecting onto one another and I have constantly mirrored back to other women, their insecurities, their whatever pains that they're holding onto and they project it out onto me and then they're really mean to me. So this has happened my entire life over and over and over. Trust me, I've been bullied for a long time and I've had girls tell me that they do not like me and they have no reason why.

or if I had a dollar for every time I had someone say, Kelly, I thought you were such a bitch and then I got to know you, that's been my entire life. And I was really upset because my boss did not stick up for me. And they continuously told me that I need to soften my approach, that I need to add smiley faces in my emails, that I need to mold into this person as opposed to like saying like, no, Kelly's a really good hard worker. She's a really sweet person.

you need to get to know her. Like I didn't have any of that. And let's just talk about this for a second.

Kelly Noble (28:47.982)
You would never tell a man that you need to add smiley faces in your emails and you need to soften your approach and be nicer. Like, no, that's not something that you would ever tell a man. Plus the company at the time, it was, I don't know, like, I mean, I loved the owners of the company. We got along, but there was a lot of like,

they wouldn't ever believe us or trust. Like I was in marketing and they didn't wanna talk, they didn't wanna like take our advice on social media. They didn't wanna like really listen to our opinions because we were millennials, we were younger, but they would spend all of this money and hire a consultant and the consultant would be telling them the exact same thing that we told them like a year ago. And then they'd be like, oh, this is a great idea. It was just, it was a company culture like that. And I was making barely any money. I was like, okay, this is not for me.

So then I got into luxury real estate and I freaking loved this job. I love real estate in general. I love beautiful homes. I've been in sales literally my entire life. My very first job was in high school and I sold lawn aeration. Like I used to go door to door and sell lawn aeration and I worked at Best Buy. I was a hairdresser, which is also sales.

Yeah, like I've been in sales my entire life. And so I was so excited to get this job. I quickly like tripled my income in one year. I became one of the top selling people year after year after year. And then there was a big transition in my company and you could feel the culture shift and change. And it became also kind of like very gaslighty, especially after 2020 because 2020.

I'm sure you guys can resonate like 2020 was a very hard, expansive, beautiful, life -changing year. And it just kind of like brought this big light onto all of these issues and just brought them into like straight into our faces. And so there was just just a big shift. And then, you know, I was promoted and I was vastly underpaid compared to market value for the position.

Kelly Noble (31:11.182)
I was vastly underpaid in comparison to a brand new colleague that got hired that was a man. Most of the people at my company that were in sales were women. And I just thought it was really interesting that he came on and he was making like 40K more than me just like at base. And I was like, hmm, that's interesting. Why is that? Because it seems very coincidental. And so,

you know, when I was talking about my income, talking about my pay, I was also doing two people's work. I was supposed to have an assistant. I did not have an assistant. And I was advocating for myself. Like I want to be paid market value and I'm doing the work of two people. And I essentially got told things like, you should just be happy that you have a job. And if you think the grass is greener somewhere else, then you're more than welcome to explore that. Which is wild, because I'm like, dude, I'm literally one of the most...

performing salespeople. Like can I get a little fucking respect? So it became just like very very toxic and all of the clients that I started working with, not all of them, but I started to get more and more hard clients, toxic clients. Like I had one woman who literally tried to fight me and she brought her husband to scream at me while she was screaming at me in my office. Like I literally thought I was gonna have to call 911.

She was absolutely out of her mind. That's an extreme, but like, again, it kind of goes to show what your internal world will start to project and attract and mirror back to you. Because for the longest time, I had the best clients, like all of them. I just loved, maybe you'd have some a little difficult ones, that type of thing, but that's totally normal. But I started getting more and more and more, and it just started taking a toll on my mental health. And because I was doing the job of two people,

I was working so many hours. I was burning myself out. But again, because I've been so disassociated from my soul, from my body, because I have been living in fight or flight my entire life, I have been surviving with wounded masculine energy my entire life, it didn't feel any different. I started manifesting a lot of pain throughout my body with like chronic pain that I'm still working through now.

Kelly Noble (33:36.846)
because I was just so unconnected to how I was feeling, to what my body was doing, the stress I was putting my body under, the lack of rest and sleep and love and care and attention, all of these things. And I started to numb again. And I used to be the person that like, and I do love this about me, but I'll just come up with this idea and then I'll just do it. And...

One of the things was I was like, I wanna buy another house. At this time, we had already purchased two properties and I wanted to buy another one. We had a goal of buying a new house every two years and I was making a lot of good money and I felt like if I could feel better, I will buy this like $850 ,000 house and I'll feel better. And we spent a lot of time sitting on it, mulling over it, thinking about it and...

We finally said yes, but there was like this piece of me like, you know, when you have to like force it, I should have known that it wasn't the right decision, but we did it anyway. And at that time too, I was trying to build a jewelry brand. It was called Chrislist Haze and it's probably something I would bring back. But now that I have more clarity and alignment in what I would want to create, I think it would be beautiful and amazing and incredible.

But I wanted to create a sustainable jewelry brand. And so I had all gold filled jewelry. I had sterling silver. It was something that I just like, again, I already knew that my job was kind of like not it. And 2020 gave me a little piece of freedom where I had more time, autonomy, and I had a little bit more time and space away from my job where I could actually be with my husband and.

So I was like, I'm gonna start this business, which was so challenging. Like just starting a business in general can be challenging. You're trying to outsource quality products. A lot of products you get are crap. They're not really what they are, what they advertise, building a website, doing all of these things. But one of the biggest things that really shut me down in starting that business was when I started talking about like my story and my why, and I really started to realize that like,

Kelly Noble (35:58.862)
I didn't know who I was. And it was so hard for me to really put my all into that business because there was such a piece that was disconnected. And it was me being connected to my authenticity and my truth and my being. And so I'm moving through all of my job. I'm moving through creating this business and I'm more and more depressed. I...

Then am proposed to I am planning a wedding and if you know me I have really painful bad periods and I had gotten off of birth control for several months because I had learned so much about what it was doing to my body. I was getting physically ill from it. It was just no longer in service to me and

I was scared because I was going to Chicago to go wedding dress shopping. We were going on this trip. We were doing all of these things. And I was like, crap, I'm gonna have to get on birth control again. And I got on birth control and I got the Depo -Provera shots. If you've ever heard of it, it's like a shot that gets in your arm. It's good for three months. And I was like, perfect. And it's gonna last through these three months. I have all these big things coming up. It's perfect. When I tell you that my mental health, when I tell you that my mental health,

viraled out of control. It was wild. I'll do another episode on birth control, what I've learned about birth control and my whole birth control womb health journey. But I was in a dark depression on top of everything else that has led up to this point. And I finally hit such a low that I was in bed crying for hours like un -

control of me crying. I could not physically stop. And my husband is trying to console me and love me and be there for me. But he's also like, I don't know what to do. Like what is going on? And I, I basically tell him like, I need help. It was one of the first times in my life that I was vulnerable enough to like,

Kelly Noble (38:19.768)
ask for help and really share how I was feeling. I've been with my husband for 13 years and there has always been this layer, this wall, this one piece of me that I would never fully let anyone into because I was protecting it. This vulnerability, this truth and like my husband knows a lot of stuff like everything that I'm like he knows like a lot of this stuff.

but he didn't really know like the inside piece of me struggling so deeply. And in that moment, I decided to take radical responsibility for my life, get help, ask for help, and be the cause in my life. I had to stop allowing all of the trauma, all of the past, all of everything that was leading and bubbling up to that.

point to define me and my happiness and what I wanted. Because the thing about me, every time I've hit my lowest depressive moments, and when I'm telling you low, I mean low, like questioning life low, it has always led me to I am not living in my purpose. Why am I here?

I know that I meant for more. I know that I meant to make a bigger impact in the world. A lot of the times that usually resulted in me thinking about like going to Africa, building homes or bringing water, like being very in service humanitarian, like hi I'm an Aquarius, like very humanitarian type efforts. And yes that is still something very heavy on my heart that I...

will love to do. I cannot wait to grow my business to get to a space where I can fund these types of programs and doing it away from colonization. I'll save that for another story. But I always knew that I just was not living in my purpose, that there was something missing. And I got help in therapy. I was working on a lot of the childhood things, all of the wounding, a lot of grieving that I had to do.

Kelly Noble (40:43.278)
And soon after that, I decided to have a girls night. I have always been interested like in psychics. My grandma had interactions with the psychic a long time ago and basically everything she said, it like came into fruition, her two boys, like all of these things. And I have been like, I like, I was calling it in at the time. I didn't realize I was calling it in, but I was calling it in.

And I was getting my hair done and I was talking to my hairdresser and she was telling me about the psychic and she was like, dude, like she's like legit. She came to our house. You could do this thing. So I was like, okay, cool. I'm going to get these groups of girls together. We're going to do the same thing. Like how fun. Oh my God, I can't wait. And when I tell you her name is Elizabeth, she works at Cosmic Tea Holistic Shop. She owns it. When I tell you about this woman is a psychic. Hi. Hello. She is connected. Like she is.

Literally the most incredible thing that's ever happened to my life.

When she was doing everybody's readings, all of our faces were to the floor. She didn't know who we were. She didn't like, she literally had crystals in her bra because she was coming to this like area in the neighborhood where she was like, oh my gosh, you know, are they going to like kidnap me? What's going on? Um, like she didn't know any of us and every single person was so spot on. And it's not that she didn't tell me something that I didn't know. It's not like she was predicting all of these things. But when I tell you she was

calling me out on all of my bullshit. Like she saw straight through me.

Kelly Noble (42:22.094)
I was shook and not only did she do that, but she gave me actionable steps and tools to help heal and move forward. And what did I do? I listened to her and I read the books. I bought the books. I started doing all of the things that she said. I started doing the womb healings. I did everything because I was holding a lot of trauma in my womb between sexual assaults, between

me not honoring my body, all of these things. She did everything for me. I will say she gave me books from Brene Brown to read and I remember reading initially and I was like, I don't have shame. Like this is, I don't know, this doesn't really hit for me. Like I'm pretty okay with everything in my life. Like I really don't care. Like, you know, I am who I am.

but it was definitely a seed that needed to be planted because as that seed grew, I realized that I was holding so much shame around every single last aspect in my life. And I didn't even know it. Again, I was so disassociated from my body, from my soul, from who I was. I was literally like the Lulu, like...

I'm fine, I'm good. Like, no, sis, we're not. Like, you hold shame around everything. So I had to go on this deep, deep journey around that. And I was still working my job. Later that year, I was stressed about the house that we were building. I was like, we shouldn't have done this. Like, my payments were gonna be ridiculous. And I was...

having this conversation with my husband and I was having this meltdown and I was again, right? I bought the house to try and numb. And now I was like, I wish we could get out of the house so we could get our deposit back and we can rent out our current house and we can just leave for a year and travel, which is something that I do want to do. But again, at that time I was using that as a way to escape from everything. My husband's a Capricorn and he was like, we're not going to do that.

Kelly Noble (44:39.374)
And it wouldn't have worked out anyway, right? Like, it's not like my company would have been like, oh yeah, here's your deposit back. No, it wouldn't have happened like that. He's like, we're buying this house and we're going to move forward. And I was like, okay. And then a week, no, a couple of days later, I was outside meditating. I, I've never been the type of person that has been able to just like sit and meditate, but I used to love going on nighttime walks with my dog.

look at the stars, talk to the moon, listen to like frequency music, meditation music, and just like zone out and meditate and breathe. And I was arguing with the moon that night because I felt like I wanted to be connected to my angels, spirit, source, whatever it was that was there to guide me and protect me, that I was doing all of this inner work, that I was doing all of the things that I was supposed to be doing.

and I was upset. I was like, I want you to give me a sign so mother f 'n big that I know without a shadow of a doubt that is you. Like give it to me. I'm ready for it. Like I need you to show yourself right now.

Kelly Noble (46:01.486)
A week goes by, I have a meeting with my VP of sales to talk about my compensation plan for the next year, because if you're going to talk about your compensation and ask for more money, you need to do it before they are actually going to do it. Like months before they're like, oh, this is your raise. You need to be proactive because they are trying to budget and you need to have the discussion beforehand. So that's what I was doing. She comes in.

really early, I'm with a client and I'm like, oh, you're in, you're in so early, what's up? You know, blah, blah, blah, blah. And she was like, yeah. I mean, she said it nicer than this, but essentially she was like, you need to pack up your shit and go, you're getting laid off. And I was shocked. And then she started talking about the house I was building and I started bawling because I had been envisioning this home, like.

I was gonna have a room for my podcasting room because at the time I had the other podcast. I'm gonna have this podcast room. We're gonna have a basement. We have this beautiful open space and we have gorgeous views in the backyard. Like finally my dog is gonna have a yard. Like I was so excited for this house even though I was feeling some type of way about it. But she said we're gonna give you your deposit back if you want or you can continue with the house.

Well, yeah, girl, I don't have a job. Like, yes, give me my money back. And I remember in that moment, I was like freaking out. I was like, but what do I do? Like, I literally have this woman, she's wanting to deposit and contract with us. Like, what am I supposed to do? And she said, Kelly, I know that this is gonna be hard for you, but that's not your problem anymore.

you can leave. And that was one of the most freeing things that could have happened to me. Like she was my permission to just let it go. And of course, in the moment I had all of these thoughts, right? Self -sabotaging thoughts of why me? I should have worked harder. I could have done better. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Why isn't it so -and -so? Like

Kelly Noble (48:20.174)
It's not fair. You get into this very victimhood mentality and that happened for an instant. But then I remembered, Oh, bitch, this is your sign girl. You asked for this. And in that instant, everything turned into gratitude. I was happy that it was me and it wasn't my coworker that has two babies. I was happy that it was me and it wasn't my coworker who is older and it would be much harder for her to find a job.

I was so full of gratitude that this was the blessing and the manifestation that I literally was calling for. And after that, it did take a minute. Like in the beginning, I was like, I have so much freedom, this is awesome, I'm gonna sleep in. I did end up sleeping like literally for a whole month and I felt a lot of guilt and shame around that until I talked to a friend and she was like, A, you're probably exhausted, your body is telling you it needs this because...

you've been so burnt out and overworked because I would be like, I'm trying to meditate in the morning. I'm trying to do breath work and literally I'm sleeping in the middle of it. She's like, yeah, cause you're exhausted. And it was a very big journey for me to then disassociate my value from success, from money, from producing, from doing energy. Because if I'm not doing something, then I'm not worth something. And I had already kind of known like I wanted...

to be in this coaching space, even though I didn't know what coaching was at all, which I have a funny story about that. I'll save the time and not talk about it. But like, I was in the podcast. I kind of knew that I was wanting to get into this space because I was really inspired by a bunch of other women that I found in podcasting. Kathy Heller was one of my biggest inspirations when I was on this spiritual journey and I didn't really have friends that were...

really aligning with me. I felt very alone again during that time during my spiritual awakening. I was very, I just, I've had a lot of sister ones. I haven't really had a lot of deep intimate connections with friends, but I found people like Kathy Heller. I found people like Manifestation Babe, Catherine Zanquina, the Almost 30 Women. And when I was thinking about my podcast and what I wanted to do and seeing what they've been building and creating,

Kelly Noble (50:41.326)
They were so inspirational. So I kind of knew I wanted to do what they're doing, like really inspiring women how to make this change in their life. Cause I was a living embodiment to it at the time and still am. And so good old social media analytics. As I'm looking this woman, Ashley Gordon, she has a quantum coaching academy. She popped up as an ad.

And if you know me, I'm the type of girl I will research, I will deep dive, I will spend so many hours like doing all of these things. And I did do it with her. I did that and I did look through and I was like, I'm not sure, but I booked a discovery call, had the meeting. There was just like something inside of me that was like, you have to do this. Literally it was everything embodied in what I was so obsessed with. You know, in my healing journey, I became obsessed with the unconscious mind, with the nervous system, with somatic work.

with energy work and literally all of her certifications in coaching are about that. Essentially she's like, I'm gonna teach you how to coach energy and if I can teach you how to coach energy, you can coach anything. It was a vibe. Literally the best decision I've ever made in my life. I signed up for the program even though I was terrified. I had no, like I had no income coming in. I just got laid off from my job. I was making this huge investment in coaching. I had no idea if it was gonna.

be return on investment. I had no idea if I was able to do this or not, but I just trusted myself and I said yes. And I started doing a lot of the pre -work. I started the program January of 2023 and it was a six month program. I healed sister wounds in that. Like I found so many of the most aligned women ever. And a lot of the foundation and tools that I learned in the quantum.

in the Quantum Coaching Academy are part of the Quantum CEO mastermind that I have because it was so life -changing the things I learned in that program that I have to be able to like reshare this information into this new mastermind program. And everything in my life started shifting. I started having these women that were supportive, that were loving, that believed in me, that saw me, that wanted to get to know me, that wanted to be friends with me, that were attracted to my energy. And all of these opportunities started...

Kelly Noble (52:55.598)
to land it in my lap. And I started to birth the vision that I was holding when I was wanting to become a coach, like having spaces like retreats and healing and being able to help women change their lives. So during that first six months, I fully engulfed myself in mastering the art of coaching. I was coaching people for free. I was coaching people every single week to...

learn the specific tools that we were learning in our class. I was doing everything I could to be an embodiment. I was reading, I was watching videos, I was doing the pre -work, I was doing everything. And when I first started that program, we were three weeks in and we had a call with our mentors. It was a coaching call where they could give you feedback, they could gauge where you are. And I remember getting done with that call and she was like,

This was amazing. I don't have a ton of feedback for you, but I want to ask you like, how long have you been doing this? And I said, oh, like three weeks ago, whenever the program started. And she was like, there's no way you're, you're kidding. And I was like, no, like ever like that. This, this is the first time ever I've ever coached anybody at all. And she said, you,

easily could have told me you've had five to ten years of experience and I would have never batted an eye. This is meant for you. Like this is your calling. And from there I just I leaned into that and I knew that this was for me. And so at the end of that six months I was still healing the sister wound. I was getting over my social anxiety. I went to my first conference and that's where I met a lot of beautiful women.

which then led me going into a retreat with more women that I didn't know, and that was so out of my comfort zone. But that retreat helped me really launch into my business because it was towards the end of the program. The next month I was like, I'm all in, like I'm doing this. I am committed to growing my business. And from that point on to the end of the year, I went from $0 in my business,

Kelly Noble (55:15.438)
to $40 ,000 closing out the year. And I'm still in the middle of my mastermind program launch. So it's just been wild to like go from there to now and really being able to learn how to coach energy, really learning about business energetics, manifestation about...

business strategy now because I've hired and I've invested, reinvested myself into business so I can then grow my business and help all of the clients that I have. And at the time it didn't feel like a lot, but this is why we have mentors and coaches. Again, the two four, I need things to be constantly mirrored back to me so I can see myself in the greatness that I've actually done. And...

It's wild to think I've had this much success in such a short amount of time. And honestly, 2023 for me was like working through a lot of the inner stuff. And I know that growing a business, a soul, the line business, I'm going to continuously peel back layers and that's going to be a part of the process. But really it was like figuring out, can I do this? Am I able to do this? How do I do this? And being in that cycle to now 2024 baby is about to be lit AF like.

Last year was all like this self discovery. It was building the foundation. It was setting me sell myself up for this. And now 2024 is about to be lit. Like I've already established myself as a high ticket coach. I have, you know, I have clients anywhere from wanting to transition into being a service provider, coach, spiritual healer to

multiple seven -figure business owners, like I have such a wide spectrum of women that I get to work with, but I get to help them build a business based off of pleasure and joy, finding the balance between healed masculine energy and feminine flow and being a magnet and being able to attract opportunities and manifest the shit out of their dreams and goals. Like,

Kelly Noble (57:39.374)
2024, let's go. I've already established myself as a high ticket coach. That was off the bat. 2024 for me now is going to be really diversifying my product suite, building my product funnels, building my top of funnel, building basically everything else. Like I've already had this, so I need to, like this top of the pyramid. Now I need to build everything else around the pyramid. And so I have some really exciting things coming through. I've had a lot of women that have wanted to work with me and it hasn't been accessible yet. So,

having more accessible ways to work with me. Again, I love wealth and money. It's something that I've been kind of like hush hush about, but I'm fully ready to like step into this. I wanna talk about money. I wanna help women with money. I know that I'm here to do this. Like I've built so like my net worth, I've been able to build incredibly. And now that I'm doing it on top of like the energy and the flow and the ease, like.

Oh my gosh, I can't wait to give all of this knowledge out to everybody. So stay tuned with everything. Make sure to follow me on my socials. Connect with me. I have some fire good stuff coming your way. Um, but yeah, that's, that's my story. I'm sure I missed a ton of stuff, a lot of details, but I really, again, want to highlight that I hope that this is a mirror for you and you feel seen and heard in it. And you can see that.

You can turn anything that's happened into your life and alchemize your pain into your purpose. So I will see y 'all next week. I love you so much. Have the most beautiful day and yeah, bye.